
Tales of The Vampire Cultivator

Masquerade1010 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Luo Fan

A small boy could be seen running through the alley ways of Beijing China being chased by two full grown men. That kept running into each as the were trying to grab the small boy.

The small boy was none other than Lou Fan.

The two men were unofficial lackeys of the Zhou family. Zhou Ming, Patriarch of the Zhou family hated the Luo family with a passion, Especially the Luo family's patriarch Luo Zhang. When they were younger they trained under the same master and Luo Zhang always out performed Zhou Ming. Whether it was martial arts completing other task requested by their master Luo Zhang always won. This made Zhou Ming increasingly jealous of Luo Zhang. Zhou Ming jealousy didn't stop with Luo Zhang as both Luo Zhang children would always beat Zhou Ming children as they grew up and Zhou Ming Children felt jealous towards Luo Zhang kids as well. It wasn't until there grandchildren came along that changed, neither of their grandchildren cared about competing against the other family and just wanted to play and be friends with the other families kids.

The Zhou Family had only 1 only had one grandchild her name was Zhou Lin, while the Luo family only had 1 grandchild as well that was Luo Fan. Zhou Ming didn't want to see Luo Fan and Zhou Lin friendship develop any farther than what it already was in the future as they got older. So he decided to capture Luo Fan and kill him to prevent that from happening.

As Luo Fan was running through the alley ways, he noticed a small crack in the basement of the forbidden building that was rumored to be haunted that no one not even the adults dared to touch. The crack was just big enough for Luo Fan to squeeze through. He barely managed to squeeze through in time as one of the lackeys came within inches of grabbing Luo Fan.

Luo Fan dropped down 10 feet to the basements dirt floor, a pretty big jump for a 10 year old.

He sat down leaning against the wall breathing heavily trying to catch his breath. The two lackeys outside could be heard through the crack in the wall cussing a blue streak.

[ Lackey 1] "Look what you did the stupid brat got away."

[ Lackey 2] "Me? How is my fault if you hadn't kept getting in my way I could have got him. It's your fault he got away you stupid imbecile."

First lackey pause for a moment trying to think of a solution

[ Lackey 1] (nervously says) Do you think we should go in there?

[ Lackey 2] Heck no, don't you know anyone that goes in there dies because it's haunted.

[Lackey 1] so what should we do then?

[Lackey 2] since he is good as dead, we can just say we chased the boy all the way into the forest and while we were chasing him the boy got attacked and eaten by a bear.

[Lackey 1] That is a great idea, lets head back immediately and report that that to Zhou Ming.

Luo Fan could hear Zhou Ming's lackey's walking away. Once he could no longer hear the two men talking he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked around the basement he was in there was a stairway along the opposite wall of the basement. There were also multiple bookshelves along each wall of the basement. Some of the bookshelves contained beakers with strange unknown substances. There cobwebs in everywhere most of the covering the stairway up to the first floor, as well as covering the bookshelf's and most of the walls that could be seen. Just as Luo Fan was about to attempt to climb up the visibly rotting stairway. A light reflection caught his eye. In the corner of the basement, something with gold edging could be seen poking out of the dirt floor. The light from the sun had made its way through the same crack in the wall Luo Fan and squeezed through and was just at the right angle to cast a reflection off the gold edging. Luo Fan cautiously made his way over to object casting the reflection scared of what he might find. He had heard from people that lived around him. That anyone that enters the house he had hid in dies so he was hoping he wouldn't find any dead bodies while he was here. Luo Fan brushed away the cobwebs in his path and that were trying to cover the object. Luo Fan started to dig out the dirt surrounding the object, after a few minutes of digging Luo Fan was able to pull the object out of the ground to reveal a very expensive looking box. All the edges of the box where laced in gold and each side of the box had gold designs carved into the box. After a few minutes of messing with the box he managed to figure out how to open it. Inside the box was a plain black book with green lettering that simply said Cultivation.

Luo Fan had been taught about cultivation, but since no human that has ever lived had meridians or a Dantian as the God of Creation did not want humans to have the ability to cultivate as he knew how cruel and horrible humans could be if given such abilities. At most humans could only absorb the tiniest bit of ki never being able to reach the first level of the Innate Realm.

As Luo Fan was looking over the book cover he felt a strange compulsion to want to read the book in its entirety.

So for the next 3 Hours Luo Fan read the entire book, after Luo Fan finished reading the book in it entirety, a bright light enveloped Luo Fan for a few minutes. Once the light disappeared he could feel extra parts of his body that were not there before finishing reading the book on Cultivation. Luo Fan could also feel a extremely strong and dense energy surrounding him. After the light disappeared the book disintegrated making sure Luo Fan would be the only human to ever have the ability to truly be able to cultivate.

Excited with the prospect of being able to cultivate, the book had taught a cultivation technique called the Divine Dragon Transformation technique. which at the Divine Transformation realm would he be able to actually transform into a genuine dragon. After 9 hours of cultivation Luo Fan has reached the 5 level of the Innate Realm now has quadruple the strength of a full grown man.

