


‘Afternoon Tea Party’

Author's Note: Please don't even try to plagiarize, illegally copy this story (and its terminologies which are mentioned in the following/previous chapters) or even try to distribute a soft copy. Do not test me. Thank you.

Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Ruler’: Maki’s allergy finally got cured thanks to Mr. Sean and Miko’s team meanwhile the Yoshiyuki and Yukimura families had a mini-reunion inside the ‘Central Airport’ along with Ms. Annie and Mr. Geno’s dead body. Back inside the ‘Central Train Station’, the ‘Yellow Queen’, Queen Faeya along with Elder Elfie were both wondering as they saw a ‘Royal Aerostat’ AKA Rai’s aerostat left the ‘Main Island’. Two hours later, Rai’s aerostat arrived in ‘Wathyria’; it, then, crash landed inside the Hamasaki’s Estate in where the Hamasaki family , along with the ‘One-Eyed Pirates’ Captain, Ms. Antonia and Ms. Aya came in to rescue Rai and the others. That night, Rai and ‘Ryo’ began changing their fates as they conjure a strange ‘Nullifying Enchantment’ in which were they somehow and miraculously ‘revived’ Kenji or… that was everyone thought.

In between the villages

Of ‘Iytheria’ and ‘Fireiya’

‘Abyssal Plateau’

Inside an Abandoned Manor


“You also felt that huh? We are back everyone and I’m sad to say that Sir Kenji’s ‘Silhouette’ has just passed away, again.” ‘Flora’ said as she went upstairs and noticed ‘Ches’ group.

“Welcome back, Lady ‘Flora’!” ‘Milo’ and ‘Ella’ ‘Silhouettes’ cheerfully said as they both ran towards and hugged ‘Flora’.

“W-Welcome back, ‘Flora’. I-I’m glad that you and your fireflies finally found those naughty ‘Escapees’.” ‘Ches’, in his Human form, nervously said as he turned around and looked at ‘Flora’.

“Yes. I did found them. I have instructed my fireflies to take those two ‘Escapees’ back to their respective room. Anyway, what are we going to do?” ‘Flora’ said as she wondered.

“Thank goodness. I do not know either. I should have secretly followed them in ‘Wathyria’ and witnessed everything myself.” ‘Ches’ sadly said as he crossed his arms.

“This is bad. We must immediately do something before the other ‘Silhouettes’ who are currently asleep inside this ‘Plateau’ hear and know about this.” ‘Flora’ nervously said as she trembled in fear.

“Big brother ‘Milo’, please help me! Help me!” ‘Mei’s ‘Silhouette’ said as she panicked and ran towards to ‘Ches’ instead.

“Little ‘Mei’?! What happened? Where have you been?” ‘Ches’ said as he kneeled down on the ground and asked ‘Mei’.

“I-I saw it! Please help me. Sir Kenji’s ‘Silhouette’ has just – Please help me!” ‘Mei’s ‘Silhouette’ said as she started wailing onto ‘Ches’ arms.

“’Mei’?! Are you alright? What happened?” ‘Milo’s Silhouette’ said as he approached ‘Mei’.

“Big brother ‘Milo’, help me! We have to help Sir Kenji! Please.” Mei’s ‘Silhouette’ said as she trembled in fear.

“’Mei’? Please tell us what happened.” ‘Flora’ calmly said as she approached ‘Milo’ and ‘Mei’s ‘Silhouettes’.

“Everyone, please listen to me! Sir Kenji and I were inside the Music room behind Sir ‘Ches’, searching for my recorder when he suddenly froze like a statue and fell down on the floor. I tried waking him up but when I was about to poke his right cheek, a red-colored wildfire suddenly appeared and began enveloping around his unconscious ‘Silhouette’.” ‘Mei’s Silhouette’ nervously said as she tells to everyone.

“A red-colored wildfire huh? From what I have remembered, it was that mad ‘Iytherian’ widower who utterly failed conjuring that ‘Enchantment’, six months ago. He attempted to summon a calm gale, hoping that this could possibly enough to take his dead wife back up and out of the ‘Plateau’ but it was useless and I ended up feeding that woman’s ‘Silhouette’ to you.” ‘Flora’ said as she crossed her arms and looked at ‘Ches’.

“I see. I still pity that poor ‘Silhouette’. Now, how should we explain that to these little children?” ‘Ches’ said as he asked ‘Flora’.

“No. We are not going to tell this to anyone. ‘Mei’, could you come with me inside the Music room?” ‘Flora’ said as she gently tousled ‘Mei’s hair.

“O-Of course, Lady ‘Flora’. Please follow me and let’s hurry!” ‘Mei’ Silhouette said as she ran away from ‘Milo’.

“I-I would like to come with you as well.” ‘Milo’ Silhouette’ said as he looked at ‘Flora’.

“I understand. ‘Ches’, I will take these three children inside the Music room while you go out and take those three naughty ‘Silhouette’, who are currently eavesdropping at the right end of this Hallway, back to their respective caskets.” ‘Flora’ said as he instructed to ‘Ches’.

“With pleasure, Lady ‘Flora’. Now, be good children. Uncle ‘Ches’ will be right back.” ‘Ches’ said as he smirked and then started running away.

“Lady ‘Flora’, this way please.” ‘Ella’s Silhouette’ cheerfully said as she grabbed ‘Flora’ right hand.

“Alright! Everyone, grab your recorders and let’s go.” ‘Flora’ cheerfully said as she smiled back at the three children.

