
Tales of the lost son

a tale of a young man and his three female companions climbing the ladder of society in a medieval matriarchal fantasy world.

Imaginator_444 · Others
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As we come to this world, we observe a young boy, around the age that one should start working in the country of Isidore. The name that the people in the small forest town know him by is Michael Ameen. An auspicious name for a young village boy, but a name none the less.

Michael, along with a group made up of young females the same age as our protagonist, were walking along on a paved rock pathway towards the local adventurers' guild.

[Chaparral, Isidore]


'Cynane. An ambitious, noble and loyal young woman. Almost worshipful in her desire to be a powerful swordsman.. or sword-maiden considering her gender.'

As he kept his observations to himself, Michael continued to look around and observe his party of four.

'Millia. a kind, cleanly, and obsessive young cow beast-woman. she tends to use a shield and club because of her advanced strength and desire to protect.'

"..el..ael..Michael!!" shouted the fourth and final member of our quartet, snapping Michael out of his daze.

Turning towards our healer as i bowed in an exaggerated matter, with a small smirk adorning my face.

"what may I do for you lady akshadha?" sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"mou~.. I told you to call me shad! you know how I get about that."

And while seeing her pout like that is adorable, she does have a point. I don't really want to antagonize her too much. Giving an apologetic smile, I simply said, "of course shad. "

"lets move along and get registered at the adventurers' guild." Motioning towards the guild that was at the end of our path, Cynane continued in her normal no-nonsense tone, "and Michael, please be on your best behavior."

She glanced at me from the corner of her eye while Millia simply giggled.

"Of course, I am nothing if not a gentleman." Giving my best smile, I once again bowed while I opened the door, "you first, my fair ladies."

Even though they were shaking their heads in exasperation, they still allowed me the pleasure of entering behind the three of them.

this is really just about half of the first chapter but i just wanted to see how to post this before i headed to bed. if you liked how it sounded add it to library so you can get updates on new chapter!

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