
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
334 Chs

Godly Moves III Keira II

Be it priceless never before seen magic materials, sacred void magic crystals, its blood and so forth?

The fact that she had viciously isolated, stocked, hunted down and killed thirteen of those terrifying floating monstrosities.

Causing the young prince who was scared every time he saw one to then adorably hide either behind Jade's and Mora's arms or under the sheets!

Causing Jade to then adorably pull him out every time and happily hold both of her besties all the while ultimately reassuring both.

And after calming down her besties she gave her bestie an unknown black space ring made from an unknown black metal that felt warm with the touch.

Causing him after putting it on to then immediately realize not only did his mental energy start increasing but so did his mana?!

Before then finally building up the courage to look inside of the space ring revealing three of the fully intact horrors?!

What scared him, even more, was the fact that they looked alive which turned out to be partly true.

causing Jade after reassuring her bestie and explaining they were brain dead and no longer had any connections to its own magic crystal while even if he removed it'll still be alive?

So at most, a strange yet horrifying spirit construct!

Causing him after calming down to then adorably make sure to experiment with it alone with Mora since she was his assistant in most aspects even if she's more a bestie that became an actual fairy later on?

So after thanking his favorite Jade for the monstrosity of a birthday present Jade soon decided to pause the memories involving the journey within that dungeon perhaps because she wanted to save it for later.

Before then simply diving into her journey of entering a random void rift she had found.

To put it simply she went into the void battlegrounds after the void elves had been sealed and entered a random rift.. mind you, she had no idea where it went but she was beyond curious!

Resulting in her quite literally deciding to look for bestie Satara if that was even possible.

All the while resulting in her doing just that and mowing down anything that actively tried to unalive her.

Until eventually simply stumbling on another rift that the void horrors and entities, in general, avoided like the plague since it was sealed to them so her not being a void being didn't have that issue!

Not to mention after killing several Void Monstrosities that were compatible to Void Lords she was simply avoided, the fact that she had managed to do so was mind-numbing.

However, after entering the rift she was soon inside what looked to be her bestie's palace?!

However, it felt more like a restrictive dreamworld that was clearly forced into a lesser state.

Meaning after exploring and finding half of it in ruins she eventually found her bestie surprising everyone including the young prince since she had never mentioned this.

However, soon enough both fought tooth and nail for what felt like weeks, however, Jade had only displayed all the good stuff while happily commenting along the way.

As if her own personal timestamp until finally both were exhausted and began laughing!

Tillie had indeed suffered so much while sealed away having only had herself to endure the void overload.

However, after a millennium had passed her bestie popped in out of nowhere! Resulting in it being made fairly obvious that Jade was a part of the reason why Tillie hadn't 'lost' it.

Resulting in Jade or rather Keira updating Satara on quite literally everything and answering every question she had.

Before then making her dinner, preparing a bath, and cleaning her up resulting in Jade and Satara simply cuddling and Jade reassuring her.

In truth, the young prince was still surprised wondering why Jade wanted to show this however he didn't want to ruin the moment,=.

Nevertheless, it was soon made obvious that Jade helped with Satara's return by setting up a framework for her return.

Until finally, Satara was back to her normal self.

Albeit as much as she could 'still' be normal after such events?

However after Jade's last visit and giving Satara quite literally everything she needed be it emotional support or anything else really she hadn't returned due to the demon invasion and her soon hiding inside of Lily's bloodline curse.

Causing the young prince having realized how truly impactful Jade was and how she impacted the future, that she had only learned recently, causing him to then happily kiss her cheek,

Before then whispering into her ear surprising Jade before then happily shaking her head.

To put it simply she had randomly found and comforted her bestie, and that was after a millennium so at most she got lucky.

As for the void dungeon that was a different story entirely.. chances are no one had entered since she had left meaning she and her bestie could explore it some more!

The reasoning is obvious.. no one outside of the void or her knows what to do with those monstrosities.

And since they're contained and happy to stay there perhaps as a defense mechanism meaning it was all set! Satara knew about that place and how much her bestie wanted to explore it some more.

Chances are she still believes Keira died so chances are she won't do anything with that old capital of a region that no longer exists.

Of course, Jade will tell her or coincidently visit her bestie after he 'asked' for Satara or maybe Satela now. In any case, she only needs to meet one of them!

She previously sent some of her shadows out to meet some of her besties along with an excuse or perhaps simply a story to explain her own disappearance.

To put it simply she had decided on an easier one.

She had been 'mysteriously' been sealed and everyone's favorite baby prince found her and 'unsealed' her during 'his' survival training where Selphie snatched lost lands between that of time and space!

Selphie herself simply sent her bestie without knowing Lady Frostma was there meaning as long as there weren't random gods or demigods she'd simply go with it since it was at her celestial teddy bear's request!

Which she had greatly regretted? In any case, no one would know!

Just like no one knew about that Lady Crimly.. oh gods did her bestie forget about her?!

Causing Jade after remembering just that to then curiously look down to her sleepy bestie who had been happily staring at her the entire time while she was in thought.

While her fairy bestie had already fallen asleep causing Jade having wanted to remind him to then.. play with her adorable little face!

