
Meeting The Envoy

"You are wrong," Sara had to step in as she read what this situation was heading to, "the enemy now is like a headless beast. It's still dangerous and quite ferocious, but it won't be like that when we allow the head to return to it."

"But we have a chance to save the two sisters of us without any fight," Amelia said and her words told Arthur her opinion already.

"Then what?" Doaf calmly said, "after agreeing then we will be attacked with all their might. We had one month, during which we kept expanding and our forces were exhausted after the fight they had to do in order to secure the empire."

He turned to Arthur before adding, "however our main enemy was resting, recuperating and amassing his new forces. Who knew what she could be able to do, we all saw what she alone did to us. I see we can't allow them to stay a single second in this world, or else this deal will be cancelled."