
Tales of The Dragon Sovereign

"Is this the life that I can be proud of ?" This was the last thought Long Chen, The Imperial Dragon Prince, The supreme elder of the ice dragon clan in the immortal realm. Long Chen who had turned from a young ambitious warrior to a cold, detached, neglectful old monster, was betrayed, was abandoned by the people who were once his comrades. Long Chen whose familiar bonds had withered due to the river of time was choked with emotion. Just When he thought that he had reached the end of his road, a mysterious entity interfered with his fate, making him transmigrate as a 16 yeard old debaucherous young master in the mortal realm. With the birth of his new ambition to control his fate and of those around him Long Chen leads to a new conquest. As the honor of the dragon crumbles the insidiousness of a demon is born inside of him. The Dragon Prince is dead, born is the Dragon Sovereign. Watch as he sets off to conquers the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. ... This is my first novel but I guarantee you that both the quality and grammar of this novel are as good as a translated novel. Join me on discord https://discord.gg/2PaRCYmU ... What you should expect +Ambitious MC +Fast Pace +Fast cultivation in the beginning +Clanbuilding +Many Companions of MC who stick with him +Ruthless MC +Slow gradual romance +Harem +MC networking with people for common interests. What you should not expect in this novel -Long Separation -Useless Companions -Cockroach villains -1D villains -Loner MC Do you like what you see and wanna read more? Support me. Patreon-https://www.patreon.com/lilhawk Paypal-singhav.2001@gmail.com Every donation helps Please share your thoughts on the reviews and chapter comments. P.S Chapter length- 1500-2500 words Release schedule -3-5 chapters/week I don't own the cover

lilhawk · Eastern
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48 Chs

Becoming a lesser devil

While moving, the group suddenly felt constrained. They felt a dark twisted sensation in their bodies.

It felt like something was subduing them.

"Don't panic it's the nether intent"

"Let's look for its source. We will move in the direction where pressure increases"

Long Chen immediately warned everyone.

The group moved along and following they came out of the forest and landed on barren land.

With lots of mountains.

Looking up there was a half blood-red moon, but the clouds in the sky were blocking some of its light.

The barren plains seemed sinister and were brought about despair in people's hearts.

Along the way, they spotted the biggest mountain, which was where the pressure was originating from.

"That mountain is where an opportunity lies" Long Chen's eyes widened seeing that mountain.

The mountain was glowing in red color with the backdrop of the blood-red sky, it was looking sacred and evil at the same time.

Along the way, there was no demonic beast, no herbs or fruit or even a tuff of grass.

The closer they got to the mountain the heavier the pressure, they felt.

"This is the perfect place to develop intent.

Usually only essence gathering martial artists and above are able to develop intent but it's not universal."

"Really how do I awaken intent like your boss"

Fang Qian excitedly asked as he felt Long Chen's intent was really cool.

"That's a pseudo intent at most. I am gonna share a technique with you guys should comprehend an elemental intent corresponding to your cultivation technique"

Long Chen then shared a breathing and concentration technique with everyone called Ming Scripture

"Poison I know you are looking for someone, but as we get to the closing of the realm, a pool opens where nether fruits sprout up. There you can find just about anybody the choice is yours to make"

The Cloaked guy who had introduced himself as poison thought for a bit before agreeing, so everybody sat under the mountains and tried awakening their intents.

Long Chen planned to awaken a proper intent as well.

The Asura Intent

Long Chen submerged himself in meditation for half a day before directing all his killing intent between his brows.

His facial muscles started spasming but he did not give up.

He was envisioning himself as someone who lost all he had his people, wealth, and everything he cared about. He envisioned himself rising from the dead.

Death lingered all around him, but he embraced it and carried on his journey without looking back.

Red-colored illusory intent started slowly developing around him.

About half a day later he opened his eyes.

Asura Intent

An intent of slaughter and death hit his companions putting them out of trance and making them feel genuine pressure, unlike his killing intent which was completely illusionary.

Seeing their reactions, Long Chen smirked.

The intent was semi ethereal it shook up their spirits.

The intent help to increase the effectiveness of attacks at the same time reducing the effectiveness of the opponent's attack.

The Asura intent focused on displaying a bloodlust which diminishes the spirit as well as puts them into an illusion of death.

It is one of the most powerful intents and usually people who have lived a large part of their lives, before the awakening, in constant war and turmoil awaken this intent.

"Haha this is an example of intent it's only low level for now"

Long Chen announced before explaining some fundamentals about intent.

"Alright, I will rendezvous with all of you right here in about a month. Don't waste this chance.

Remember in the grand Xia empire, in the essence gathering realm less than 10 people have awakened their intents, so it's far more valuable than anything else."

Hearing this everyone was excited as they might get a chance to do something very few in grand Xia could accomplish.

This information was confirmed by his father in law

Long Chen Swaggered off in a good mood.

Long Chen had been bugged about this since the beginning. It felt like something was calling out to him, he guessed it had something to do with his bloodline on the mother's side.

Long Chen thought for a moment before making up his mind to check it out.

Along the way, he met some rogue cultivators who were instantly tempted to see him alone, like a fat sheep entering rogue's den.

Long Chen directly slaughtered all of them.

The thing that pissed him the most about this, was that these people were so poor he couldn't even be bothered to check their belongings.

