
The Tests

"Master!" Amanda shouted in sadness, "don't be this stingy with my kid!"

"He isn't your kid, he is your man," Mr. E teased her before Arthur stepped in and said: "Alright, select the fairest tests ever you conducted."

His words attracted the glaring gazes of Amanda, before he explained, "I don't want to waste this precious chance over some losers."

"You are wasting a great chance here," she sighed, "these are so shameless to help you more than the disciples they trained for years so far."

"I will," Cesile hurried to raise up her hand, "I can spare more time for you, all the time you want my dearest disciple," she glanced over Amanda while saying these words.

"I can spare all my time for him," and Amanda refused to budge while Mr. E laughed as he stood between the two kittens, "stop it already, we'll start conducting tests and see."