Luo Fan decides that he has cultivated and gotten strong enough that he can most likely make it back home safely as he is also very tired and hungry after not eating all day long and his family must be worried about him by now.

Luo Fan rain up the haunted house's basement stairs and out the front door faster than any normal human should be able to and made it back to his house in record time.

Luo Fan's Grandfather Luo Zhang sees Luo Fan enter the house.

[Luo Zhang] Where have you been?

[Luo Fan] I was hiding from Old man Ming's people, they were trying to kidnap me and kill me, if I wasn't able to slip in to the haunted house when I did I would probably be dead by now.

[Luo Zhang] WHAT!? Are you sure they were trying to kidnap you?

[Luo Fan] Yes Grandfather, I heard one of the people that were trying to kidnap me tell the other, that they were just going to tell Old man Ming that I had been killed by a bear and that was the reason they were unable to kidnap me instead of saying they were just too scared to go into the haunted house.

Luo Zhang takes a moment to think about what actions he should take and decides that he will sleep on it.

[Luo Zhang] Luo Fan go to your room its time for bed we will discuss this with your parents in the morning.

[Luo Fan] Good Night Grandfather.

In the Zhou family home Zhou Ming was furious to hear from a spy he had placed in the Luo family that not only had his two lackey's failed to kidnap and kill Luo Fan they lied about and ran off and disappeared after telling him Luo Fan was eaten by a bear. Zhou Ming being furious that his plan failed, he set out to hire some assassins to help him to completely destroy the Luo family. Zhou Ming having to spend nearly half his fortune hired 50 assassins to wipe out the Luo family. Zhou Ming immediately went to Luo family's place to kill them all, he would save Luo Zhang for last so that he could be forced to watch as each of his decedents were brought before him and killed.

19 of the 20 members of the Luo family were dragged out of their rooms and brought to the meeting hall, everything was going as Zhou Ming planned it to except...

[Zhou Ming] Where is Luo Fan why has he not been brought here yet?

The assassins looked at each other but no one gave a reply.

[Zhou Ming] two of you need to go check on your comrades that were in charge of getting Luo Fan.

Two of the assassins left the meeting hall and did as they were told, 10 minutes latter still no Luo Fan and none of the 4 assassins had come back. Zhou Ming was about to go look for them himself when suddenly they started hearing a strange sound that was getting closer. Luo Fan enter's the room dragging a sword on the ground that looks to be bigger than he is. Luo Fan through something on the floor and it turns out to be the 4 heads of the assassins that had tried to drag him from his room.

Everyone stared at the 4 assassin's heads in shock they looked at the 4 heads than looked at Luo Fan in disbelief. With out saying anything Luo Fan disappeared from where he stood only for a minute later to reappear at the spot and the only thing that could be heard is the sound of 46 heads falling to the floor.

Zhou Ming started backing up towards the door scared out of his mind of what he just witnessed, how could a 10 year old boy kill 50 full grown men that were trained assassins he couldn't think of any logical conclusion.

Luo Fan disappeared again right be end Zhou Ming

[Luo Fan] Where do you think your going? Did you think you could just run away after hiring 50 assassins to slaughter my family?

Zhou Ming started to cower in fear in front of Luo Fan.

Luo Fan looked at his Grandfather

[Luo Fan] What should we do about Zhou Ming?

Luo Zhang still had his mouth hanging open in shock, but quickly got his composure.

[Luo Zhang] I will bring him before the Emperor and let him decide.

The next day it was decided that Zhou Ming would be banished from China and he if he ever tried to enter China he was to be killed on the spot.

800 years later

A man could be find in his office on the top floor of the tallest building in all of Beijing China looking over the city The man doesn't look a day over 21 yet has a powerful aura around him. He heard someone enter the room and they began to speak to him

[Queen Karina] Luo Fan every time I come to visit you, you are looking out that window, what is it exactly you are looking for?

The man turns around sighing,

[Luo Fan] I am just enjoying the view Karina, for what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit?

[Queen Karina] I need you to investigate something for me one of my offspring has mysteriously been killed and a new Vampire who has the ability to cultivate has appeared but I am unable to locate him and don't have the time to be running all over the Americas trying to find this new vampire, I want you to find him and eliminate him.

[Luo Fan] Oh, and whats in it for me?

[Queen Karina] How about I finally grant your wish of turning you into a vampire and help you break through to the Divine Transformation Realm?

[Luo Fan] That sounds like we have a deal.

I want to sincerly apoligize to all my readers who have been waiting for me to realease, I have alot of trouble deciding how i want each chapter to go and takes me a bit of time to figure it out, I have uploaded two chapters as a way to make up for not uploading a chapter last month, hopefully i can get back to my regualar 1 chapter a month upload schedule.

I hope you enjoy both chapters.

I decided to change my writing style a bit let me know what you think do you like this style of writing or my original style of writng?

Masquerade1010creators' thoughts