
Tales Of The Traveling Magus

An old magus tells you the stories of his life from his early years of manhood to the time he ran out of stories to tell within his twilight years, his story is one of love, friendship, adventure, magic, monsters, and his triumph over a world set against him.

REDEYEofBLOODmoon · Fantasy
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2 Chs

TALE I: The Girl who slept in the golden sea (part 2)

The morning came with the roosters call, as the sun set the Easter sky ablaze with a deep bright orange usually only seen on the fallen leaves around this time of year, as the light bled through the window on the eastetn side of the room, I felt something squirm on my shoulder it was the girl I found in the fields yesterday I'd forgotten she hadd fallen asleep on my shoulder.

She rubbed her eyes as the sunlight awoke her from the deep slumber of which she had been in since yesterday after noon,

"You're the one who saved me, right?" The girl asked, as she yawned.

"Well I found you asleep in the wheat field, I wouldn't go as far as to say I saved you, but you are currently sitting on my bed, you fell asleep after I woke up I figured I shouldn't wake you, after all you looked very tired."

"You are very kind thank you, my name is Lynette, if you would be so kind as to tell me your name, I would be very grateful," the girl said with the thick accent I wasn't familiar with.

"My name is Brand Lawrence, son of baron Lawrence, it is nice to meet you Ms. Lynette," I say introducing myself.

"Baron Lawrence, hmmm, is there any chance you have a grandfather named Lord Gregory Lawrence?"

"Well that is my ancestor he founded this village, but how do you about him?" I ask slightly suspicious of the girl after her question.

"He was a good friend of my grandmother, how is he?"

"He's been dead for around 100 years, how could your grandmother know him he is my great great grandfather meaning your grandmother is far older than the oldest woman in this village."

"Well that's rude she's only 500 years old, then again she did say you humans live very short lives compared to us beast folk."

"Beast folk, you surly gest," as I said that two large pointed ears popped up from the top of her head and fluffy tail covered in orange furr with a white tip protruded from under the blanket.

"Well that's embarrassing," the girl said blushing, "please don't scream I'm human Well ummm half anyway."

"I'm not scared I'm honestly kind of happy," I said, with slight chuckle.

"Really? But I was chased out of my mom's village for looking like this why aren't you scared?" The girl asked tearing up.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, but your ears and tails are very beautiful, and I'm happy because I'm not quite loved by everyone either in fact if I told anyone what I can see and do I would probably be burned at the stake as a sorcerer, Plus how could I fear someone as beautiful and gentle as you?" I explained.

My easy life of avoiding my abilities was cut short that day and replaced with a much more exciting and fulfilling one that I couldn't even imagine before then.