



Author's Note: Please, please don't even try to plagiarize, illegally copy this story (and its terminologies which are mentioned in the following/previous chapters) or even try to distribute a soft copy. If you do, may Karma find you. Thank you.

Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Ruler’: Back in the ‘Central District’, Miko and Lilia went back inside Mr. Sean’s make-shift clinic, reporting to them the sudden Coronation event they have witnessed in the plaza. Hikaru got mad and immediately went out, followed by Mayumi as per Miko’s request. Meanwhile, Rai’s group finally arrived back at the ‘Rusty Gate’ where they met King Markus, the VIII, and the former ‘Imperial Ruler’ of their Kingdom.


‘Central District’

Along the streets…

“Soon, huh? I-I guess that is pretty reassuring, your Majesty. I-I did not mean to disrespect you though.” Mr. Nile nervously said as he scratched his head.

“You are not deceiving me with that fake smile, Milady! I knew it. You do not have actual plans on how to rebuild our Kingdom.” Eito exclaimed as he wondered and asked Rai who flinched.

“Uh? I actually have not thought about that but for the meantime, let’s just start rebuilding everything from scratch.” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled back at Eito who flinched.

“Uh? Sir Eito, her Majesty just got crowned today so may I suggest that we should seek for the ‘Imperial Council’s advice on how we start rebuilding the Kingdom.” Mr. Nile seriously said as he looked at Rai and Eito.

“The ‘Council’ huh? But, I already fired and disbanded the second ‘Imperial Council’ few hours ago.” Rai said as she looked at Mr. Nile who flinched afterwards.

“No! Wait…A-Are you certain about that, your Majesty?!” Mr. Nile exclaimed as he asked Rai.

“Yes. I would love to discuss that after we get back in the Head Quarters and – Mr. Nile! Eito, immediately summon Mr. Sean in here. Mr. Nile suddenly lost his consciousness.” Rai said as she started panicking and commanded to Eito.

“Mr. Nile, hang in there! I will be right be right back – Uh? Mr. Nile?” Eito calmly said as he wondered.

“You do have to, Sir Eito. I’m fine. Truth to be told, I’m retiring three days from now. I devoted my entire life in serving for the ‘Imperial Family’ and ‘Imperial Council’ so I got devastated after hearing that I got fired while I was asleep and without even receiving those retirement benefits I have longed and worked for forty-two years.” Mr. Nile sadly said as he tells to Rai and Eito

“I see. But I did not actually fired you though. Do not worry, Mr. Nile, I assure you that you shall receive those retirement benefits you worked so hard on one condition.” Rai cheerfully said as she looked at Mr. Nile.

“I will do anything for you, your Majesty. Please tell me, what is it?” Mr. Nile cheerfully said as he smiled back at Rai.

“Then, will you still stay in here in the ‘Main Island’ and assist us on preparing everything for my Coronation Day?” Rai politely said as she asked Mr. Nile.

“Of course, yes! I would love to stay and help you, you Majesty. It is still my job to oversee and witness each ‘Imperial Ruler’s official Coronation event after all - Uh? Is there a problem, Sir Eito?” Mr. Nile said as he wondered and asked Eito.

“You are doing this so that you can claim those benefits, don’t you, Mr. Nile?” Eito said as he suspiciously looked at Mr. Nile who flinched.

“Actually, of course…Yes! I-I’m telling the truth, your Majesty. I-I did not mean to disrespect you though.” Mr. Nile nervously said as he carefully crawled away from Rai.

“I understand. Thank you for your honesty, Mr. Nile.” Rai said as she giggled.

“Now, Mr. Nile, please cling on to my right shoulder and I will carry you to Mr. Sean’s clinic.” Eito cheerfully said as he smiled back at Mr. Nile.

“Do not worry, Sir Eito – I’m fine. I just need to – Huh?! Did you hear that?” Mr. Nile exclaimed as he wondered.

“That is the second explosion for today. Something is not right. Milady, please stay in here. I will be right back.” Eito seriously said as he took out his Long Sword and then looked at Rai.

“I know. I was going to ask you to take an inspection outside that bakery. Now, go ahead and help those people in need. We will see you back at the Head Quarters.” Rai said as she sighed in disbelief.

“As you wish, your Majesty!” Eito cheerfully said as he started running away from Rai and left the street.

“Then…Uh? Your Majesty, shall I head out and summon the other ‘Imperial Soldiers’ to assist this good man?” Mr. Nile politely said as he asked Rai.

“No. That won’t be necessary. I will personally help my fellow villager instead.” Rai said as she smiled back at Mr. ‘Fireiyan’ #1.

“Thank you very much, your Majesty! I will now go back to my colleagues and tell them about this.” The overjoyed Mr. ‘Fireiyan’ #1 said as he started running away from Mr. Nile.

“A-Are you certain about that, your Majesty?! I mean we still have to get back to the Head Quarters and start the preparations for your Coronation Day.” Mr. Nile exclaimed as he asked Rai.