The reminder could wait until she's finished! And after happily playing with and kissing her bestie's face she felt satisfied! At least until she remembered Lady Crimly.

"Right! How's Lady Crimly fairing?! She is Lady Frostma's 'estranged' sister after all! Of course, that's not because of anything bad at least from what 'I' heard"

"Mostly ancestral problems! Like Lady Frostma being the first Sacred Dragon, and the first to master the rules of water and ice while for Crimly I heard she became the third after was Kassandra?"

"Resulting in her being quite hurt and choosing to master the laws and rules of Fire, The Sun, and even Lava?! No idea how she managed it but she was the first to master both along with several sub-elements involving both Fire and Lava!"

"The sun bit however was before The Sun Elves so chances are Sylvia might have taught her or maybe hinted at it since Lady Crimly was always adamant about being the first. To be perfectly honest I had only learned all this recently since I forgot all about her! My shadow besties updated me all on the fun bits!"

Jade honestly explained albeit in whispers since one of her besties were still asleep surprising the young prince not only by the fact that he forgot Crimly but this elemental bombshell! Ultimately resulting in the young prince checking on her.

Surprisingly enough she was simply sleeping on a snowy peak.. he didn't even know one existed within the ring!

But instead, it seemed as if she created it herself in that mini dreamworld of a ring meant to collect pets and so forth. Of course, she wasn't a pet mind you let alone, actually alone?

The young prince wasn't proud of it but.. he had collected three Sacred Six-Tailed Foxs, three Sacred Dragons who were crimson, wild, and frost, and three wild legendary dragons who were either deluded or simply not purebloods.

Three legendary frost dragons, two legendary crimson dragons that Crimly had taking a liking to?

One Sacred and three Legendary Golden Sand Serpents, One Sacred Shadow Serpent, One Sacred and Three Legendary Frost Serpents, One Legendary Diamond Serpent he had randomly found, One Sacred and Two Legendary Shadow Serpents.

And finally seven 'Female' Draconian Cows..

Mind you, the majority of those on this list were in fact asleep and placed into their own habitats while those of The Sacred Realm lived in the palace while Lady Crimly kept them in check, and as for The Draconian Cows..

He wanted to see if he could either get them into The Sacred Realm or purchase or ask for artifacts to force them into humanoid forms so he could have Draconian Bos!

Of course, he had 'almost' forgotten them all along with CCC Sinful Witness or her or its nickname Siness.

Mind you Silas had reminded him and even did him a favor by placing that underground world into a timeless space for about ten years meaning there could be loads of progress he simply ignored.

Causing the young prince knowing that starting tomorrow everything will be in place.

And all his, Jade's, Lily's and Aurora's plans will no doubt happen however he simply wanted to hug his besties before then adorably nodding, to put it simply he had made sure he really didn't have to do much and simply return to normal?

Playing in the garden, studying with his sisters, and garden naps were simply that priceless! Not to mention he'll finally return to his room with his sisters!

Despite appearances, the young prince still feared 'drastic' change as in something that'll drastically affect his schedule and the time he spent with his mommies, sisters, daddies, and anyone else really?

Thankfully enough Jade and the now sleeping Mora had supported him with this!

Resulting in the young prince after adorably thanking and kissing both of their cheeks, he had finally fallen asleep under a strange hum of Jade which felt like his mommy's own hum resulting in him blissfully sleeping away.

All the while, while he still slept in until the afternoon, the news of so many previously unknown or 'lost' races along with that of the long-dead demon races and their gods returning shocked Divinus!

Along with the fact, there were Light Elves, Light Demons, and an Elemental Empire all created by the same god and hidden away while watching the world.

No doubt surprising both The Elven Races and remaining Demons?

In truth, many simply believed they hadn't appeared before most likely because of The Void Demon Conflict, Demon Genocides, and so forth..

Which no doubt made plenty of sense since chances are they had most likely watched what happened to both The Void Elves and Demons and guessed from there.

And knowing that both The Light Elves and Demons had similar names made it fairly obvious they were close and saw this as a possible threat to their existence until finally they became isolationist because of it and remained hidden away.

Of course, this was all speculation along with the believable cover story.

Which were later confirmed by not only Lady Aurora, Lady Celestia, Lady Selphine, and even Lady Inari.

Meaning chances are they may have actually discovered them much earlier on and realized the 'truth' resulting in them simply protecting their privacy.

This was even more believable after The Kingdom of The Celestial Vale and affiliates along with The Kingdom of The Elves, The Kingdom of Inari, The Dark Elf Empire.

And Lady Aurora's host nations, banks, and temples essentially fast-tracking the treaties, embassies, recognizing their sovereignty.

Currency, rights, and everything to ensure they had as little trouble as possible?

However, what surprised everyone the most was the fact that 'that' priceless sub-continent having appeared once more! Apparently, all three races had lost their own so they had resurfaced it, and hid it while they made it their new home.

Which no doubt got a response from The Draconian and Ophidian Empires!

However, after realizing they not only had their own Elemental and Dragon Aspects and a civilization despite being smaller was slightly on par with their own along with them having their own unique take on Sky Castles and weaponry.