Few minutes later…

The three idiots, namely, Mr. Geno, Mr. Jiro and Mr. Ryu’s Silhouette are seen running away from ‘Chester’s ‘Beast’ form inside the same floor.

“Damn it! That is just a helpless, black cat. Why are you so afraid of it?!” Mr. ‘Geno’s Silhouette’ angrily said as he and the others stopped inside the Hallway.

“Listen to me, Sir… Standing in front of us is a freaking ‘Beast’ itself! Nobody knows what it can do to us useless ‘Silhouettes’.” Mr. Jiro’s ‘Silhouette’ angrily said as he shouted back at Mr. ‘Geno’.

“Ah! I knew it! We should have immediately escape out of this floor before Lady ‘Flora’ found us hiding behind that wall. This is all your fault, Mr. ‘Jiro’.” Mr. ‘Ryu’s Silhouette said as he groaned and looked at Mr. ‘Jiro’.

“Shut up! Are you not also interested on how Sir Kenji’s ‘Silhouette’ miraculously summoned out of this ‘Plateau’?” Mr. ‘Jiro’ said as he glares back at Mr. ‘Ryu’ who flinched.

“Ah! This is enough. Look as I touch and pet this cat’s fur.” Mr. ‘Geno’ cheerfully said as he carefully approached ‘Ches’.

“Mr. ‘Geno’, please stop…Get away from him!” Mr. ‘Ryu’ said as he shouted back, trying to warn Mr. ‘Geno’.

But it was too late, ‘Ches’, in his ‘Beast’ form, loudly meowed as he started scratching Mr. ‘Geno’s hands and scaring the others.

“Ow-Ouch…Damn it! You nasty cat! Why would you do that – Uh?” Mr. ‘Geno’ angrily said as he shouted back at ‘Ches’.

“This is bad! You got scratched! We must immediately get you out of here and – Huh?! Sir!” Mr. ‘Ryu’ said as he panicked and approached Mr. ‘Geno’.

“Damn it! Mr. ‘Geno’ suddenly lost his consciousness and then fell on the floor. What the hell have you done to him, ‘Beast’?!” Mr. ‘Jiro’ angrily said as he asked ‘Ches’.

‘I simply scratched him

To put him back onto his eternal slumber.

That is what I usually do

After ‘Flora’ and her fireflies

Apprehended those naughty ‘Escapees’

Like the three of you.’

‘Chester’, in his ‘Beast’ form, said as he was telepathically communicating with Mr. ‘Jiro’.

“Slumber huh? Then, thy mystical ‘Beast of Shadow’ before we all head back inside our caskets, could you at least tell us what happened to Sir Kenji’s Silhouette?” Mr. ‘Jiro’ politely said as he asked ‘Ches’.

‘You are also curious eh? I understand.

To answer your question,

‘Flora’ and I cannot confirm neither deny

That Kenji’s ‘Silhouette’ has been successful

And miraculously ‘revived’ by those two idiots.’

‘Chester’ said as he looked at Mr. ‘Jiro’ and Mr. ‘Ryu’ who both flinched.

“Sir Kenji’s Silhouette has been ’revived’?! How I did that happened?” Mr. ‘Ryu’ exclaimed as he wondered.

‘I also wondered the same thing.

Once, I tried conjuring that

Forbidden ‘Nullifying Enchantment’,

Hoping it would ‘revive’ Lady Yukari.

But… it clearly did not and I utterly failed.

So, I ended up devoring her instead.

‘Chester’ sadly said as he ran away and safely jumped onto the edge of an opened window beside Mr. ‘Ryu’.

“The rumors were true then. Unbelievable!” Mr. ‘Jiro’ exclaimed as he ran right hand onto his hair and then shouted out.

“Rumors? What do you mean, Sir?” Mr. ‘Ryu’ said as he got curious and asked Mr. ‘Jiro’.

“Rumors from ‘Iytheria’ once claimed that there is an existing ‘Nullifying Enchantment’ that can successfully summon and revive a ‘Silhouette’ from their actual death itself. It also said that enchantment can be only conjured by the ‘Beasts of Time’ themselves.” Mr. ‘Jiro’ said as he explained to Mr. ‘Ryu’.

“An enchantment that can be used to fully revive the dead? Is that even possible?!” Mr. ‘Ryu’ exclaimed as he wondered.

‘Probably. And that is also the reason why

I am going back to the Kingdom today

And welcome the ‘Catalyst’ –

I mean those two, mad risk takers myself.’

‘Chester’ said as he smirked back at Mr. ‘Ryu’.

“Then, it is possible that we could get out of here and get our normal lives back – Huh? Is there something wrong, Sir ‘Jiro’?” Mr. ‘Ryu’ said as he went mad and asked Mr. ‘Jiro’.

“This is madness! We, the ‘Silhouettes’, who are currently resting inside this abandoned manor, has passed away for a good cause or reason! So… why the hell would you want leave out of here and relive your mundane life back in that wretched Kingdom?” Mr. ‘Jiro’ exclaimed he went mad and asked Mr. ‘Ryu’ who flinched.

“That is because I would love to see Lady Iysa, again – Wait! Who is that?” Mr. ‘Ryu’ said as he scratched his head and wondered.

“There you are! My fireflies apprehend these three idiots.” ‘Flora’ said as she flew towards and Mr. ‘Geno’s group.

