
Tales of the love

"There's no love like the first." —Nicholas Sparks No matter to whom we get married, first love will always remain constant and give a spark in our hearts while you think about it. No matter whom you are, you must experience a cute, sweet first love story which is so special to the heart. But when we talk about reality, Someone's first love will be a happy ending and someone's first love will end without a proper start. What will you do when your lost first love enter your life again? Will you embrace it? Well, like everyone Calvin Lewis, CEO of Lewis corporation has a short and sweet love story but due some reasons he has lost it before he completely feel the sweetness of it but still remembered the beautiful memories he shared with her. What happen when he crossed his path with his first love? What will he do when he finds out that his first love is his employee? Will he able to win her back? Will he able to win her heart like he did in childhood? ...... "Why dad? I want Elsa back." Little Calvin said before while tears started flowing down his cheeks "No champ, you shouldn't cry like this." Arthur sighed and said before wiping his five year old son's tears "Dad, Didn't you told me that you will get us married once I become CEO of our company?" Calvin asked "Yes champ, you can marry her—" "How can I marry her when she is not with me?" Calvin asked in between his sobs "I am missing her dad." Calvin said ..... "Babe, Did you ever thought I will be back in your life again?" Elsa asked while snuggling closer to him "I believed you will come back to me in childhood but as years started passing away, I realised you will never come back but —" giving peck on her lips, he added "You came back." "Thank you for everything cal and I love you so much." Elsa smiled and said "I love you more honey." Calvin said and pulled her to his embrace. .... Join me in discord https://discord.gg/r7npQkUA Ps:THIS COVER IS NOT MINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO THE BELOVED EDITOR.

Shining · Urban
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131 Chs


"My doubts are very lengthy one, I think the board of directors have less time. So, why don't you come to my cabin and—"

"That's it." Calvin slammed the table and shouted which scared the shit out of the people you were sitting in the meeting room  

"Cal—" before Nick could say anything, Calvin approached Elsa and helped her remove her head from Samuel's grip.

"Do you want to explain doubts to him?" Calvin asked 

"Boss—" Elsa gulped in fear when she looked at angry Calvin. The usual jovial, flirtatious, serious boss now turned into an angry young man. Elsa could see the nerves on his hand which are tempted to beat the shit out of someone. Not to forget that he looked more handsome but Elsa liked that jovial Calvin to angry Calvin.

"Yes or No," Calvin asked again 

When Elsa shook her head and said "NO.

Calvin turned towards Samuel and snapped. "Didn't you hear what she said? She doesn't want to explain any doubts to you."

Samuel frowned and said "How dare you to say NO to me? Do you know who am I? I am board of director—"

"Ex-board of director." Calvin corrected Samuel 

"What?" Everyone in the room shocked 

Calvin turned towards Anna and said, "I want you to get ready the resignation papers of Samuel Lewis and settle his bills immediately."

"Calvin, why the fuck you are behaving like a jerk? Do you think Uncle Arthur will tolerate this?" Samuel frowned and said 

"Do you think I will spare you even after touching Elsa in a bad way? Do you think your position will be the same even after laying your finger on my woman in my territory?" Calvin snapped harder 

"MY WOMAN? When Elsa did become his woman?" Everyone started gossiping around

"When did she become your woman? Are you kidding me?" Samuel scoffed 

"Fine, if you want her, I can spare her for you but don't dry to fire me from this office. You are going to face Uncle Arthur's wrath." Samuel sighed and snapped

Looking at Elsa, he scoffed "I thought you were timid but I never expected you tried to seduce Calvin."

"How dare you to speak nonsense?" Calvin shouted before pinning him against the wall 

"Ahhh," Samuel screamed when his back suddenly hit the wall 

Hitting him on his face, Calvin frowned and said "I always tolerated your nonsense behaviour because of my dad but not anymore. You are treating woman as a toy and passing dirty comments on employee which is not tolerable."

"What did just say? She tried to seduce me, do you think there is a need for her to seduce me?" Calvin shouted 

Samuel started coughing when Calvin started kicking all over his face, Nick approached them and said "Cal, leave him."

"How can I—"

Cutting Calvin off, Nick said, "He will die if you won't leave him."

"Listen, Cal, you have to control—"

"Control? Do you want me to control? How about I ask Samuel to touch Ava and let me see how can you control yourself." Calvin shouted 

"Leave him," Elsa said 


"I said to leave him." Elsa sighed and said 

Calvin took a deep breath and left his collar "I want you to pack your stuff and leave this office forever."

Without waiting for a second, Samuel rushed out of the office.

"Meeting is adjourned," Calvin said 

When Everyone in the office left except Nick and Elsa, Calvin turned towards Elsa and said "El—"

"I am sorry boss, I want to spend some alone time," Elsa said and walked away 

"Calvin, are you crazy? Why the hell you behaved like a shit?" Nick frowned and snapped 

When Calvin didn't say anything, he sighed and said: "I know what Samuel did is wrong but you are supposed to deal it with a smooth way not in a rebellious way."

"Do you want me to sit silent when he is touching Elsa? Do you want me to say, Samuel, 'you can't touch Elsa in front of everyone.' and do you think he will listen to me?" Calvin shouted 


"How can I spare him when he is touching my Elsa? How can deal smoothly when the woman I love is feeling disgusting with him?" Calvin shouted 

"What? Do you love Elsa?" Nick asked 

When Calvin didn't say anything, Nick frowned and said "If you won't tell the truth, don't blame me if I leave you and your friendship."


"I want to listen to the truth." Nick sighed and said 

Calvin took a deep breath and said, "She is my Elsa, the one loved in my childhood."

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