
Chapter 9

Arriving at a blue car in the parking lot, Dan tries to climb on top of it via the tires but fails as the vehicle is too high off the ground. Failing to climb the blue car, Dan goes to a red car that is not as big. He manages to climb up on the car by using the grill on the front.

On top of the car, Dan looks inside to see if they left any food. Peeking through the windshield, he sees bags for various restaurants inside. He looks at the windows and sees that the driver-side window is rolled down, someone probably forgot to roll it back up after getting some air.

Dan jump onto the driver-side mirror and into the car. He quickly searched through the first bag. He must not get caught right now, he has no escape route. If he is found, he will be at the mercy of whoever finds him.

In the first bag, he finds nothing but napkins. He scurries to the next in it he finds some fries. He quickly gobbles them down before moving to the next bag. In the third and final bag, he finds a mostly eaten sausage biscuit. Finishing eating that, Dan climbs out the car window and onto the ground.

As Dan is on the ground, he hears a door open then talking. He swiftly hides under the car, so he is not seen. "Rick, can you go check on Tom, see if he needs any help loading the van with the supplies," Dan hears one of the voices ask.

"Alright, Clay, I will go check on him. I will call when I get there and tell you what's happing," the voice called Rick says to Clay.

"Okay, be sure to get back here with the supplies before noon," Clay says to Rick.

After Rick and Clay stopped talking, Dan hears a car door open and close. Then he hears the engine start. The blue car Dan was trying to climb a few minutes ago, pulls out and drives away. Dan lets out a sigh of relief that he had not managed to climb onto it.

Dan waits to hear the door close, then comes out from under the car. He makes sure the coast is clear then goes to the building. He scouts around the building, trying to find an opening so he could get inside. As he is looking around, Dan sees a cracked window on the second floor. "That's my ticket inside. It looks wide enough that I could fit through," Dan thinks to himself.

Dan uses his claws to climb the log supports of the second floor. After climbing to the second floor, he swiftly made his way to the inside the building through the crack. He had to wiggle a little to fit through the window.

Falling as he gets through the window, Dan finds himself in a bedroom. It is a very spacious bedroom. Glancing around the room, Dan sees two beds that are at least queen-sized.

After Dan finishes admiring the room, he looks for the door out. It only takes a few seconds to find the door. Dan climbs up the door and uses his tail to turn the handle, leaving tiny scratch marks on the door. The door starts opening with Dan on it, so he jumps to the ground and starts searching around.

About 15 minutes of searching later, Dan does not find anything to eat, just some water bottles on a counter. Since he did not find anything, Dan goes to the main door into the hallway, but as he is about to scale the door, he hears footsteps from behind it. Dan rushes back to the bedroom, so he does not get caught. Hiding beneath a bed, he listens carefully to hear if the door to the hallway opens.

Dan waits a few minutes to see if whoever it was would open the door. Nothing happened even after he waits for a while. "It's too dangerous to look around right now. I'll head back home for now and come back when it's close to night time when everyone will be sleeping. With my new Heat Sense ability, I will have an easier time navigating around at night. The only problem is it does not have a very far range, so although I can use it to find my way around inside the building, it would be very difficult to navigate home using it. I will have to find somewhere to sleep here until morning," Dan thinks to himself.

Deciding what he wants to do, Dan climbs out of the window and starts the long trek back home.

On the bus with Emma and Catlin, they are talking about what they want to do in their free time. "I brought my phone with me and an adapter that allows me to plug it up to a tv, so if they have a tv in our room, we can watch some movies together," Catlin tells Emma.

"That would be great, do you have the new one called The Sprint or something," Emma said with a smile that suddenly morphed into a frown. "Evermind about that one, we can watch something else," Emma says to Catlin, trying her best to give a fake smile.

"What's wrong, Emma, why are you sad all a sudden," Catlin asks, worriedly?

"It's nothing. You don't have to fret about it," Emma says, trying to soothe her friends worry.

"You know that won't work with me, Emma. You have to tell me, or I will just keep asking until you do," Catlin tells Emma, adamantly wanting answers so she can help her friend.

"Okay, I'll tell you. You know that movie I was talking about, The Sprint, well I was supposed to watch that with Dan the day after he went missing. Thinking about it made me a little sad. I promised I wouldn't watch it without him, so I can't watch it with you," Emma tells Catlin with much difficulty.

"It's okay, Emma, when Dan gets back we can all watch it together," Catlin tell Emma, trying to cheer her up.

"Your right, when Dan gets back, we can all watch it together with popcorn and everything," Emma says, feeling a bit better.

As Emma and Catlin finish talking, they hear the bus stop, and the teacher start speaking. "Alright, everyone, we're here. As you exit the bus, be sure to take all of your belongings with you. You were all given your room number on a piece of paper earlier today, but if you need help finding your room, come talk to me. Once you find your room, put your stuff inside and come back to the front door so the teachers can tell you what we are going to do," the teacher tells everyone.

"So, what are the seniors doing for their field trip," Emma asks Catlin as they are getting off the bus?

"I have no clue, but I know the sophomores are going to DC to see the Smithsonian Museum," Catlin tells Emma, seeming unamused by it.

"What don't like the Smithsonian," asks Emma? "I think the Smithsonian is pretty cool."

"No, it's just I have been there plenty of times with my family already," Catlin tells Emma as they walk to their room.

"Oh, that reminds me, Catlin, where are the boy's rooms," Emma asks?

"Weren't you listening, the teacher told us before we got on the bus. The boy's rooms are on the first floor, and the girl's rooms are on the second floor. That way you can't mix up a boy's room with a girl's room, plus if you're caught on the wrong floor at night, you will be in big trouble," Catlin tells Emma, as she opens the door to their room and goes inside.

"I wonder who our other roommates are going to be," Emma ponders while going into the bedroom?

"I don't know, but I hope they're nice. So which bed are we going to take? The one next to the window or the other one," Catlin asks Emma?

"I say we take the one next to the window," Emma says.

"Alright, let lay our stuff on the bed and go back down," Catlin says.

As both girls are leaving the room, they do not notice that the window is crack or the small scratch marks on the door.