“Lady ‘Flora’!? Hey! Immediately shut your eyes…Sir ‘Ryu’?! Please wake up. Wake up! Hey – damn it.” Mr. ‘Jiro’ exclaimed as he trembled in fear.

“Do not worry, lost ‘Silhouette’. I have only used my transparent wings to instantaneously flash that blinding ‘white light’, silently hypnotizing you and your accomplice back to your eternal slumber.” ‘Flora’ cheerfully said as she safely landed few meters away from Mr. ‘Jiro’.

“Damn it! Now, I understand how those ‘Escapees’ felt.” Mr. ‘Jiro’ said as he slowly fell asleep on the floor.

“I did that in order to save you and the others from what is coming after what those two have done. And probably to restore the balance of ‘Alementalian’ Magic in this Kingdom.” ‘Flora’ seriously said as she tousled Mr. ‘Jiro’s hair.

‘Flora? What are you doing in here?

Where are those little children?’

‘Chester’ in his ‘Beast’ form, said as he was telepathically communicating with ‘Flora’.

“Ah, yes. Those adorable children are currently practicing inside the Music room with the Mr. and Mrs. Akimura’s ‘Silhouettes’. Now, let’s go back to the ‘Lake of Va-al’ and stop ‘Ceila’ from bullying ‘Lyon’.” ‘Flora’ said as she sighed in disbelief.

‘I understand. ‘Sielo’s voice is really annoying.

But before that, what we going to do with them?’

‘Chester’ said as he asked ‘Flora’.

“Do not worry, ‘Ches’. My fireflies will carefully take them back to their caskets.” ‘Flora’ said as she smiled back at ‘Ches’ who flinched.

‘F-Fireflies? Do you mean those guards

Standing behind you?

And…since when those little bugs

Can morphed into something

Like those?!’

‘Chester’ exclaimed as he wondered.

“I will explain that later. Now, let’s leave. Lady Va-al needs our help in arranging that garden table inside that shoreline.” ‘Flora’ said as she began flapping her wings and flew out of the window, followed by ‘Chester’.


Hamasaki’s Residence

Inside the Twins’ Room…

“A wildfire? Your Majesty, you started an arson inside this room.” Ms. Georgia angrily said as she approached Rai.

“Do not worry, Lady Georgia. Everything is going to be fine.” ‘Ryo’ cheerfully said as he smiled back at Ms. Georgia who flinched.

“But? What exactly are you doing?” Ms. Georgia nervously said as she asked Rai.

“We are giving this gentleman a second chance to redo his wasted life. There, we are done. I hope that my enchantment worked…somehow.” Rai cheerfully said as the wildfire magically ceased inside the room.

“Redo his life? Wait! But that is impossible, your Majesty – your Majesty?!” Mr. Georgia exclaimed as she successfully caught Rai before she fell on the floor.

“Your Majesty?! What happened – Ah, yes. I almost forgot those ‘Ruins’ running along onto her injured, right hand.” ‘Ryo’ nervously said as he panicked and examined Rai’s arm.

“’Ruins’? What the heck happened to her right arm – Huh!? Sir! Sir, are you alright? Damn it! Her Majesty’s attendant suddenly lost his consciousness too. Now, what should I do?” Mr. Georgia exclaimed as she started panicking and wondered.

“Everyone, follow me! I saw that strange red light coming from that room.” Mr. Akito exclaimed as he, along with the Hamasaki family run inside the Hallway.

“Your Majesty! Huh?! What happened in here?” Kazuki exclaimed as he slammed open the door and then approached Ms. Georgia’s group.

“Kenji!? Do not worry, Mother is here to protect you.” Mrs. Sally said as she approached the unconscious Kenji on his bed.

“Everyone! Thank goodness you are also in here. You see… her Majesty and her attendant – Huh? I’m getting dizzy. What is happening?” Ms. Georgia said as she slowly fell asleep on the floor.

“Ms. Georgia! Damn it! Father, Ms. Georgia, as well as her Majesty and her attendant all suddenly lost their consciousness and fell asleep on the ground.” Kazuki exclaimed as he reported to his Father.

“Damn it! Your Majesty, please wake up. Wake up! What exactly happened in here?” Mr. Akito exclaimed as he approached Kazuki’s group and wondered.

“For the meantime, Kazuki, please help me bring our guests to the Guests’ room while Mr. Akito, could you bring Ms. Georgia to hers as well?” Mr. Ren said as he approached Kazuki and the others.

“What?! Why me? I mean she is so heavy – Uh! Fine. I will make sure to tell this to Ms. Georgia tomorrow morning.” Mr. Akito said as he agreed and groaned in disbelief.

“I understand, Father. Now, your Majesty, please do not get angry at me after I – Huh?! Did you heard that?” Kazuki exclaimed as he wondered.

‘That familiar voice…

Big brother Kazuki…is back.’

The unconscious Kenji said as he slowly muttered under his breath.

“What!? Darling, did you heard that? Kenji just uttered Kazuki’s name.” Mrs. Sally exclaimed as she flinched in fear.

“I-I also heard that. But, that is impossible! Our son is dead, remember?” Mr. Ren nervously said as he approached his wife.

“That is impossible! Wait! Did her Majesty actually have done it – Huh?! Ah!” Kazuki exclaimed as he trembled in fear.

“Sir K-Kenji just move his right hand and seized Sir Kazuki’s! W-What the hell is happening?” Mr. Akito exclaimed as he wondered.

