
Going To Save Doaf

Artur didn't evade the five as he moved with his speed, flying right and left, up and down. This way he kept preventing them from gathering up at him in one group, or else he wouldn't be able to handle any of them.

"You'll die here!" one shouted while waving his sword directly towards him.

Arthur didn't move his sword to meet him as he simply stretched his wings for one second there, rose up all of sudden and crossed over the heads of two more before he arched his wings and landed like a rocket towards the last two.

One with a thick club in hand and the other held a sword.

His move was expected so that the club mage moved it towards him, aiming to crush his head.

Yet at the last minute Arthur shifted his body to the side, barely evading the mark while cutting through his body with his sword before landing a blow over the last one's sword.