“Majesty huh? Please call me ‘Lady Rai’ instead. I know but we must assist these poor people first. Let’s go, Mr. Nile.” Rai cheerfully said as she started walking away from Mr. Nile.

“Your Majesty – I mean Lady Rai, please wait for me.” Mr. Nile said as he groaned and then ran away to chase Rai.

Outside Mr. Simoun’s Bakery…

‘Sielo’, in his Human form, is seen wailing on the left side of the bakery while Mr. Sai and ‘Ceila’, also in her Human form, are seen arguing in front of ‘Sielo’.

“You damn brat! You should not speak to your ‘Village Chief’ like that.” Mr. Sai angrily said as he started reprimanding ‘Ceila’.

“Hm! Why should I? You were the one who was bullying my big brother after all.” ‘Ceila’ angrily said as she shouted back at Mr. Sai who flinched.

“Are you certain of that? I was only asking him if he is actually telling me the truth.” Mr. Sai said as he glares back at ‘Sielo’.

“I-I’m telling the truth, good Sir. Why would you not believe in me?” ‘Sielo’ said as he carefully wiped off his tears and asked Mr. Sai.

“My dear child, I know that you are not physically capable of doing such thing like destroying this entire ‘Island’ in one day so can you please stop lying to me?” Mr. Sai said as he sighed in disbelief.

“But he is not telling the truth, good Sir. My big brother ‘Sielo’ is actually that enormous ‘Sea Leviathan’ who demolished everything inside the ‘Main Island’.” ‘Ceila’ angrily said as she tells to Mr. Sai.

“What are we going to do, ‘Ceila’? I do not want to go back inside the ‘Underground Prison’ again.” ‘Sielo’ said as he continues crying out loud.

“Do not worry, big brother. I will do my best to not let that thing happen again. Hey, damn old man, I would like to – Eh!? ” ‘Ceila’ cheerfully said as she gently pushed ‘Sielo’ behind her.

After hearing those words, Mr. Sai flinched as he got pissed off and intentionally punched the lamp post beside him.

“I assume that I have already told you not to call me like that, young lady.” Mr. Sai seriously said as he crossed his arms.

“Woah! That was close. Sir Sai, please calm down. You are scaring the other villagers working along this street.” Mr. Simoun nervously said as he carefully approached Mr. Sai.

“But you are indeed old and that is a fact.” ‘Ceila’ said as she started teasing Mr. Sai who flinched.

“I’m not a criminal! I wish our big brother ‘Ryo’ is in here to help us. Big brother, where are you? I need your help.” ‘Sielo’ said as he started walking away from ‘Ceila’.

“Hey – Uh? Your name is ‘Sielo’, right? Where are you going?” Mr. Simoun said as he panicked and then approached ‘Sielo’.

“Get away from me! I’m going back to the Lake to find my big brother and tell him about this.” ‘Sielo’ said as he tells to Mr. Simoun.

“Then, please take this with you. Please take this small woven basket filled with stale breads you have requested to me earlier.” Mr. Simoun cheerfully said as he gave the basket to ‘Sielo’ who flinched.

“What?! But that evil man said that we cannot take that basket unless we produced some bronze coins in order to buy it from your shop.” ‘Sielo’ exclaimed as he wondered and looked at Mr. Simoun.

“Do not worry, I will give you that for free. I truly appreciate what you did earlier. You and your younger hungry siblings politely asked me to give you those breads displayed on that hanging rack rather than stealing them while Mr. Sai and I were busy cleaning outside this shop.” Mr. Simoun said as he tousled ‘Sielo’s hair.

“Thank you very much, good Sir! ‘Ceila’, look! We finally found some food and – Uh? It seems that my little sister and that evil man is both busy competing in that staring contest.” ‘Sielo’ said as he sighed in disappointment.

“Anyway, I wonder where your other siblings went. I was hoping to meet that blond-haired child and ask him some – What the hell are you doing with those melon breads, Ms. Janice?” Mr. Simoun exclaimed as he turned around and asked Ms. Janice.

“Ah, yes! I apologize for stealing this medium-sized, woven basket filled with freshly baked melon breads out of your bakery, Mr. Simoun. I was planning to hang these breads outside your shop, hoping that Theo could smell the scent of his favorite bread and come back in here, alive.” Ms. Janice sadly said as she tells to Mr. Simoun.

“We are back. Huh?! What the heck happened in here? ” Ms. Mai said as she and Ms. Perisia arrived behind Mr. Simoun’s group.

“Oh, welcome back, Lady Mai and Ms. Perisia. Thank you very much for assisting us in replenishing those baking supplies for me.” Mr. Simoun cheerfully said as he looked at Ms. Mai.

“No. Not at all. The only thing we did was to get these supplies for you from the Market place. Anyway, Sir Eito also came with us.” Ms. Perisia said as she smiled back at Mr. Simoun who blushed.

“Sir Eito – Sir Eito?! Welcome! W-What can I do for you?” Mr. Simoun nervously said as he asked Eito.

“Uh? I heard two simultaneous loud explosions coming from this part of the ‘District’. I came in here to investigate what actually happened in here.” Eito said as he looked at Mr. Simoun who flinched.

