
Chapter 4

She was only just finishing up with the third goblin when she received a new notice.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress LVL 3!}

{All stats increase by one}

{You have one skill point}

Special Skills Available:

{Essence Eater (Passive): Convert life essence into hp/mp/stamina}

{Sexual Saint (Passive): Endurance boosts x5 during sexual intercourse}

{Forced Release (Active): Brings target to climax instantly.}

The third goblin had already gotten off and the fourth one was starting to work his way down. They weren't exactly gentle lovers, and as they thrust into her scratches accumulated on her back as she rocked uncomfortably over the rocky ground under her. However, mental fortitude seemed to resolve any problems she had, and she was more annoyed that she hadn't cum yet, as opposed to the horrors of being in a conga line monster gangbang.

Upon leveling, her body suddenly felt a surge of strength. It seemed that like a game, leveling restored your body back to normal. she no longer felt cold and the accumulated bruises and scratches immediately faded. Furthermore, Her girl parts seemed to restore themselves too, and rather than feeling chaffed, she felt like the sensitivity returned to that area. she was in tip-top shape, despite having been lying naked in a damp cave and living off scraps for the last two days. Leveling was nice.

she spread her legs a bit as the goblin put his hands down on her thighs. A second later, his little knob dick popped into her and he was thrusting away making little-grunting noises. It slid in easy, not just because he was a bit small by human standards, but also because she was already slick with sex. His dick felt warm, which was surprisingly comfortable in contrast to the cold hard ground her ass was rubbing on. she tried to get the goblin to hold her and press his body against her, sharing some warmth, but he gave an annoyed look and slapped her hands away when she tried to pull him down.

she decided to ignore him instead and quickly ran through the list of options. All three of these special skills sounded good to her. However, as much fun as the "forced release" seemed, she didn't know enough about it. Would it work at a distance? Is it only during sex? Does it use stamina or spell points? she didn't know. Either way, it wouldn't help at this particular second, so she decided to ditch it.

That left "Essence Eater" and "Sexual Saint". If her encounter with the goblin the first day told her anything, it's that her stamina seriously needed to be increased. Fortunately, leveling seemed to recharge her stamina for the moment, but there were a lot more goblins coming, and it looked like "Pheromone" would use a fair amount of stamina too. Being on her back seemed to use less stamina than being on top, but she wasn't sure she could last. she didn't want to break like the other girls.

So, the question became did she want a boost in stamina or a stamina regeneration? A 5 X boost is a lot. The higher her level and the greater level she am, the more meaningful it'll become. However, being able to regenerate with life essence sounded good. In this respect, she assumed life essence means jizz. Of course, there was a small chance she could be wrong, but she didn't think so. Every time a goblin came in her, she imagined she could use it to heal herself and recover her stamina. she don't know by how much, though. she couldn't imagine it would be a lot.

she gave a sigh as the fourth goblin came, a soothingly warm glob shooting into her as he convulsed. As his dick popped out, quickly cooling liquid ran down the crack of her ass. Another goblin shouted something she didn't understand and shoved the other goblin away. He yelled something back but then took off, his now soft dick dripping a slightly brown ooze. It seemed like goblin sperm was very watery and slightly brown. she reached down, and touched a little and sniffed it. What, she was curious!

It smelled kind of grimy, like mud. she decided she would not try to taste it. Her vagina would just have to take it for the team, no BJs here. Although, now she was wondering if BJs netted the same experience points as her vagina. Would it net her the extra experience points? Is the first-time bonus dependent on the hole? Like first time vagina, first-time mouth, first-time ass… alright, maybe not her ass, she don't quite have enough mental fortitude for that yet, but if she could double to triple this first-time bonus… she really didn't think so, though, but she'd leave head as a backup.

The next goblin shoved his dick into her and slapped her hand away as he started thrusting. It looked like she'd made her decision. she selected "Sexual Saint" and her body suddenly felt a surge of vitality. After leveling up, she already felt like she could take on another ten goblins. Now it felt like the entire tribe might not be enough to satisfy her. The line was about twenty goblins long. she thought that covered just about every goblin in the cave. That meant 15 more new goblin bonuses, assuming that the goblin she had yesterday was in that line somewhere. Sorry goblin lover, you all look alike and she can't really tell the difference.