“Kenji, let me go! I said unhand me, stupid little brother.” Kazuki said as he started panicking and shouted back at Kenji.

‘I am


Kenji softly said as he smirked back at Kazuki who flinched in fear.

“My son is alive? Kenji is alive! This is a miracle!” The overjoyed Mrs. Sally said as she cried onto her husband’s arms.

“He is indeed alive! Your healing magic finally worked on him, Kazuki.” The overjoyed Mr. Ren said as he approached and hugged Kazuki.

“What?! But? What happened to him is clearly and literally beyond my acquired healing capabilities. You should be grateful to these two instead.” Kazuki exclaimed as he approached Rai and ‘Ryo’.

“Kazuki, your ‘Alementalian’ magic probably worked for the last time after you gently touched his right hand earlier.” Mr. Ren said as he wiped off his tears.

“Thank you! Thank you, Kazuki for bringing your little brother back. I-I’m sorry for being mad at you before you left with Mr. Akito’s group few days ago.” The overjoyed Mrs. Sally said as she cried onto Kazuki’s arm.

“Mother? I-I understand. I accept your apology.” Kazuki cheerfully said as he started crying onto his mother’s arms.

“I-I cannot believe this. After two weeks, Kenji has finally woken up from his eternal slumber. But how did that happened?” Mr. Akito said as he wondered and looked at Mr. Ren.

“I do not know either but the important thing is that my son is actually alive. Lady Va-al will now stop haunting my family.” Mr. Ren said as he went mad and laughed out.

“What a weird family. I do not understand why you are still working for them, Lady Georgia.” Mr. Akito softly said as he playfully Ms. Georgia’s right cheek.

The Next Day

That morning

Inside the ‘Guests’ Room…

‘Thank you

Your Majesty.’

“Your welcome…huh? Who are you?” Rai softly said as she slowly opened her eyes and wondered.

“Oh? Thank goodness, you are finally awake, your Majesty.” ‘Ryo’ said as he was sitting on a wooden chair placed on the right side of Rai’s bed.

“’Ryo’? Good morning. Where are we?” Rai said as she wondered and sat upright on her bed.

“We are currently trespassing inside the Hamasaki Family’s mansion and currently resting inside their ‘Guests’ Room.” ‘Ryo’ said as he crossed his arms.

“I see. S-So, that ceremony last night was not a dream, right?” Rai nervously said as she asked ‘Ryo’ who flinched.

“Yes. I cannot confirm neither deny that what happened last night was a happy dream nor a horrible nightmare.” ‘Ryo’ seriously said as he looked at Rai who flinched in fear.

“Hm? I understand. So, if what we just did is not a dream or nightmare, what was it then?” Rai said as she got curious and asked ‘Ryo’.

“It was a miracle perhaps. You were the first mad woman I know who recklessly dared challenging her own fate and ‘Alementalian’ magical capabilities and somehow successfully performed that miraculous ceremony for the second time.” ‘Ryo’ cheerfully said as he tousled Rai’s hair.

“A miracle huh? Is that concept even exist in this Kingdom?” Rai said as she wondered and playfully jumped off her bed.

“Yes. Thanks to you it does now. Anyway, Lady Sally came in earlier and asked me to give you these spare clothes and use it to change after you take a bath.” ‘Ryo’ said as he shoved the clothes onto Rai’s face.

“Uh? I should give my thanks to Lady Sally later. Anyway, I will be right back.” Rai cheerfully said as ran away and went inside the bathroom.

“Alright! I will wait for you outside the ‘Guests’ room, then – Huh? Good morning, little guy.” ‘Ryo’ said as he noticed a tiny firefly landed onto Rai’s messy bed.

‘Greeting, thy Sir ‘Beast’

I’m ‘Nana’, Lady ‘Flora’s firefly attendant.

She has sent me out on this dangerous mission

To tell you this specific message.’

‘Nana’, the tiny firefly, said as she was telepathically communicating with ‘Ryo’.

“Oh? So, her little attendants can actually talk huh? Interesting creature.” ‘Ryo’ said as he smiled back at ‘Nana’.

‘Not all of us, Sir ‘Cog Dragon’.

Her message goes like this: ‘Big brother!!!

Where are you? When are you two going

back to the ‘Main Island?

‘Ches’, ‘Niel’ and I direly needs your help!

Hurry! We will be waiting for you

Back at the ‘Lake of Va-al’… So, please hurry!!!’

That is it, Sir.’

‘Nana’, the tiny firefly, said as she reported to ‘Ryo’ who started giggling.

“I see. My apologies. I forgot to tell her Majesty about my plan to leave and get back to the ‘Main Island’ as soon as possible before ‘Lyon’, ‘Sielo’, ‘Ceila’ and ‘Mi’ try to murder each other – Huh? Where did that loud shrill came from? Your Majesty? Your Majesty, I’m coming!” ‘Ryo’ exclaimed as he gently placed ‘Nana’ onto his right should and immediately rushed to the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom…

“Ah! What the hell are you doing in here?” Kazuki exclaimed as he got flustered and seized his bathrobe to cover his half-naked body.

“T-That is also my question! W-What are you doing in here?!” Rai nervously said as she got flustered and then used her hands to cover her face.

“Uh? W-Well, Kenji is currently using the bathroom inside our bedroom so I silent sneaked inside this room and used the bathroom while you and ‘Ryo’ were still asleep few hour ago.” Kazuki nervously said as he explained to Rai.