Before long he came across a narrow cave.

It was dimly lit and had a small crevice that seemed to be calling out to him.

Long Chen entered the cave and was flabbergasted for a moment.

'This cave sure is well lit and there is the pond in here too'

Some spiders were lingering around the cave, but surprisingly they opened up a path for him.

Seeing this Long Chen followed the path when he came across a majestic temple.

It had a massive gate with 2 gargoyle statues beside it.

Long Chen entered the room when he was hit with massive devil intent.

He unleashed his asura intent and he got completely free.

'I see the intent level is based on my cultivation level there Is probably some kind of inheritance there'

Little did Long Chen know that a cat had been observing him ever since he entered the cave, and it had a sly look in its eyes.

"Passed the first test of willpower"

An ancient and heavy voice sounded

After that, a different room adjacent to the current one opened.

'So much for willpower suckerrrr'

Smirking Long Chen entered the next room.

Immediately Long Chen's mind was filled with illusions of everything he ever wanted power, wealth, women, adventures, and everything he ever wanted.

For Long Chen however, this illusion was child's play.

'In the myriad of worlds only I Long Chen am unrivaled.

Nothing can shake my dao heart'

Long Chen opened his eyes and the room got empty.

"2nd test of Dao Heart Completed please proceed for the final test"

As a different room opened, Long Chen entered it without hesitation.

The hall connecting the different rooms was surprisingly narrow, absolutely pitch black.

After entering the room initially, nothing happened when out of nowhere.

Purple-colored liquid started flowing in.

'Anthias Flower's Paste'

Long Chen recognized this flower as it normally does not harm anybody, except for inflicting a lot of pain.

While Long Chen was lost in thought the liquid reached his ankle.


Long Chen immediately felt like thousands of ants were crawling and biting on below his ankle.

As time passed the pain got worse and the water level kept on rising.

Of course, although Long Chen was in pain, for not a second was his resolve shaken.

'This pain is nothing compared to the pain I have suffered '

After about 10 minutes.

The liquid vanished.

Long Chen's skin was all shriveled up and his eyes resembled those of the dead fish.

Not a moment passed before they eventually returned to normal.

"Great gimme more"

There was no trace of fear and discomfort on his face, only a strong sense of longing and excitement for more.

"Congratulation you have passed on all the tests you may enter the blood pool the receive your inheritance"

Long Chen proceeded to the hall.

'This is too easy for an inheritance there. Is something wrong here ?'

The new room felt different it had a regal air about it.

It was 10 a lot bigger in the area around 20 meters by 20 meters in dimensions.

There was a massive pool in the beginning.

The was a Black Colored throne beside it on top of which was a slab and a cat was seated there sleeping.

'That's neither soul stone'

All around the room were statues of devils plated in armor.

'Why do I have a bad feeling about this

Although everything seemed perfect Long Chen Instincts were telling him something fishy is going on.

Long Chen wanted to exist but it was almost as if a devilish temptation was calling out him.

It was like being seduced despite knowing it was a trap.

Long Chen bit the tip of his tongue to break out of this temptation, but it had little to no effect finally he decides to just try it.

"Ahh fuck it I will deal with it then"

Saying that Long Chen jumped into the pool and focused on his bloodline.

For about 10 breaths of time, nothing happened when suddenly the water (or more accurately blood) started churning.

It started seeping into Long Chen's body to all his pores.

It felt like millions of needles were poking on his body but It was significantly less painful than the last test he just recently faced.

After a while, his veins started showing.

The blood was adding a lot of darkness and yin element properties in his qi.

At the same time, it felt like his bones were being constantly destroyed.

The light gold color was visible on his bones. His vitality was going off the charts and all the hidden wounds he had been inflicted were being healed at a ridiculous pace.

The color of his blood got darker red.

The third stage of reinforcing vitality was complete.

His body was radiated a murderous noble aura.

His original normal heart changed it got Longer and veins throbbing out of it.

It was no longer something a human had.

It is called the demonic heart it feeds energy off of devilish arts to reinforce vitality and everything.

All races related to devils have a demonic heart.

As these races generally devour other races' blood, soul, and pretty much everything the demonic heart is used to assimilate everything.

The stronger the demonic heart represents not only the quality of the bloodline but also the power of devourings.

The devil dao is synonymous with devouring.

These races are constantly in civil war as devouring their own kind gives them limitless benefits.

After about an hour the pool got quiet.

Long Chen opened his eyes to see the changes in his body.

He took out a dagger and made a large cut on his arms.

In 2 breaths of time, it got healed.

Long Chen mind's started buzzing suddenly.

'Vitality devouring art' Can be used to devour people's bodies dead or alive.

A top Black grade art.

'Alright this is perfect for practicing body cultivation in the future

This art was mainly suitable for devouring humans because of the versatility of their blood with other races it is significantly less effective.

On the other hand, his Primordial Dragon transformation art is very good at absorbing the blood of demonic beasts and demons.

'My body can be equivalent of the initial level of essence gathering martial artist'

This was huge because of the difference between qi condensation and essence gathering.

'I suppose I am not a human anymore'

Long Chen could be considered as a lesser devil right now.

While Long Chen was admiring his body suddenly his body felt a massive pressure.

It was forcing him to kneel.

Long Chen got instantly enraged and tried struggling but it was not much use.