“Ah, yes. It was Sir Sai’s fault. Please look over here. He got pissed off and accidentally destroyed my shop’s door and that lamp post to calm himself down.” Mr. Simoun said as he reported to Eito.

“I see. So, it was your fault, Sir. Her Majesty will not be pleased after hearing about this.” Eito said as he smiled back at Mr. Sai who flinched.

“Her Majesty? Rai is already back? Where is she?” Mr. Sai cheerfully said as he asked and approached Eito.

“I assume that her Majesty and Mr. Nile are already on their way back to the Head Quarters and – your highness?! Where are you going?” Eito exclaimed as he asked Mr. Nile.

“I am going back to the Head Quarters to personally meet her Majesty. Hey, are you coming or what?” Mr. Sai said as he began stomping away and shouted back at Ms. Mai.

“I’m coming, Dear. But, first, you are going to repair Mr. Simoun’s broken door and that lamp post before we leave and go back to the Head Quarters.” Ms. Mai said as she glares back at Mr. Sai.

“Damn it! I know! I know. That conversation is not over, young Lady. I will be right back.” Mr. Sai angrily said as he approached ‘Ceila’.

“See you later, Mister.” ‘Ceila’ said as she teased Mr. Sai who flinched.

“Damn brat! Come back in here. You cannot just hide behind that woman.” Mr. Sai angrily said as he shouted back at Ms. Mai.

“This little lady reminds me of our daughter – I mean Yukari who sadly passed away few months ago.” Ms. Mai cheerfully said as she tousled ‘Ceila’s hair.

“Do not worry, I will also stay in here and assist his highness, Mr. Simoun.” Eito cheerfully said as he looked at Mr. Simoun.

“Thank you so much, Sir Eito! Now, Ms. Perisia and I can focus on our cleaning tasks inside the shop. Ms. Perisia, let’s go. Uh? Ms. Perisia?” Mr. Simoun said as he wondered and looked at Ms. Perisia.

“Ah, yes! I’m sorry. I simply cannot believe that her Majesty’s strange enchantment helped me and the other ‘Living Fiends’ to return back to my physical, human form.” Ms. Perisia, in her Human form, cheerfully said as she smiled back at Eito and the others.

“Indeed. You got back to your human forms. Her Majesty was able to nullify your ‘Cursed Marks’ but I guess that enchantment was not powerful enough to take those small horns of yours off your head.” Ms. Mai said as she looked at Ms. Perisia who flinched.

“I-I see. T-That is probably why those villagers kept staring at me. T-This is so embarrassing.” Ms. Perisia nervously said as she laughed out.

“It is true then. Milady actually did it!” Eito exclaimed and approached Ms. Perisia.

“Yes! Her Majesty indeed did saved all of us. She was successfully able to completely nullify my ‘Mark’! My previous ‘Cursed Mark’ can be found inked on my left, shoulder blade but now, look it is completely gone. Amazing, isn’t?” Ms. Perisia exclaimed as she gently lowered down her scarf and presented her ‘mark’ to everyone.

“Then, mine was also nullified as well?” Eito said as he muttered under his breath and wondered.

“Anyway, I must go back on hanging these breads outside the bakery while you go on ahead and help that stupid guy from lifting that fallen lamp post.” Ms. Janice said as she instructed the others.

“Aha! I almost forgot to tell you that we saw Theo and ‘Lyon’ running along the Market area. I wonder why those ‘Red Blacksmiths’ were chasing them along that street.” Ms. Perisia cheerfully said as she tells to Ms. Janice who flinched.

“Theo is alive!? My son is alive! Do not worry, my child. I am coming to rescue you.” The overjoyed Ms. Janice said as she started running away from the bakery.

“’Ceila’, she knows where ‘Lyon’ went. Get out of there and let’s follow her to the Market place.” ‘Sielo’ said as he looked at ‘Ceila’ who immediately nodded.

“I understand, big brother. Mister, we will be right back.” ‘Ceila’ said as she glares back at Mr. Sai.

“Hey – Where are you going?! Wait. Your parents were probably looking for you so please get back in here.” Eito said as he asked and shouted back to ‘Sielo & Ceila’.

“Do not worry, those twin ‘Beasts’ can protect themselves.” Mr. Sai said as he sighed in disbelief.

“Wait – What?! A-Are you certain about that, your highness?” Ms. Perisia exclaimed as she asked Mr. Sai.

“Yes. I’m certain that those twin children possesses the same strange and eerie ‘Alementalian’ magic just like ‘Lyon’s. Anyway, Sir Eito, would you be so kind to help me with this thing?” Mr. Sai said as he asked Eito who immediately nodded back at him.

‘Central Plaza’

Near the Water fountain…

Rai and Mr. Nile finally arrived inside the plaza were they saw Queen Faeya resting on the ground near the water fountain.

“Your Majesty, welcome back! This way please.” Ms. ‘Wathyrian’ #1 said as she approached Rai and Mr. Nile.

