
Tales Of The Stars

[WebNovel Spirity Awards Entry 2024 PLEASE READ AND SUPPORT] "The only thing you should blame.....is your bad luck...." Artis Janes, a rookie and young magician, was on aboard a cruise ship with his only family member was attacked by a terrorist organization and was the only survivor left on the ship. Now arriving to a new country, he must find his way through the new region battling, performing and fulfilling his destiny along the way. Join his adventure of him meeting new friends, enemies, revealing some secrets and surprises in a world full of magic, sorcery, mythical beasts, gods and legend.

Zombis333 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Attack [3]

Artis and Alice entered the dining hall which was decorated with lights and candles, various dishes from various places set up in the buffet table, whose smell and aroma filled the entire room. 

The passengers were chatting with each other, talking singing and eating their meal making the entire environment feel lively. 

In the middle of the hall, kept a grand piano that no one was playing which made Artis rather curious as to why it was kept there. 

Just behind the piano, was a small stage setup with a microphone with no one except for the crewmates who were checking on the wires on the stage. 

"Hey! You're that magician who performed on today's show right?" spoke a cheerful voice from behind patting his shoulder

Artis turned behind to see who called him. It was a familiar person whom Artis met just a few days ago. 

The Piano Lady! 

The Piano Lady wore a white swan dress, her silky black hair cascading down her shoulders with a few bangs in front of her face, a shiny white tiara on her head as she smiled brightly greeting the Janes siblings. 

"Oh! Hey there! You seem to be in a really good mood! What brings you here?" asked Artis politely with a smile.

"Hiya! Magician! You won't believe it but my hard work finally paid off! Aaaaah!" exclaimed the lady. 

"I've been practicing for months, and tonight, I finally get to perform on this grand piano for the passengers! It's like a dream come true!"

Artis couldn't help but be swept up in her enthusiasm. "That's fantastic! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear you play," he replied, genuinely happy for her.

Alice chimed in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What kind of music do you play?"

The Piano Lady beamed, "Oh, a little bit of everything! Classical pieces, jazz improvisations, even some original compositions. I love exploring different styles and emotions through music."

As they chatted, the announcer's voice boomed over the room, announcing the start of the dinner festivities. The passengers began to take their seats, and the Piano Lady excused herself with a wave.

"I better get ready for my performance! Wish me luck!" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Artis and Alice wished her luck as she made her way towards the stage and sat in one of the chairs. 

"Alright, then let's settle down and grab our dinner." suggested Alice which made Artis nod as he followed his sister and sat in one of the tables near the stage. 

Artis looked around to see the hall which was chimed with such liveliness and enjoyment as the passengers were all enjoying the party. 

Artis couldn't help but notice that just a few tables behind them, Alice's mysterious friend, was seated alone a table of four, as she did not care to bother about her surroundings and was simply reading a book. 

She raised her head as if she sensed that someone was looking at her and made eye contact with Artis. 

She nodded her head, and went back to reading her book. 

'Strange girl?' was the only thought Artis had at that moment.

Artis and Alice settled down in their seats as they started having their dinner. 

After a few minutes, the announcer announced that the Captain has entered the dining hall and will give a short speech. 

'It better be short Captain...' grumbled Artis. 

"Ahem Ahem!" Captain cleared his throat, "Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed passengers and crew members, I hope you're all enjoying this splendid evening as much as I am. Tonight, we celebrate not only our safe arrival at Aurosia. It is with my deep joy to say that I enjoyed my trip with you people as you have enjoyed being on this ship. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for being a part of this journey.

"As we embark on this new adventure in Aurosia, let us remember the importance of unity and cooperation. Together, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way. But for now, let's set aside our worries and enjoy this delightful feast prepared by our talented chefs."

The captain's words were met with applause and cheers from the passengers. 

As the dinner continued, Artis found himself engrossed in conversation with Alice and some of the other passengers at their table. Laughter and chatter filled the hall, punctuated by the occasional clinking of glasses and bursts of music from the piano as the Piano Lady began her performance.


Suddenly, a shriek ran out in the dining hall causing everything to come to a standstill sucking out all the excitement in the dining hall that was present there just a moment ago. 

Artis, and other passengers regaining their mind and composure started to look around for the source of that shriekiest voice. 

At that very moment, a dark, sinister and shadowy portal appeared in the middle of the hall from which, three people wearing black sweatsuits over a half red jacket, purple goggles covering their giving them a mystique presence as they were armed with golden gauntlets having a "R" symbol engraved on it. 

The shadowy portal closed behind them as they took out firearms from out of nowhere and started shooting upwards causing the entire hall to go in a pin drop silence. 

Shot! Shot! 

"If any person makes even a slightest movement, the bullets won't be piercing only the air but the skull instead! Only the captain is allowed to speak!" threatened the leader of the intruders, his voice filled with malice and authority.

The passengers, stunned and terrified, remained frozen in their seats, their eyes wide with fear.

The captain stepped forward, his expression steely but composed as his eyes turned blue. "Who are you, and what do you want?" he demanded, his voice steady despite the tension thick in the air.

The intruder laughed as he replied scornfully, "Easy there Captain! Don't activate your skill if you know what's best for this ship!" warned the leader as his goons pointed his guns at the passengers, their hands resting on trigger. 

Captain Fervier gritted his teeth in anger, clenching his jaws as he turned of his skill and his eyes returned to normal as he conceded, "Fine! I won't do anything. Just don't harm my passengers..." 

"Tsk! Tsk!" The leader clicked his tongue, "It seems we have a misunderstanding here Captain. Sure, it won't be me and us present here who will harm the passengers...but! I never said the rest of us would harm you..." 


Boom! Boom! Boom! 

Suddenly, a ring of explosions started to ring around the cruise ship stunning all the passengers, shaking the entire ship as the lights started to flicker causing a power outrage in the ship. 


In the engine room, a carton full of apples started to glow up as it exploded causing the entire engine to burn as a sinister humanoid figure with a metallic body, arms and legs replaced by tentacles, head shaped like an onion, the figure having no eyes in its face slowly started to crawl up as it stood up and destroyed the front door. 


"Who's there!? asked one of the crewmates. 

A trail of hot steam arrived out of the door as the slippery tentacles slithered out of the door, its head poking out as it looked at the person who screamed. 

The crewmate scared by its appearance immediately took position to form a shield but before he could even gather the energy, the tentacles striked him with a blow as he was pinned at the wall, blood gushing out from his mouth as he lost his consciousness.


Alice looked around the dining hall as she observed the passengers scared, terrified, not taking a single step or making a noise as she looked at Artis who was under her arms with a concerned look as he was shaking from head to foot. 

The ring of explosions rang as the intruders started to laugh loudly screaming, 


And suddenly, a bright, glowy spherical object appeared in front of them, a tick sound coming from inside it. 

Realizing what it was, Alice grabbed Artis tightly and pushed him in front of that spherical object. 


The entire hall went black.