
This Is My Will, My Intention, and My Fate!

Just as he said these words, the pain came like a tsunami, not just a needle prick like before. He felt himself thrown inside a gigantic furious ocean wave amidst a ferocious storm, and he couldn't swim!

"Damn you!" he gritted his teeth while the pain started to slowly reside. "since day one I came to this world and you kept treating me like an insect! You damned black dragonairs! I want to abandon the black dragonair's power."

He went berserk as his mind was turned off and only his rage took over. He kept repeating the phrase, and the pain kept getting stronger, yet he didn't move his eyes away from the little sparkling star except for brief moments when he screamed of immense pain.

The little star showed significant changes with time; it grew larger as he drew nearer. Now he could see a full orb of golden fire in the far distance. "So close yet so far away, what else can I do to get to you?" he muttered to himself and then he found the answer the next moment.