“I’m back. We are in here to assist you but, first, actually happened in here?” Rai cheerfully said as she asked Ms. ‘Wathyrian’ #1.

“Uh? You see…My friends and I were gathering those woods in front of the water fountain when I heard something snoring underneath the blurry and dirty water. When I took a peek inside, I freaked out as I saw that ‘White Skeleton’ resting or rather sleeping inside the water fountain.” Ms. ‘Wathyrian’ #1 said as she explained to Rai.

“I see. Then, please lead the way. I’m intrigued to meet this ‘White Skeleton’.” Rai said as she commanded to Ms. ‘Wathyrian’ #1.

“Your Majesty – I mean Lady Rai, look! I-Is the ‘Yellow Queen’?” Mr. Nile exclaimed as he trembled in fear and asked Rai.

“I assume so. Everyone, let’s go.” Rai said as she started walking away from Mr. Nile and Ms. ‘Wathyrian’ #1.

Around the water fountain…

Queen Faeya is seen resting on the ground while, on the other hand, Dani and Lilac can be seen staring inside the water fountain few meters behind her.

“Uh? Children, you really do not have to worry about me.” Queen Faeya, in her Human form, said as she sat upright on the ground.

“After Ms. Teacher left, you suddenly lost your consciousness and fell on the ground. We asked their help but our fellow, adult villagers refused and stepped away from us.” Lilac said as she turned around and tells to Queen Faeya.

“You seem to be thirsty so we decided to look for some water inside this water fountain.” Dani cheerfully said as she smiled back at Queen Faeya.

“I-Is that so? Then, I shall get up in here and find my own water instead – Eh?! Your Majesty!” Queen Faeya exclaimed as she turned around and saw Rai.

“Phew! I have managed to catch you before you fell back down on the ground. I’m back, your highness.” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled back at Queen Faeya.

“Thank goodness that you are safe. Um? Anyway, look! My ‘Cursed Mark’ has completely gone. Your strange enchantment worked.” The overjoyed Queen Faeya said as she tells to Rai.

“Hm? So, my enchantment also worked perfectly fine on those ‘Alementalians’ who has already turned into a ‘Demon’ way back months ago before I started conjuring it. This is interesting. ” Rai said as she wondered and crossed her arms.

“It seems that is the case, Lady Rai. The others who already got inflicted by those ‘Marks’ but still have not turned into an actual ‘Demon’ yet also experienced the same thing.” Mr. Nile said as he tells to Rai.

“My ‘mark’ has already gone but I guess your enchantment was not able to get these pair of wings and my pointed ears disappear out of my physical body.” Queen Faeya said as she carefully flapped her huge wings.

“Then, my apologies. I should have thought of that as well. Anyway, as much as I hate to say this but you still look so beautiful with those wings on.” Rai said as she got curious and sighed in disappointment.

“I see. Thanks for the compliment, your Majesty. I just wished that you were also able to save my late husband before he horribly passed away like that.” Queen Faeya sadly said as she started crying out.

“Wait – What?! King Philip has passed away?! Please accept my condolences, your highness. ” Rai sadly said as she looked at Queen Faeya.

“Thank you very much, your highness. You have really have a weird sympathy towards us ‘Demons’.” Queen Faeya said as she gently wiped off her tears.

“That is because I am also one of you, remember? Even though the people of ‘Fireiya’ never showed the slightest empathy towards a ‘Demon Witch’ like me I still chose to practice and show mine to the few people who I think deserve it.” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled back at Queen Faeya.

“I see. Then, I’m sure that my daughter will also like you – Huh?! Lilac, please stop climbing up onto the ledge of that water fountain.” Queen Faeya exclaimed as she, Rai and Mr. Nile immediately ran towards to the fountain.

“I’m really sorry, Ms. Teacher – I mean your Grace. I tried to stop her but she just would not listen to me.” Dani nervously said as she apologized to Rai.

“Do not worry, Dani. You can still call me as your teacher. Anyway, Lilac, please get down from there.” Rai said as she instructed to Lilac.

“But Ms. Teacher look down there. I can hear someone snoring under this dirty water.” Lilac said as she tells to Rai.

“Snoring? What?! Lady Rai, this child is telling the truth. I can also hear that loud snore coming under this water.” Mr. Nile exclaimed as he reported to Rai.

“Hm? I see. Then, let me try this one.” Rai said as she carefully rolled up her left sleeves.

Mr. Nile and the others were in shock to witness how Rai carefully dipped her left arm inside the water fountain. She, then began searching for something underneath the water

“Lady Rai, why would you do that? Please immediately pull out your left arm.” Mr. Nile exclaimed as he started panicking and then approached Rai.

“Do not worry, I will be fine…Ow-Ouch! Something actually bit my left hand.” Rai exclaimed as she flinched in pain.

“Your Majesty, please pull out your arm right now.” Queen Faeya exclaimed as she pleaded to Rai.

Rai nodded as she carefully pulled her left arm out of the water; she, then, raised it up in the air and saw a strange skull biting her left hand.

