
Tales Of The Stars

[WebNovel Spirity Awards Entry 2024 PLEASE READ AND SUPPORT] "The only thing you should blame.....is your bad luck...." Artis Janes, a rookie and young magician, was on aboard a cruise ship with his only family member was attacked by a terrorist organization and was the only survivor left on the ship. Now arriving to a new country, he must find his way through the new region battling, performing and fulfilling his destiny along the way. Join his adventure of him meeting new friends, enemies, revealing some secrets and surprises in a world full of magic, sorcery, mythical beasts, gods and legend.

Zombis333 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Professor Javier

East Ferrous Hospital

That night, Artis found it difficult to fall asleep as the events of St. Annie were still fresh in his mind causing him to dream nightmares about St. Annie, where he sometimes found himself at an empty ship or some dreams about Alice in their time at Inloen. 

[Passive Skill [Calm Mind] is active] 

The only thing keeping him sane was his Passive Skill [Calm Mind]. 

Passive Skills are some innate abilities that individuals possess without needing conscious activation. This skill only activates when the person finds themselves in trouble and their subconsciousness automatically uses it to keep themselves calm and sane.

The Unique Skills and Other Skills also influence Passive Skills the person develops over time they continue to use their skills. 

Since Artis has the Unique Skill [Record], which requires a clean and analytical state of mind, Passive Skills like [Calm Mind] are easy for people like him to develop. 

[Passive Skill [Calm Mind] is active] 

"Yeah, I get it....I have to remain calm. Thanks a lot for reminding me [Calm Mind]." murmured Artis sarcastically. 

Artis continued to stare at the moonlight with deep thoughts in his mind as he focused on healing himself using his energy so that he would be discharged as quickly as possible. 


Morning came and Artis woke up promptly at 10:00 AM sharp and struggled to get up. 

He analyzed himself and realized he could move his arms more smoothly now, with only some pain lingering within but manageable to some degree. 

He still felt pain in his ribs and back and concluded he still had to rest before he could move and use his skills properly. 

He remembered Captain Fervier's words during his time at St. Annie.

'Lad! Always remember! Even if you are injured or in a condition, where you won't be able to move your body, find ways to train, either your mind, body, or any of your skills! Because strength and power are in the air!' 

'Captain....Your words make no sense to me...How am I supposed to get stronger if my body itself is battered!? What should I do? Train my mind?' 

At that moment, Doctor Lana arrived to check on him and she was followed by another person wearing the same lab coat the man smiled at Artis making him feel uncomfortable for some reason. 

"And you are...?" asked Artis skeptically. 

The man nodded and answered, "Nice to meet you, Artis Janes. I'm a Professor and researcher at the Ferrous Lab, Professor Javier Shiina. You must've heard of me." 

"Professor Javier? You mean, THE Professor who is the leading researcher in the Study of Unique Skills and Spiritual beasts?" 

"Hah Hah, it seems some of my works are famous..." laughed Professor Javier nervously, scratching his head. 

Professor Javier, one of the most famous professors in the world who won multiple awards for his thesis in the study of Spirit contracts, Why Unique Skills manifests in

different persons differently, and why do Special Beasts drop items when they are killed? 

Artis, in his free time, used to watch his shows and research developed an interest in his research work, and conducted some research himself about the nature of unique skills. 

"Wow, I...I didn't expect to meet you here in...such a place...What can I do for you?" 

'Alice would be so surprised when I tell her I got to meet Professor Javier...Oh right...Alice...' 

Artis's thoughts went from surprise to sadness in just a moment as he bent his head down in sadness. 

Noticing the mood, Doctor Lana clapped her hands to direct the attention towards herself and said with a grin, "So...? Professor Javier here wants to talk to you about...some stuff after you are done with your medication. You don't have any problem with that right?" 

"Um...No, but the information I might possess may not help you with your investigation..." replied Artis in a dejected tone. 

"Oh? Well, for me any fresh information is good information. After all, we start from zero when we begin research, don't we?" 

Hearing the Professor's silent tone made Artis fall into deep thought as he continued to stare at him dumbfounded. 

"Hmm? Is anything stuck in my face?" asked Professor Javier checking his face which caused Doctor Lana to chuckle at this awkward conversation. 

"No...Uh...It's nothing. I'll tell my story." said Artis stopping the conversation there and allowing Dr. Lana to do her checkups and provide a healing potion. 

"Well, kid? How about you? As I am doing the recovery work, who don't you formally introduce yourself to us?" said Doctor Lana as her arms were covered with golden light placed on top of Artis's abdomen which made him feel rejuvenated and calm for a reason. 

Accepting the energy, he felt the pain and sorrow he felt waking up this morning start to disappear as he began introducing himself. 

"Well...I am Artis. Artis Janes. Currently 18 years old. About to turn 19 soon in a few months...I used to live in Inloen, Paradise City since...like my whole life. I was suppose to move to Aurosia's Grand Dream City with my sister in like next week until...Yeah.

"I am a potential researcher myself interested in the study of Unique Skills, Spirit Beasts, and their contracts and have submitted some of my research work to other researchers myself. I also secured a position as an assistant teacher at Varhard University...but I don't know if I am in the condition to go there...

"I am an aspiring magician, and one of my goals in life is to have my own magic show and perform there myself. Also, I want to earn a lot of money in life so that I can live a peaceful life with my sister...

"Sigh...In the end, I just want to study, get stronger, perform and create magic tricks of my own, and live a stable life. And that's my introduction." finished Artis with a sigh as he looked at Doctor Lana and Professor Javier who carried a warm smile on their faces. 

"And I am done too!" exclaimed Doctor Lana enthusiastically, "Try moving your arms and body a bit. It should function just fine." 

Artis listened to Doctor Lana and tried moving his arms. To his surprise, he could move his arms just fine and felt no visible pain moving them. 

"Now try moving your body slowly and stand up, this lady right here is one of the best healers and managers you will find in Aurosia," recommended Professor Javier. 

Listening to the suggestion, nodding his head, he slowly moved his body, trying to get up from the hospital bed as he felt a tinge of pain in his ribs, but it was still manageable to some degree. 

Shakingly standing up, he tried taking a single step as he struggled to walk at first.

"Be careful now. Use your Skills if you have to but I won't recommend it," said Lana in a hint of worry visible in her voice. 

"Yeah, I would like to use my Skills...But I haven't learned or even started developing any Body enhancement skills. I only developed a few attack skills that can only strengthen my arms and legs." 

"So that's why you were battered and covered with grave injuries when I found you in the harbor! Did you use some skills that is greater than your current Tier? You do know if your Skill levels are higher than your current Tier, you can potentially damage your body permanently!?" scolded Lana in a serious tone, "Seriously, what Tier are you currently at!?" 

"Umm...I'm currently at Tier 4 if I remember correctly. I need to check once again to be sure." answered Artis honestly lowering his head. 

"Well...If you want to check what level you are at currently, how about you come to my lab after you are discharged?" asked Professor Javier. 


"I see no problem with that, in fact, I especially want to talk and discuss about your Unique Skill and some Unique Items you carry with yourself. How about it, want to come to my lab in next 3 days?"