“I-I see. I’m amazed that you got in here without even making the slightest rumble to wake us up.” Rai said as she turned around, still covering her flustered face.

“A ‘Red Assassin’ should never reveal their secrets. That is what Lady Marie taught us before she resigned as our Leader six months ago.” Kazuki proudly said as he crossed his arms.

“Lady Marie? My mother was once a member of the ‘Red Assassins’?” Rai exclaimed as she lowered down her hands and asked Kazuki.

“Hey! Stop peaking on me, you perverted Ruler!” Kazuki exclaimed as he got flustered and shouted back at Rai who flinched.

“Your Majesty! What happened? Uh? Good morning, Sir Kazuki.” ‘Ryo’ nervously said as he slammed open the door and went inside the bathroom.

“Huh?! For your information, Mr. Pervert, you were the ones who sneaked inside our room and selfishly use this bathroom.” Rai angrily said as she snapped out and shouted back at Kazuki who flinched.

“But? This is our mansion and since I live in here, I can simply do anything I want in it.” Kazuki boastfully said as he smirked back at Rai.

“What kind of stupid reasoning is that?! Damn it. ‘Ryo’, let’s just get out of here. ‘Ryo’? Is there something wrong?” Rai said as she groaned out and asked ‘Ryo’.

“Nice set of six-pack abs, Sir Kazuki.” ‘Ryo’ cheerfully said as he slyly smiled back at Kazuki.

“Thank you very much, ‘Ryo’! This is the result of my daily exercise routine which I would gladly share with you – Hey! Where are you talking him?” Kazuki said as he wondered, trying to stop Rai.

“’Ryo’, I said let’s leave.” Rai said as she playfully seized ‘Ryo’s right arm, pushing him out of the bath.

“But? Your Majesty, I would love to know what was Sir Kazuki’s – Uh? Good morning to you Sir Kenji.” ‘Ryo’ said as he accidentally bumped onto Kenji’s feet.

“Ah! There you are, your Majesty! I heard your scream earlier so I immediately went out of our room and rushed in here. I-I’m sorry for barging in like this.” Kenji nervously said as he was being bare naked in front of Rai and ‘Ryo’.

Third Floor


‘Ryo’ is seen chasing Rai along the Hallway.

“Your Majesty! Please wait for me. Your Majesty – Ah! Rai, I said wait for me.” ‘Ryo’ said as he groaned out and seized Rai’s right arm.

“’Ryo’? I-I’m sorry for ignoring you. It is just that – Ah! I cannot explain what happened earlier.” Rai nervously said as she got flustered and covered her face.

“Ah, yes. I clearly understand, your Majesty. You flinched in fear after you saw Sir Kenji standing in front of us. I mean who would not be? Imagine being pranked by supposed-to-be dead corpse who just woke up from his slumber inside their room.” ‘Ryo’ said as he nodded and crossed his room.

“Uh? That is not actually what I meant but I guess you are also right. The Twins left so it is up to us in finding that bathroom.” Rai cheerfully said as she looked around the Hallway.

“Uh? What do you mean then? And why are you so embarrassed after looking at Kenji’s naked body?” ‘Ryo’ said as he got curious and asked Rai.

“Shut up! ‘Beasts’ like you will not understand such embarrassment.” Rai nervously said as she covered her blushing face.

“That is clearly why I asked you that question. We, the ‘Cog Dragons’, cannot understand Human emotions yet so I failed to comprehend your reactions.” ‘Ryo’ said as he innocently looked at Rai who flinched.

“I-I see. You see…what happened was – Huh?! ‘Ryo’! You suddenly lost your consciousness and slipped down on the floor. What happened?” Rai said as she started panicking and approached ‘Ryo’.

“Ow-Ouch…My head still hurts. Damn it! ‘Ceila’, could you please stop bullying ‘Mi’?” ‘Ryo’ angrily said as he sighed in disbelief.

“Uh? My apologies. I probably pushed you too far onto that wall earlier.” Rai sadly said as he examined ‘Ryo’s head.

“N-No! You did not, your Majesty. My migraine is intentionally caused by my other, four younger siblings waiting for us back in the ‘Lake of Va-al’.” ‘Ryo’ said as he tells to Rai.

“I see. Then, let’s hurry and find that bathroom. I will ask the Twins to accompany us to Sir Jiro’s grave and immediately head back to the ‘Main Island’ afterwards.” Rai cheerfully said as she instructed to ‘Ryo’.

“As you wish, your Majesty – Uh? Is there something wrong?” ‘Ryo’ said as he wondered and asked Rai.

“Majesty huh? For the meantime, since I am not officially crowned yet, please call me in my first name, ‘Rai’.” Rai said as she smiled back at ‘Ryo’ who blushed afterwards.

Inside the Dining room…

The Hamasaki Couple along with their guests Ms. Phoebe, Mr. Charlie and Mr. Akito are seen having their early breakfast in the Dining room.

“Lady Phoebe, your cup of coffee is getting cold.” Mr. Akito softly said as he gently nudged Ms. Phoebe.

“Ah, yes. I’m sorry, your highness. It’s just that I was wondering how I will explain to Master Eito that terrible event last night. I even partially destroyed his royal aerostat afterwards.” Ms. Phoebe said as she sighed in disappointment.

“Do not worry, Lady Phoebe. I’m sure Sir Kazuki will vouch for you. Speaking of that young lad, where is he – Uh? Another loud scream? I wonder where did that came from.” Mr. Charlie said as he casually sips his coffee.