“Ah! What the hell is that?! Lady Rai, we must immediately take it off you left hand.” Mr. Nile said as he started panicking.

“Welcome back, your Majesty! Vanny is still ‘swimming’ on the other side of this fountain.” Mr. Terry’s skull said as he mumbled under his breath.

“A-Amazing! That skull just opened its mouth as if it was trying to communicate with us.” Dani exclaimed as she and Lilac stares back at the skull.

“Mr. Terry?! You scared us. What the heck are you doing inside that water fountain?” Queen Faeya exclaimed as she asked Mr. Terry.

“Vanny and I are having our ‘victory swim’ to celebrate our successful mission.” Mr. Terry cheerfully said as Rai gently took out her left hand out of its mouth.

“But from what I can see is this: both of your skeletonized bodies are completely sinking under the water instead of floating above it.” Queen Faeya said as she and the others took a peek inside the fountain.

“That is because our bones forming our body’s skeleton are much denser than the water itself so Mr. Terry and Vanny sank under the water.” Mr. Nile said as he tells to everyone.

“Oh, I see. That is probably why we cannot swim properly.” Vanny said as her skull suddenly popped out of nowhere inside the fountain.

“Anyway, since you finally are back, may we have a word with you, your Majesty? Privately.” Mr. Terry seriously said as his skeletonized, headless body rose up from the water and grabbed its head away from Rai’s left hand.

“Of course, yes. Mr. Terry. Mr. Nile, everyone…could you please wait for me back there?” Rai said as she asked Mr. Nile and the others.

“As you wish, Lady Rai. I, on the other hand, will immediately tell and explain to those people behind us what exactly happened in here.” Mr. Nile said as he started walking away from Rai and Mr. Terry.

“Now, children, let’s leave and find that bakery that sells delicious pastries just like what your told me earlier.” Queen Faeya cheerfully said as she tousled Dani and Lilac’s hair.

“Ah, yes! Please follow me, your Grace. I know how to get in there.” Dani boastfully said as she looked at Lilac.

“No, your Grace, please do not listen to her. That shortcut will take us straight to bakery itself.” Lilac boastfully said as she pouted back at Dani.

“Then, lead us the way, Dani.” Queen Faeya said as Dani nodded and immediately ran away from them.

Few minutes later…

“Phew! They finally left. Now, Hurry! Tell her about that, Mr. Terry.” Vanny softly said as her skeletonized body rose up and out of the water fountain.

“Ah, yes. Ahem – On behalf of my ‘Army’, I, Mr. Terry would like to congratulate you for saving us and sparing our remaining lives from these ‘Cursed Marks’.” Mr. Terry cheerfully said as he tells to Rai.

“Saved you huh? I do not think so. Assuming that your ‘Cursed Marks’ has also completely disappeared…how the heck both of you have not returned back to your Human forms?” Rai seriously said as she wondered.

“I came in here to present you mine and it is indeed completely gone but we cannot no longer go back to Human forms anymore.” Vanny sadly said as she gently took off her right, skeletonized foot and presented it to Rai.

“Why? I do not understand why would you not go back then?! Wait! I just impulsively conjured and wrote that enchantment before and I forgot to edit those misspelled words I have used on that last sentence so that is probably why…why are you giggling, Ms. Vanny?” Rai exclaimed as she started panicking and asked Vanny.

“Just like what you have mentioned earlier, your strange enchantment perfectly worked on everyone except for us ‘White Skeletons’ because – Hey, you should be the one telling her this.” Vanny softly said as she got pissed off and nudged Mr. Terry’s right, skeletonized arm.

“We, the ‘White Skeletons’ were already dead many, many years ago before you conjured that spell. Our physical bodies were probably gone as those were left unattended or missing inside the ‘Forgotten Graveyard’ and sadly, the ‘Beasts of Shadow and Light’ has already took our ‘Silhouettes’ back to the ‘Abyssal Plateau’, the only place we do not know where to find.” Mr. Terry seriously said as he crossed his arms.

“What?! Dead? Then, how were you able to present yourselves to me like this if you were already dead?” Rai exclaimed as she got intrigued and asked Mr. Terry.

“Those ‘Cursed Marks’ you managed to erase away from us actually made us physically alive even after we died. Our tattooed ‘marks’ were completely gone but in this case, your enchantment is absolutely not effective and powerful enough to undo the ‘curses’ we have inflicted to the others.” Vanny sadly said as she looked at Rai.

“So, in other words, your ‘curses’ kept you physically alive huh? That is interesting.” Rai softly said as she giggled.

“Yes, you are right, your Majesty. Unless, that rumored taboo of retrieving our ‘Silhouettes’ from those ‘Beasts’ is real but I guess it is not.” Vanny said as she crossed her arms.

“Taboo? I failed to comprehend what you are talking about.” Rai said as she wondered.

“Pay no attention to her, your Majesty. The important thing is that our only mission worked out perfectly.” Mr. Terry said as he dived back under the water.

“Mission? Uh? My Father has also mentioned something about that thing before – Mr. Nile?! You seem to be exhausted. What happened?” Rai said as she turned around and asked Mr. Nile.

