
Tales of the Undead Sirens

People in love often say they have never seen someone as beautiful as their significant other. This would also be the case for Elias Hathway except... he had. Stories of the Undead Sirens are commonplace in the northern British seaside town of Farnfair. They were always thought to be just stories with no real evidence of the existence of these Sirens. These stories were always used to scare naughty children into behaving or became Hallows Eve tales during the scary story portion of parties or sleepovers. One girl, Aura Sophia Flores-Thomas, believed the tales from being young and was determined to find the truth.

WriteOrFlight · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Prologue Part Two

Elias sighed as he thought about Della. The girl had been so innocent and sweet. She valued tradition, which meant when the Major plucked up the courage to ask Della on an outing, he needed permission from her father figure, Ernest. Of course, Ernest was over the moon. Why wouldn't he be? Elias was a handsome, brave, kind soul with so much empathy that took over his entire being at times. He had dark hair that almost brushed his shoulders, dark eyes to match that were black as a moonless night and skin with the slightest tan from being in the sun so often but otherwise he was pale in comparison to the other people of the town. His skin was completely blemish free, not a freckle or scar in sight. Elias was known as a smart individual with tactics to rival any enemy he may cross. He also had a great position in the military that gave him power and in turn meant Ernests' daughter figure would be safe and well for the rest of her life.

The first official outing of Elias and Della as a couple consisted of a well-planned picnic, the area they occupied only accessible by horseback. Della had never ridden a horse despite living in Texas all her life. It was a scary thought; being up so high and able to fall if she lost concentration for even a second. The Major sensed apprehension as soon as they approached his steed.

"Miss, excuse me for being forward but if it clears your mind…" He hesitated, mentally working out how to word his next sentence. "Miss- Della, you should sit at the front so I can ensure your safety for the journey." He looked at her sincerely as he said this to show he cared deeply for her safety and concerns.

Della gazed at Elias through her blonde eyelashes, her eyes glazed over and a faint frown adorned on her features. She nodded, a hesitant smile on her lips as she approached his steed carefully, stroking the horses neck gently as she passed. The Major held out a hand to grasp hers and help her on the horse with as little difficulty as possible. When he was sure she was situated and not moving anywhere, he climbed on behind her and encouraged the horse to trot lightly towards their destination.

Lush green grass wasn't common around the couple's part of Texas so a picnic seemed abnormal. However, the Major had everything planned the way he wanted it. He placed a worn blanket on the dusty ground with dry grasses all around. A few strangely shaped, mostly dead trees graced the humid landscape and in the distance were some fire-red hills that went for miles, each one unique in height and shape, containing the same nature as everywhere else in the area.

Elias had mostly packed fresh fruit for the outing, as he wasn't overly sure what foods Della would appreciate. As soon as the couple sat down, Della bit into a shiny red apple, gazing at the scenery around her.

Silences were always comfortable with the couple with the odd sentence hanging in the air now and again as they relaxed in the open, taking in the world around them. They both couldn't believe how lucky they were to live in such a unique and beautiful place and having the perfect person to share the experience with; each other.

They spent the time talking about the same things they had before mentioned but in much more elaborate detail, Elias finding out that Della was only 17 while he himself was 19. Age had never occurred to him before. He had already fallen for the girl and considered it too late to think of the age difference. For her young age, she was considered mature enough to have a partner and begin courting. Ernest didn't have a problem so why should the Major?

As the sun began to set over the horizon, Elias and Della lay quietly and relaxed, watching the sky above them darken, Della humming to herself and stroking the Majors forearm calmingly. The fast approaching night still unnerved the Major, as he knew it was a more dangerous time to ride back. His mind was entirely on the safety of Della. Failing to hide the emotion, the Major frowned.

Sensing distress from the man laying beside her she glanced over briefly, noticing the deep frown gracing his features. She moved to lie on her side, a soft hand resting gently on his cheek, forcing him to look her in the eyes.

Those eyes. The eyes that were filled with such emotion and really were windows to her very soul. The Major was weak against those eyes.

There was chemistry between them, no denying that. Elias leant in slowly, making sure to look for any signs of rejection from the younger woman to which he found none. Their lips touched barely and all too soon it was over. The night was overshadowing the couple and the light of fireflies was the only sign of life around.

Elias stood up and got his steed ready to take Della home. He held out a hand to help the young woman onto her feet and didn't let go until she was steadied on the horse. He let the horse walk them back, not wanting the night to end. Della was leaning back against him, struggling to keep her eyes open. Upon arrival at her home, he carried her to the door before waking her gently so she could go inside.

Elias felt a deep connection with this girl. The outing couldn't have gone any better to him. It had been simple but allowed him to get to know the girl better than he knew even his own relatives. He hoped for a real relationship with Della and knew she was the person he wanted to marry someday.