“Master, Milady, would you like me to head upstairs and assist her Majesty instead?” Ms. Georgia said as she asked Mr. Ren and Mrs. Sally.

“I see. Then, please do that – Ow-ouch! Why would you have to pinch my right cheek like that?” Mr. Ren angrily said as he asked his wife.

“Do not worry, Ms. Georgia. The Twins and our VIP guests are just fine. So, for the meantime, let’s go to the kitchen and help me prepare those pastries for our afternoon tea party. Oh, how I wonder if her Majesty would like those mini-fruit tarts that I’m planning to bake for her.” Mrs. Sally cheerfully said as she crossed her arms.

“Darling, truth to be told, Mr. Simoun’s baked pastries are way, WAY better than yours – Ow!” Mr. Ren said as he crimpled in pain after the furious Mrs. Sally clouted his right ear.

“Good morning, everyone. I’m back and Kenji is finally done fixing his shirt.” Kazuki said as he and Kenji went inside the dining room.

“Good morning, my children. Now, please go to your seats and we will prepare your breakfasts.” Mrs. Sally cheerfully said as she left and went inside the kitchen, followed by Ms. Georgia.

“Where are our VIP guests? I thought they were with you upstairs.” Mr. Ren said as he wondered and asked Kazuki who sat beside him.

“Ah, yes. You see…Her Majesty got flustered and then immediately went out of the ‘Guests’ room after Kenji and I told her and Sir ‘Ryo’ where to find the main bathroom inside the third floor.” Kazuki explained as he stretched out his arms.

“I apologize, Father. That is clearly my fault. I’m not used to having female guests inside this house.” Kenji nervously said as he apologized to his father.” Kenji said as he approached his father.

“No. Not at all. I guess I will just go to the kitchen and inform your mother about this – Kenji?! You suddenly slipped off your wooden chair. What happened?” Mr. Ren nervously said as he started panicking and asked Kenji.

“Uh? I do not know either, Father. Both of my legs are shaking though.” Kenji nervously said as he sat upright on the floor.

“I see. Your lower body is still weak and wobbly after being asleep and frozen for seven days. Sir, I suggest to enroll him onto a therapy session to regain his full strength, helping him to walk on his own again.” Mr. Charlie said as he approached and suggested to Mr. Ren.

“I-I understand. I will immediately consult my wife and Ms. Georgia about this. Kazuki, stay with your little brother for the awhile and I will be right back.” Mr. Ren nervously said as he started panicking and went inside the kitchen.

“Father, please be careful or else you will slip, again. Hey, are you alright?” Kazuki said as he smiled back at Kenji.

“Uh? Yes. I’m fine but I wonder why I cannot feel any pain from my legs.” Kenji cheerfully said as he tried massaging his legs.

“I see. Here, let me and Mr. Charlie help you get up – Uh? Is there something wrong?” Kazuki said as he wondered and asked Kenji.

“So, you were the one who actually stole and hid that – I mean my hand gun you despise the most.” Kenji cheerfully said as he smiled back at Kazuki who flinched in fear.

“A hand gun? Eh? I thought Sir Kazuki never use any kinds of hand held guns as his choice of weapons since he utterly and hilariously fails on using those.” Mr. Charlie said as he teased Kazuki and carefully lifted Kenji off the floor.

“Huh?! It is indeed that I cannot be a skilled sharpshooter like my little brother, but I have been practicing my shooting skills for almost three years. Would you like me to present a demonstration – Huh?! Good morning, your Majesty.” Kazuki said as he got interrupted by Rai and ‘Ryo’.

“Good morning, everyone and thank you for waiting.” Rai cheerfully said as he went inside the Dining room, followed by ‘Ryo’.

‘Main Island’

‘Lake of Va-al’

That afternoon

Along the shoreline…

‘Flora’ and the other ‘Beasts’ are seen having their get-together party few meters away from the ‘Lake’ itself.

“Hey – ‘Lyon’, I already told you to wash your hands before stealing that red apple.” ‘Flora’ angrily said as she reprimanded ‘Lyon’.

“Yes, big sister. I will be right back.” ‘Lyon’ said as he pouted and placed the red apple back on the fruits’ tray.

“And ‘Mi’, I also told you not to sit and eat those bread crumbs on that seat.” ‘Flora’ angrily said as he glares back at ‘Mi’.

‘Ah, Fine! My bad.

Whose chair

Is this anyway?’

‘Mi’ said as he got frustrated and carefully slides down the chair.

“That chair is intended for Lady Va-al’s VIP guest. Now, I have to clean your mess, again.” ‘Flora’ said as she sighed in disbelief.

‘I see. But I think

They are already late.

Anyway, I wonder where ‘Niel’

And little ‘Sielo’ went.’

‘Mi’ said as he got curious and continue eating his bread crumbs on the ground.

“We are back, big sister.” ‘Sielo’ sadly said as he and ‘Niel’ approached ‘Flora’.

“Welcome back – Uh?! You clothes are drenched in water. What happened to you?” ‘Flora’ exclaimed as she started panicking and asked ‘Niel’.

“Ah! This is so frustrating! We failed to convince and take ‘Ceila’ out of the lake. She, instead, got mad, pulling us under the water and then both threw us out of the ‘Lake’ afterwards.” ‘Niel’ said as he groaned out and explained to ‘Flora’.

“I’m her big brother so why would not she listen to me. Why?” ‘Sielo’ sadly said as he pouted and cried out.

