
Tales of the love

"There's no love like the first." —Nicholas Sparks No matter to whom we get married, first love will always remain constant and give a spark in our hearts while you think about it. No matter whom you are, you must experience a cute, sweet first love story which is so special to the heart. But when we talk about reality, Someone's first love will be a happy ending and someone's first love will end without a proper start. What will you do when your lost first love enter your life again? Will you embrace it? Well, like everyone Calvin Lewis, CEO of Lewis corporation has a short and sweet love story but due some reasons he has lost it before he completely feel the sweetness of it but still remembered the beautiful memories he shared with her. What happen when he crossed his path with his first love? What will he do when he finds out that his first love is his employee? Will he able to win her back? Will he able to win her heart like he did in childhood? ...... "Why dad? I want Elsa back." Little Calvin said before while tears started flowing down his cheeks "No champ, you shouldn't cry like this." Arthur sighed and said before wiping his five year old son's tears "Dad, Didn't you told me that you will get us married once I become CEO of our company?" Calvin asked "Yes champ, you can marry her—" "How can I marry her when she is not with me?" Calvin asked in between his sobs "I am missing her dad." Calvin said ..... "Babe, Did you ever thought I will be back in your life again?" Elsa asked while snuggling closer to him "I believed you will come back to me in childhood but as years started passing away, I realised you will never come back but —" giving peck on her lips, he added "You came back." "Thank you for everything cal and I love you so much." Elsa smiled and said "I love you more honey." Calvin said and pulled her to his embrace. .... Join me in discord https://discord.gg/r7npQkUA Ps:THIS COVER IS NOT MINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO THE BELOVED EDITOR.

Shining · Urban
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131 Chs

Elsa is angelic


"Ava, do you think I should wear this black colour dress?" Elsa asked 

"It's good but why don't you try this blue coloured dress?" Ava asked while showing blue colour full-length party dress to Elsa

"Blue is good but—"

Cutting Elsa off, Ava sighed and said "Just saying, blue is Calvin's favourite colour."

"What? No wonder his cabin is in blue." Elsa helplessly shook her head and said 

"If you don't want to wear blue—

"Who said I will not ear blue colour?" Elsa frowned and said before taking the blue colour dress into her hand 

"I can see new changes here." Ava chuckled and said 

"Stop it, I just liked a blue dress than a black one. Elsa sighed and said 

Ava raised her eyebrows and gave her a 'you can't lie to me.' look, Elsa stuck her tongue out and said "What? I just want to wear a blue dress."  

"Fine, wear it." Ava sighed and said 

"So, Ms Elsa Williams, what did you do in the café? Is it romantic?" Ava asked

"Shut up Ava, it's just a normal breakfast between two friends," Elsa said

"Oh, from when did you start collecting chocolate wrappers which were given by so-called normal friends?" Ava asked before showing her a wrapper in Elsa's book which was given by Calvin 

Elsa cleared her throat and quickly took the book "From when did you are searching things in my book?"

Ava pouted her lips and said "Here, I am sharing all my secrets with you but you are hiding things from me. How unfair and disloyal best friend you are?"

"Stop overreacting Ava, there is nothing between us and no matter what happens, we won't get together." Elsa sighed and said 

"I won't believe you," Ava said 

"But Ava—"

Cutting Elsa off, Ava sighed and said "Fine, I will believe you if you go out with Jacob."

"Jacob? The one whom we swiped right in tinder?" Elsa asked 

"Yeah, he wants to meet you. " Ava said

"But Ava—"

When Ava gave her deadly stare, Elsa sighed and said "Fine, I will go out."

"That's my babe." Ava jumped in excitement and hugged Elsa 

"So, which dress are you wearing?" Elsa smiled and said 

"This maroon coloured one." Ava smiled and said 

"It's good."


Lewis Mansion 

"Babe, what are you doing?" Arthur Lewis, Calvin's father asked his wife 

"Searching for couple poses in Pinterest." Mary smiled and said 

"Ahhh, this one is good." Mary excitedly said 

Looking at her husband, she said "Arthur, you have to place your hand on my waist and hold my hand."

"Mary, this pose is for youngsters—"

"Are you saying I am old? I just have twenty-five and twenty-three-year-old kids but that doesn't mean I am old." Mary scoffed   

"No babe, why the hell I will say you are old?" Arthur panicked and said 

"Good, now zip your mouth and pose with me," Mary muttered before calling a photographer 

"Mary," Amelia shouted before running towards her 

"Amelia." Mary smiled and hugged her best friend 

"I thought you won't come but thanks for coming." Mary smiled and said 

"How can I miss your twenty-sixth wedding anniversary?" Amelia said 

Looking at Joe Jones, Nick's father Mary smiled and said "Thanks for coming for Joe."

"Mary, why the hell you invited him to the party?" Arthur snapped 

"She is my wife's best friend and have all right to invite me. Why the hell you are buttering your nose between us?" Joe scoffed  

"This is my house—"

Looking around, Joe said, "I thought this is Mary's house."

"Douche bag."



"Shut up, if you both won't stop snapping at each other, don't blame me if I kick you both out of my house." Mary snapped harder 

"But Mary—"

"But honey—"

"Zip your mouth." Mary scoffed 

"Fine." Joe and Arthur said before placing their fingers on their mouth 

"Good, Amelia let's go and check food," Mary said and walked away along with Amelia leaving two ex-best friends alone

"I wish I could throw you out but I can't afford to sleep on the couch." Arthur scoffed 

"I wish I could walk away but I can't afford to sleep on the ground." Joe frowned and said 

"Dad, when did you come?" Nick smiled and asked 

"Just now."

"You are looking handsome Uncle Joe." Calvin smiled and said 

"Cal, don't you think I am more handsome than your uncle?" Arthur straightened his suit and said 

"Seriously? Did you ever saw your dirty face in a mirror?" Joe scoffed 

"Your face is like garbage." Arthur scoffed 

Calvin and Nick helplessly shook their heads and walked away.

"Oh my god, when will they change?" Nick sighed and said 

"They won't." Calvin chuckled 

Just then Noah walked towards them and asked "Where is Martha?"

"She is—ahh, there she is," Nick said before pointing towards Martha who is walking down the steps 

Noah widened his eyes in shock when he looked at beautiful at Martha walking down wearing beautiful peach colour short dress.

"Hey Martha—"

Ignoring Noah, Martha turned towards Nick and asked "Did you called Ava and Elsa? Are they coming?"

"Yeah, they—" Nick stopped saying and dropped his jaws when Ava entered the mansion along with Elsa 

"She is beautiful." Nick couldn't help but comment on Ava 

"Yeah, Elsa is angelic." Calvin thought and rushed towards her 

I am sorry for being inactive for the past two days. I was so busy dealing with some personal pressures. I isolated myself from all the things and spend some time with myself and now I am okay, decided to go with the flow :-)

Thank you for staying with me and keep voting ❤

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