As each goblin started thrusting into her, she used up as much of her willpower as she could to keep herself from taking over. This was about numbers. she couldn't use up all her energy on two or three, no matter how fun it'd be.

{Carnal Resistance has increased to level 1.}

It looked like resisting her own sexual appetite is a thing too? Still, she could have a little fun, couldn't she? As soon as she found herself enjoying the conga line of goblins thrusting into her and was about to orgasm, she took a glance over at the two other girls. One of the two girls was actually looking at her. She had a pitying look, but it also looked a little perplexed. she wasn't an exhibitionist, but she had absolutely no qualms about being watched. These special skills were certainly convenient. Rather than giving her a smile, she remembered why she was doing this and put back on her game face.

That's right, Aria, this is a serious situation. You're leveling. What do they call that, level grinding?

she let out a laugh before she could help herself. It looked like she'd never be able to see level grinding like a normal person again. Realizing that seemed weird given the situation, she gave the girls another glance. They were both looking at her now, although their faces were indiscernible.

Please don't judge her! she's doing this for all of them , she swore!

Even with the new person bonus, assuming she was getting a new person bonus, it was another ten goblins before she hit her next level. It looked to be just like other game mechanics. Leveling got harder and harder as you go. No pun intended.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress LVL 4!}

{All stats increase by one}

{You have one skill point}

Special Skills Available:

{Muscle Control (Passive): Gain greater control over passive muscles during sex.}

{Entrance Control (Passive): Increase or decrease size of vagina and labia at will.}

{Seduction (Active): Increases a target's affection and loyalty, effects can be stacked.}

So, it seemed like every level introduced two passive skills and one active skill. she was a little disappointed she couldn't pick up Essence Eater. So far, she hadn't had a single skill repeat. Does that mean she would never get repeats? she just didn't know. she needed a few more levels before she was certain. Still, it was frustrating randomly picking level-ups and hoping they'd help her in the future.

This round was a bit disappointing too. Still, nothing she could use to escape. When would she get vagina dentata, or maybe acid spitting vagina, or something, anything, she could use to escape. she could see the benefits of entrance control and muscle control. she'd have killed to have perfect muscle control during sex in her old life. she assume that's something like super kegels. she heard if you're good at it, the sex is amazing.

In the other skill, being able to control the size meant she could be as tight as she wanted to be. Not that she planned to go around having sex with other monsters, but if she ran into, let's say, a giant, entrance control might be the difference between life or death.

Taking another deep breath, she finally decide on one. That would have to be seduction, wouldn't it? If she could target one goblin, and increase its affection for her enough, maybe it'd be enough to get it to release her chains. she's a seductress after all. Isn't the seduction skill basically the entire point of being one?

she continued to put on a show. Another ten goblins have their way with her, and by the end, she was covered in sticky stuff from her belly button to her feet. So much cum. If only she could have converted it to stamina, but she had already made her choice and now she was stuck with it. she was pretty tired now, and pretty satisfied.

{Title Obtained: Gangbanger}

{+5 Endurance, +10 Damage Resistance, +50% experience when using two or more holes during sex when equipped.}

Ah, so now she was Aria the Gangbanger. It could have been worse. That endurance boost along with her 5 X really went a long way. she could handle a line ten times as long now. The experience boost seemed good, but also sounded like a pain in the ass. Not literally, she could use her mouth now, that there was a real gain, but coordinating the goblins like this didn't seem possible. she equipped the title without a thought, giving her the energy to do another round. However, the goblins were all already spent and wandering back into the other part of the cave.

It wasn't that bad, though, given her extra sensitive seductress parts, she was brought to climax by the end, and so she left this experience feeling satisfied. It was with the second to last guy who was a larger than normal goblin… in more than one way. He was about a head taller than the others, almost as tall as her, and his dick was about the size of some of the boyfriends she had in the past. Yes, the smaller dicked boyfriends, but he was passable, was all she was trying to say.

she ended up using the seduction skill on him. It was because he was a head taller than the others and had a scar on his cheek. That meant she could easily pick him out and he likely was one of the stronger and more combat ready goblins. Yes. Those were the reasons. It certainly wasn't because he had a big enough dick to bring her to climax. What kind of girl did you think she was?

