
Chapter XIX.


‘Fugitives on Lose’

Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Hero’: Sir Akito dragged Hiiro back to the court room for his trial; Harue finally woke up and stormed out of the infirmary room to find her satchel. The Matsuoka Siblings got exiled; Mayumi was abandoned by her own family. Princess Charlotte and Prince Charles finally met Rai. The Hamasaki Twins woke up inside the cell room and started throwing their shoes at each other while Ms. Perisia and Sammy were grieving back in the ‘Unearthed Caves’.

Back to the ‘Unearthed Caves’

Outside Ms. Perisia’s ‘Cave’…

Mr. Larry arrived at the ‘Unearthed Caves’; Sammy ran towards him and wailed.

“Oh my! Your Uncle Philip has arrived.” Mr. Larry, the ‘Gambling Vulture’, said as he and Sammy looked up in the sky.

The black hawk slowly descended on the ground and magically morphed into King Philip himself.

“The ‘King of Elves’ has arrived! Sammy! My child, what happened?” King Philip said as Sammy ran towards and hugged him.