“Uh? Do not worry, ‘Sielo’. I’m sure she does not hate you. ‘Niel’, please immediately head out and change your clothes before – ‘Lyon’?!” ‘Flora’ exclaimed as she turned around and got surprised to see ‘Lyon’.

“I’m back, everyone. And I brought ‘Lady Va-al’ who are currently resting on the top of this fresh, water lily pad with me.” ‘Lyon’ cheerfully said as he presented an ugly toad to ‘Flora’ and the others.

“I see. Thank you for bringing her in here.” ‘Flora’ cheerfully said as she gently took the ugly toad out of ‘Lyon’ hands.

“And another thing, big brother ‘Ryo’ and her Majesty has arrived. They are both currently walking few meters behind us.” ‘Lyon’ said as he reported to the others.

“Big brother is back? Y-You are right! They are indeed back.” ‘Niel’ said as he and the others turned around and heard some footsteps.

“I knew it! That female Pirate Captain really hates us. I already sensed that after we all visited Sir Jiro’s grave inside their cemetery.” Rai angrily said as she began stomping away from ‘Ryo’.

“Damn it! She and her pirate crew even deceived and ambushed us before we suddenly left the ‘Trading District’. If I were not carrying on my back earlier, I will probably evaded that cannon ball.” ‘Ryo’ said as he groaned out in pain.

“Well, thanks to your injured, right ‘Dragon Wing’, we have managed to get out of that village and get back in here, alive. I will apologize to Ms. Phoebe about that incident after she finished repairing that aerostat and get back in here.” Rai said as she sighed in disbelief.

“Big brother ‘Ryo’! Welcome back.” ‘Sielo’ and his other siblings exclaimed as they ran towards and hugged ‘Ryo’.

“Ah – huh?! I-I’m back, everyone. Thank you for waiting.” ‘Ryo’ cheerfully said as he fell down on the ground.

“Welcome back, your Majesty. Lady Va-al is waiting for your arrival.” ‘Flora’ politely said as she presented the told to Rai.

“Lady ‘Flora’? Who is this Lady Va-al?” Rai said as she crossed her arms and wondered.

‘I’m right down here, your Majesty.

And I apologize for

My grotesque appearance.’

‘Lady Va-al’, in her toad form, said as she was telepathically talking to Rai.

“’Grotesque’ huh? It is been awhile since the last time I heard that. Anyway, I’m Rai Akimura, the newly crowned ‘Imperial Ruler and Hero’ of ‘Alementalia’. It is nice to meet you, the guard ‘Silhouette’ of this ‘Lake’.” Rai said as she giggled and introduced herself to Lady Va-al.

‘H-How did you know that?!

A-Anyway, N-No. It is my pleasure

To meet you as well, your Majesty.’

‘Lady Va-al’ nervously said as she got flustered and jumped onto Rai’s head.

“Whoa! Thank goodness! I have managed to catch you before you slipped off my black hair. So, what can I do for you?” Rai cheerfully said as she asked Lady Va-al.

‘Your Majesty, if I may be so bold

And I should have personally invited you onto this

Tea party after your ‘Grand Coronation’ Day

But…may I have a word with you?

Privately. ’

‘Lady Va-al’ seriously said as she asked Rai who flinched.

“I understand. It would be so disrespectful of me to reject you simple request after you prepared and filled that garden table with those different kinds of pastries, berries, nut and wild flowers for me.” Rai said as she gently placed Lady Va-al onto her hands and walked towards the garden table.

“I will be right there with you, Lady Va-al. Right after, I joined with this hug party.” ‘Flora’ cheerfully said as she lowered down her wings and jumped towards her other siblings.

“’Flora’!? Not you too. Ah! Damn it. Hey – everyone, you are so heavy and could you please be extra cautious not to squish ‘Mi’?” ‘Ryo’ cheerfully said as he hugged each of his siblings.

“Anyway, I guess this is your seat while there is my seat on the other end of this table and – Oh! Where did you found - are these mini-rainbow strawberries?! ” Rai excitedly said as she squealed and grabbed one strawberry.

‘Again, I apologize, your Majesty.

These are the only delicacies

That this forest area

Can offer to you. ’

‘Lady Va-al’ nervously said as she tells to Rai.

“No. Not at all. I would whole-heartedly accept all of these. Anyway, what was this thing you would like to talk about with me?” Rai said as she started eating the strawberry.

‘Ah, yes. Truth to be told,

I would like to thank you

For saving one of my twin children

From his eternal slumber. ’

‘Lady Va-al’ seriously said as she smiled back at Rai who flinched.

“Save your what?! Twin children? Wait! How did you know that?” Rai exclaimed as she almost got choked and wondered.

‘You have managed to successfully

nullify each and everyone’s ‘Cursed Mark’

Saving them from their horrible fates

Just like what have you done to my Kenji’s.’

‘Lady Va-al’ cheerfully said as she carefully jumped across the wooden table, toward Rai.

“Wait. I’m utterly confused. How did you know that I – I mean ‘Ryo’ and I ‘revived’ one of your – I mean the Hamasaki’s children and…What the hell is going on in here?” Rai seriously said as she got pissed off and wondered.

‘The Hamasaki Family?

That family who owns the ‘Wathyrian Armada’?

I see. Now, I finally figured out who

Abducted my twin children

After I passed away

As a suspected murder victim.’

‘Lady Va-al’ sadly said as she stopped jumping beside Rai’s tea cup.