On that note, after the pheromones wore off, most of the goblins went back to the way they were, avoiding her and picking on her two poor cage mates. However, she had picked up 3-4 fans who came to her. One of them was the goblin she had used seduction on. she ended up using it on him again. A day later she used it on him a third time. she didn't know what kind of cooldown rate the seduction had. It didn't feel like she could use it back to back, or she would have. Each time it took away a large chunk of stamina, so she decided that once a day was all she could spare.

It worked too. The goblin started stopping by more and more frequently to release on her, and she was pleased to find his capacity to make her cum wasn't a fluke. Well, at least once every third time if she really focused. That was not the reason she picked him! she swear! After the third time she had used seduction on him, it seemed like he had taken complete exclusivity over her. Even the two or so fans she had would take one look at him, and then walk to one of the other girls.

In some ways, his behavior came off as kind of manly. she was his girl. It was clear by his actions that he felt that way. On the third day, one of the goblins got cocky, and by cocky she mean they tried to stick their cock in her. He ended up bashing the goblin to death a few feet from her. Okay, manly might not be quite the right word, but in his own warped way, this goblin loved her.

By the sixth day after she started seducing the goblin, she was getting a little uncomfortable. she hadn't leveled in a while. The scraps of barely cooked food, freezing cold, and accumulated damage was starting to build up. she faired a lot better than the other girls, whose complexions were only getting worse. During the second day, the big goblin started bringing her things. First, it was a blanket that finally let her take her bare ass off the cold rock. Then it was a little extra food. she finally got some clothing. Okay… a burlap sack, and one short enough that her lower parts were left bare for his convenience, but it was better than nothing. she wanted to share it with the other girls, but she worried he might get violent with them too, so she restrained herself.

Of course, she also got to have sex four times a day. More seduction only seemed to increase his sexual appetite, and the goblin would stumble into the room with a fervor, lock his eyes onto her, and just pounce. It was getting pretty intense, and she didn't particularly hate that aggression in those circumstances. However, because he scared away all the other goblins, that seemed to reduce her total experience gained. Without any new goblins around, she reached a leveling bottleneck.

she needed someone new to have sex with. Just one more level. Then maybe she could convince the bigger goblin to help her escape. she just needed one more level before she was confident enough to try this plan. Plus, the girl farthest from her was looking bad. she didn't think she would make it much longer. She might be dead in a day or two at this rate. Her will to live was already gone.

If there was just one more person she could f**k! Then her eyes snapped to the woman closest to her. No… really? she'd never tried to touch her, but the chains would be close enough that they could get next to each other. Oh god, what was she thinking! That… it had to be that. she needed a new person bonus. Would the Gangbanger two hole award compound with a new person bonus? If we 69'd, that'd be using both holes, wouldn't it?

she couldn't even believe she was thinking of this. This was insane!

{Mental Resistance has increased to level 12.}

"Haha…" she guess even her warped mind needed a little boost to get this over with.

she'd already slept with 20+ monsters. Is one woman really out of the question? Especially if this could save both of their lives.

she slowly stood up and moved over to her. When she sat down right next to her, her naked thigh pressed up against hers. For the first time since she've gotten to this crazy world, her seductress abilities didn't suppress her nervousness.

"What's your name?" she asked.

She had long hair that covered her face, scraggly and split as it was. She had a very small form, and seemed almost delicate, although it was hard to make out her features covered in dirt and the relative dark of the room. she realized at that point that they'd never actually spoken, and she had no clue if they'd even spoke the same language. A moment later, she responded.


"Hello, Min, my name is Aria."

Min gave her a flat look. It was a cold and hopeless look, one that seemed to scream that she couldn't even spare an ounce of hope between their interactions. To her, they were just two women waiting to be raped to death.

"Min… I think I can get us out of here. But I'm going to need you to do something… a little bit outrageous." Aria said to her

"…" Min nodded

she let out a sigh and began to tell her what she wanted. she didn't explain anything about her class, the fact that she could level by having sex, or anything else. she just told her that if they had sex, she might be able to help her escape. If any guy had used that line, she'd have punched him in the throat. However, after a moment of silence, Min nodded.

Next chapter