“Lady Rai, those ‘Red Blacksmiths’ reported to me that they have found and apprehended those thieves who stole their hand tools back at the Market area.” Mr. Nile said as he reported to Rai.

“I see. I apologize, Ms. Vanny but we have to go. We will continue this discussion some other time.” Rai said as she gently unrolled her left sleeves and then ran away.

“Lady Rai, please wait for me.” Mr. Nile nervously said as he also ran away, chasing Rai.

“Please do be careful your Majesty. Hey – damn, numb head! You should not have mentioned that word to her as per Master Shuichi’s request remember?” Vanny angrily said as she splashed some water onto Mr. Terry’s skull.

“I know but why should we not? I mean our mission of stopping another child from the Hashimoto lineage from becoming the next ‘Imperial Hero’ worked in some sort of weird, unexpected way.” Mr. Terry said as he casually resurfaced up from the water and looked at Vanny.

“That specific ‘mission’ of ours turned into a ‘curse’ which eventually made us like this even after we died.” Vanny said as she got pissed off and dived under the water.

“And that ‘mission’ will only become truly successful after you and we, the ‘Five Executioners’ kill the last child of the Hashimoto Family. Rumors once said that their eldest daughter has passed away from poisoning few months ago so that will make things easier for us right now.” Mr. Terry said as he again, started sleeping under the water.

‘Market Area’

Along the make-shift stalls…

‘Lyon’ and Theo can be seen being chased by an angry mob of ‘Red Blacksmiths’ inside the Market Area.

“Damn it! I already told you to return those hand tools back to them, ‘Lyon’.” Theo angrily said as he stopped running and hid behind a seafood-themed stall.

“No! I noticed that Mr. Simoun and his assistants are also in dire need of these kind of things so I left the bakery and went out to find these stuff.” ‘Lyon’ softly said as he insisted and reasoned with Theo who flinched.

“So, you actually stole those away from them?! Now, I know why they are so angry at you.” Theo said as he sighed in disbelief.

“Stole?! I-I specifically did not stole these from them. I-I simply took these away without their permission as they were busy cleaning inside their shops.” ‘Lyon’ said as he explained to Theo.

“Unbelievable! That is exactly what stealing looks like. Now, hurry! Return those tools back to them.” Theo angrily said as he ordered to ‘Lyon’.

“There you are, little thieves! Everyone, your Majesty, I found those thieves who stole our hand tools.” Mr. ‘Fireiyan’ #1 said as his colleagues and Rai approached him.

“Your Majesty – Wait! Really?! Congratulations, Rai – I mean your Majesty.” Theo nervously said as he began groveling on the ground.

“Thank you, Theo and can you stop doing that? Mr. Nile and I came in here to assist these villagers on retrieving their hand tools from ‘Lyon’.” Rai said as she smiled back at ‘Lyon’ who flinched.

“You are scaring me, your Majesty.” ‘Lyon’ said as he went out of hiding and approached Rai.

“My apologies. Now, please tell me why did you steal these tools?” Rai calmly said as she asked ‘Lyon’.

“It was not my intention to steal these things from them. While my older siblings and I were waiting outside that bakery, I have noticed that Mr. Simoun is in dire need of these things so I immediately went out to find at least this small hammer for him.” ‘Lyon’ said as he flinched in fear and explained to Rai.

“I-Is that so?! You should have told us that earlier.” Ms. ‘Fireiyan’ #2 said as she lowered down her Long Sword.

“Shut up! I do not trust this blond, little thief! Your Majesty, please do something about this.” Mr. ‘Fireiyan’ #1 angrily said as he shouted back at ‘Lyon’.

“Your Majesty, I do believe that ‘Lyon’ is telling the truth.” Theo seriously said as he approached and tousled ‘Lyon’s hair.

“I understand. Everyone, please listen to me. Here’s what we are going to do: After ‘Lyon’ return these hand tools to you, I would like you to head out and help Mr. Simoun back at his bakery, understand?” Rai said as she commanded to her fellow villagers.

“Yes, we clearly understand, your Majesty! Everyone, we came in here to tell you that loud explosion we all heard earlier came inside Mr. Simoun’s bakery. He badly needs your help!” Ms. Janice exclaimed as she, ‘Sielo & Ceila’ arrived inside the Market place.

“Lady Janice – No. I mean everyone, our former ‘Village Chief’ has arrived.” Ms. ‘Fireiyan’ #2 said as she approached Ms. Janice.

“Mother?! Who are those children hiding behind you?” Theo exclaimed as he wondered and asked Ms. Janice.

“No! Everyone knows that Mr. Simoun bakes the most delicious pastries that this Kingdom has ever tasted. He even gladly shares his baked goods to us without asking any payment in return.” Ms. ‘Fireiyan’ #1 exclaimed as he panicked and looked at his colleagues.

“I knew it! So, that was what happened. Young ‘Beast’ child, can we have our hand tools back?” Mr. ‘Fireiyan’ #1 said as she asked ‘Lyon’.