“Oh? So, you are claiming that Sir Kazuki and Kenji are not the biological children of the Hamasaki Couple. Something is so fishy in here.” Rai cheerfully said as she gently picked Lady Va-al off the table.

‘I would also like to ask for your assistance

In solving my murder case, your Majesty.

So, that my ‘Silhouette’ and my friend ‘Ba-al’

Can finally rest in peace.’

‘Lady Va-al’ said as she gazed up onto Rai’s face.

“I understand. Do not worry, I will try my best to restart investigating your case and Ms. Author and I knows just a guy that can help us on doing that.” Rai cheerfully said as she stood up from her seat and stretched out her arms.

“Your Majesty – I mean Rai, please help me.” ‘Ryo’ exclaimed as he cried out for help.

“Uh? I understand. I’m coming so do not move or else your right foot will squish the little ‘Golem King’. Huh?! The afternoon daylight just disappeared? What happened?” Rai said as she wondered.

“Oh no! ‘Ceila’, stop! You must immediately get back under the water.” ‘Sielo’ said as he ran away from ‘Ryo’s group and approached ‘Ceila’.

‘Everyone, how dare you not to inform me

That big brother is already back!?

Welcome back, big brother ‘Ryo’!’

‘Ceila’, in her ‘Beast’ form, cheerfully said as she slowly rose up from the ‘Lake’.

“Oh no! This is really, really bad. Big brother, what are we going to do?” ‘Niel’ said as he flinched in fear and asked ‘Ryo’.

“First of all, I need all of you to get out of my back. Please.” ‘Ryo’ said as he pleaded to his other siblings.

“A-Amazing! ‘Sea Leviathans’ are extremely enormous that their shadows are also enough to tower the entire ‘Lake’ itself.” Rai nervously said as she flinched in fear.

“Your Majesty, get out of there!” Sir Yuki exclaimed as he suddenly arrived behind Rai and pushed her down on the floor.

“Ow-Ouch…Sir Yuki? Huh? Mr. Nile and Mr. Carlo are here too.” Rai exclaimed as she looked up and saw Mr. Nile and Mr. Carlo.

“Your Majesty, please stay down on the ground. That ‘Sea Leviathan’ is dangerous.” Mr. Carlo exclaimed as he and Sir Yuki drew out their Short Swords.

“’Imperial Soldiers’ of the Head Quarters, I, hereby, pleading all of you take those swords away.” ‘Ryo’ seriously said as he approached Sir Yuki and the others.

“What?! We cannot possibly do that. We came in here to rescue and protect her Majesty from that ‘Beast’.” Mr. Nile angrily said as he shouted back at ‘Ryo’.

“P-Please listen to me. This is just a misunderstanding. My little sister, ‘Ceila’ would never hurt anyone.” ‘Sielo’ bravely said as he stepped forward and gazed up onto Sir Yuki’s team.

“Your little sister – Wait! That monster is your other siblings?!” Mr. Carlo exclaimed as he wondered and aimed his sword back at ‘Ceila’.

“Our sibling is not a monster, you foolish Soldier – Uh?!” ‘Flora’ angrily said as she shouted back at Mr. Carlo who flinched in fear.

“Alright! Everyone that is enough.” Rai seriously said as she stood up from the ground and clapped her hands, thrice, interrupting ‘Flora’.

“Your Majesty? My apologies. We should have helped you first.” Sir Yuki said as he apologized to Rai.

“No. Not at all. And all of you should be apologizing to Lady Va-al not to me. All of you suddenly barged inside this shoreline and then eventually interrupted our little tea party.” Rai said as she got pissed off and then started reprimanding everyone.

“I-I see. We truly apologize, your Majesty.” ‘Ryo’ nervously said as he kneeled down on the ground.

“On the other hand, since everyone has arrived…On behalf of Lady Va-al, would you like to join with us on our tea party?” Rai said as she sighed and asked both ‘Ryo’ and Sir Yuki’s group.

‘Yes. I would gladly

Accept your invitation

Your Majesty.


‘Ceila’ cheerfully said as she uses her ‘Alementalian’ magic and morphed back into her human form.

“W-What am I going to do? ‘Ceila’ is fast falling onto the ground.” ‘Sielo’ nervously said as he started panicking and ran away from his group.

“Big sister, we have to help them!” ‘Niel’ exclaimed as he trembled in fear.

“You could ask your big brother ‘Ches’, who are currently hiding underneath Mr. Nile’s shadow, for some assistance.” ‘Flora’ cheerfully said as she smirked back at Mr. Nile.

‘Damn it! ‘Flora’

You should have stayed quiet.

Everyone, I’m back.’

‘Ches’, in his Human form, said as he immediately emerged out of the shadows and glares back at ‘Flora’.

“My bad. Now, please head out and help ‘Sielo’.” ‘Flora’ said as she giggled, making ‘Ches’ irritated.

“Fine! You two! I will be right back. “ ‘Ches’ said as he sighed in disappointment and ran away, chasing ‘Sielo’.

“Your Majesty, my apologies but everyone is waiting for your arrival back at the ‘Central District’.” Sir Yuki softly said as he whispered to Rai.

“Ah, yes. I almost forgot that. Now, what should I do?” Rai said as she sighed and wondered.

Thank you very much for waiting. Sorry for the late update. Anyway, Here is Chapter V and enjoy reading. Will try to update this/next week so stay tuned. – Cheche – chan.