
Chapter 3

They circle through the rooms a few times, and Alice catches flashes of pink hair and wings. Each time she feels a thrill.

Eventually, though, she starts to get tired, and Bastian suggests leaving.

Like she knows, Lily appears. “I wanted to see you before you left. Did you enjoy the show?” Lily asks.

“Yes, everything was so beautiful,” Alice says, and she speaks of more than the art.

“I’ll call you,” Lily says and kisses Alice’s cheek lightly in goodbye. Bastian says something about picking up his painting, and they leave. Alice still feels a little stunned from the simple kiss to her cheek. She’d swear she can still feel the pressure of lips on her skin.

* * * *

The phone ringing surprises Alice. She’d been working, translating ancient manuscripts into other languages, and she’d been absorbed. She doesn’t recognise the number on her phone and answers, hoping it isn’t some scam call trying to sell her something or ask her if she’s been in an accident.