“Stop staring at me and go ahead. Do the right thing.” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled back at ‘Lyon’ who blushed.

“Ah! Y-yes, of course! Everyone, I truly apologize for this mess. I should have asked for your permission first.” ‘Lyon’ politely said as he approached these ‘Red Blacksmiths’ and gave their hand tools back.

“Thank you, ‘Lyon’! Now, everyone, follow me and let’s help Mr. Simoun.” Mr. ‘Fireiyan’ #1 said as he rallied his colleagues and then ran out of the Market area.

“’Lyon, over here! We finally found some food.” ‘Sielo’ cheerfully said as he tried to call ‘Lyon’.

“My twin older siblings are also in here too. Thank goodness!” ‘Lyon’ said as he started running away and approached ‘Sielo & Ceila’.

“Phew! That was exhausting.” Rai said as she sighed in relief.

“You got exhausted from that?!” Theo exclaimed as he approached Rai and Ms. Janice.

“Congratulations, your Majesty. You have managed to stop that riot from escalating into a nasty bloodshed inside this place.” Ms. Janice said as she approached Rai.

“Thank you, Ms. Janice. Now, I must head out and find Mr. Nile – Huh?! Ms. Janice, you are strangling me.” Rai exclaimed as Ms. Janice suddenly pulled and hugged her.

“I’m sorry. I’m just happy to see both of you, again.” Ms. Janice said as she started crying out.

“I’m also happy to see you, Mother. I apologize for making you – Eh? Mother! You are squishing me!” Theo exclaimed as Ms. Janice pulled his right arm and also hugged him.

“We would also like to join and hug you Auntie!” ‘Ceila’ cheerfully said as she, ‘Sielo’, and ‘Lyon’ ran towards Ms. Janice.

“Of course, children! Come in here and let me hug all of you.” The overjoyed Ms. Janice said as she pulled ‘Ceila’, ‘Sielo’ and ‘Lyon’ to hug them as well.

“There you are, Lady Rai. Uh? What is happening in here?” Mr. Nile said as he arrived and approached Ms. Janice and her so-called children.

“Mr. Nile, please help me get out of here! I’m getting squished!” Rai said as she started panicking and called out to Mr. Nile.

“I-I see. Please wait, Lady Rai. Your highnesses, I will be right back.” Mr. Nile said as he tells to Ms. Julie’s group.

“I understand. Please go ahead and assist her Majesty.” Ms. Julie softly said as she smiled back at Mr. Nile.

“Behold, that woman being squished in middle of Lady Janice’s hug party is our both new ‘Imperial Ruler and Hero’. Unbelievable!” Lilia exclaimed as she got frustrated and crossed her arms.

“Hey – Lilia, I know you are also frustrated but can you please lower down your voice? Her Majesty might hear and send us to the ‘Underground Prison’ just like what she have done to my little sister and to those two morons.” Miko nervously said as he gently nudged Lilia’s right arm.

“I should have went back to that workshop and finished that mission of assassinating that woman before.” Lilia angrily said as she mumbled out.

“Your highnesses, please be quiet. Here they come.” Ms. Julie said as she warned to Miko and Lilia.

“I apologize for that mess. Mr. Nile told me that you are also on your way back to the Head Quarters.” Rai said as she approached Ms. Julie’s group.

“Yes, your Majesty. This way please.” Ms. Julie said as she started walking away.

“Thank you, Lady Julie. And by the way, your son looks so adorable when he sleeps like that. Let’s go, Mr. Nile.” Rai cheerfully said as she teased Miko and Lilia who both flinched.

“That damn, annoying brat! Why the heck you are still carrying that random child?” Lilia angrily said as she turned around and asked Miko.

“Our son huh? Well, I-I cannot just abandon him. We were still unable to find Mr. Ciyan yet so I have decided to tag him back to the Head Quarters.” Miko said as he got flustered and smiled back at Lilia who flinched.

‘Lake of Va-al’

Around the shoreline…

‘Ryo’ and Kazuki can be seen running along the shoreline, trying to find Kenji’s ‘Silhouette’.

“Hey – Uh? Unnamed shadow guy that acts like Kenji, where the heck are you?!” Kazuki said as he shouted out inside the forest.

“Hey ‘Ches’! Trust me, we will find and hunt you – Ow-Ouch! My head.” ‘Ryo’ exclaimed as he suddenly fell on the ground.

“Hey! Are you alright? What happened?” Kazuki said as he approached ‘Ryo’.

“Get away from me! I’m fine. It is just that my headache got worst after ‘Sielo’ tried to summon me like that.” ‘Ryo’ said as he shoved Kazuki right hand away from him.

“I see. Then, while you are resting down there at help me figure out where this mist came from.” Kazuki said as he and ‘Ryo’ looked around the Lake.

“Mist? No. I’m sure this is ‘Niel’s ‘Air-Alementalian’ magic – Oh! I see…Did ‘Chester’ asked you to do this, ‘Niel’?” ‘Ryo’ said as he slowly stood up from the ground and turned around.

“Yes, ‘Chester’ did. And I almost forgot, welcome back, big brother ‘Ryo’.” ‘Niel’ said as he passed through his smog and approached ‘Ryo’ and Kazuki.

“Welcome back, ‘Ryo’.” ‘Ches’ said as he and Kenji’s ‘Silhouette’ jumped off the tree beside ‘Niel’.

“’Chester’! Give us back that ‘Silhouette’! I still need to fulfill that accord with that ‘Witch’.” ‘Ryo’ angrily said as he shouted back at ‘Ches’.

“Both of you are truly insane! That taboo of summoning and reviving a ‘Silhouette’ out of the ‘Plateau’ is just a hoax so please stop this madness. I tried doing it with Yukari’s ‘Silhouette’ as well but it completely failed.” ‘Chester’ angrily said as he forcefully pushed the ‘Silhouette’ down on the ground.

“That is because you are not powerful and mad enough to do it. Listen to me, with my and that Rai’s new ‘Alementalian’ magic, we will might successfully do it.” ‘Ryo’s seriously said as he looked at ‘Ches’ who flinched.

“You two, that is enough! Welcome back, big brother ‘Ryo’.” ‘Flora’ said as she slowly descend off the same tree and landed beside ‘Niel’.

“Big sister ‘Flora’, what is that tiny thing hiding behind your left wing?” ‘Niel’ said as he asked ‘Flora’.

“Ah, yes! This little firefly is the one who is assigned to bring that ‘Silhouette’ back to the ‘Abyssal Plateau’.” ‘Flora’ said as she tells to ‘Niel’.

“Oh? I see. You three started conspiring against me, hoping that you will be able to stop us – I mean that ‘Demon Witch’ from her plans.” ‘Ryo’ said as he went mad and laughed out.

“N-No! You are wrong. W-We just wanted to convince you to stop this madness. That’s it!” ‘Flora’ nervously said as she shouted back at ‘Ryo’.

“So, be it. I do not mind fighting against you three – Ow-Ouch! ‘Sielo’, damn it! Can you please stop wailing?” ‘Ryo’ said as he began groveling in pain.

“I knew it. I was not the only one who can hear our other siblings’ annoying voices.” ‘Niel’ said as he scratched his head.

“Ah! My head hurts. Please make it stop.” ‘Flora’ said as she cried out.

“Damn it! ‘Flora’s firefly, please take this ‘Silhouette’ back to the ‘Plateau’. Hurry – everyone! Duck!” ‘Ches’ exclaimed as he warned the other.

“Wait – where did that stray bullet came from?” ‘Flora’ said as she wondered.

“You are not going to take him away. I demand you to give back my little brother!” Kazuki angrily said as he aimed his hand gun to ‘Chester’.

“Where the heck did you get that hand gun?” ‘Ryo’ exclaimed as he asked Kazuki.

“I was carrying this gun on my lower, back pocket all along. Sorry, I forgot to tell you about that.” Kazuki seriously said as he tells to ‘Ryo’ who flinched.

“I see. You also brought that ‘Red Assassin’ to aid you in this madness. ‘Flora’! Do it…Now!” ‘Ches’ said as he instructed to ‘Flora’.

“Wait! How about you let that ‘Silhouette’ decide for himself?” Kazuki said as he asked ‘Ches’.

“You are completely mad – Wait! Hey, damn you! Where are you going?” ‘Ches’ exclaimed as he looked at ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’.

‘Kenji’s Silhouette’ slowly stood up from the ground and immediately sprinted away from ‘Ches’ group. It, then, approached Kazuki and hid behind him.

“Good choice, strange ‘Silhouette’. You chose and decided to side on the winning team.” ‘Ryo’ cheerfully said as he started poking Kenji’s Silhouette.

“Oh no, t-this is bad! ‘Chester’, we strongly must stop and retrieve that ‘Silhouette’ back from them. ‘Ches’? Hey ‘Chester’, are you listening to me?!” ‘Flora’ said as she started panicking and asked ‘Ches’.

“’Niel’, please undo your magic.” ‘Ches’ said as he instructed to ‘Niel’ who flinched.

“I knew it! So, you are just going to let them do that?!” ‘Niel’ angrily said as he seized ‘Ches’ collared shirt and asked his big brother.

“Do whatever you like! I do not care what will happened to this Kingdom after this experiment of yours failed.” ‘Ches’ angrily said as he shouted back at ‘Ryo’ and Kazuki.

“N-No! ‘Ches’, listen to me you must stop them. W-We must keep everything in balance, remember? In balance! Hey – ‘Ches’! Where are you going? Come back in here.” ‘Flora’ said as she flew away, chasing ‘Ches’ who suddenly ran away back to the forest.

“Phew! That was close. You are such a troublesome little brother – Huh? Who is that?” Kazuki said as he turned around and then started walking around the shoreline.

Thank you very much for waiting. Sorry for the late update. Anyway, Here is Chapter II and enjoy reading. Will try to update this/next week so stay tuned. – Cheche – chan.