
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
334 Chs

Celestial Birthday XI Lovely Shenanigans III

"Sedate them, play with them alone, do whatever as long as you bring them here alive? As for the children.. take them to The Golden Temple of 'Me'.. and bring the girls and ones that look like girls here as well, Aurel needs more friends and so does Molly?"

"But don't harm them or traumatise them even more than they already have? You'll also be granted a temporary diplomatic 'royal' visa to allow for a quick return? That should be enough I imagine?"

Aurora helplessly asked causing the young prince to then adorably nod both seemingly and innocently agreeing with whatever Aurora had said surprising Eldri even more having not realized she was now involved in these strange talks.

Causing Shelly to then gently nod having not expected such payments and opportunities.

Having also expected the worse and hoped this 'job' would have been a do-or-die kind of job, however, now it was quite the opposite and she was no longer in any 'clear' danger.

The rewards alone were quite incredible, what was seventy platinum? Despite Polis having platinum it was never ever used due to how precious it was and focused entirely on gold and lesser currencies.

Meaning even if you had gold to exchange for platinum you'd have to pay quite a bit for it, The Golden Bank of Aurora helped with this by reserving the platinum exchange and making it easier.

However, there was still a 'wait' and some separate and private parties selling platinum on the side with outrageous fees.

Not to mention the other bit about ensuring that her father needn't no longer hide was enough for her to then immediately agree.

Everything else was just icing on the overly lavish cake causing Shelly to then gently smile.

"It's indeed quite generous, especially for such a 'menial' task? I'll inform my father and have my more grown 'assets' deal with the matter quietly, neither the void nor 'they' will know what happened by the time my assets are finished"

"My younger sister is also currently contributing to that sanctuary so I'll bring 'her' as well.. she's quite weak and naive so she'll be easy to 'sedate' and brought? My father has unfortunately lost his approval of her.."

Shelly explained before then immediately continuing.

"So as long as she 'lives' I highly doubt he'd interfere, especially if it means his child can leave Polis and contribute in some way to the continent of the gods?"

"He'd practically sedate her and tie her up himself if there's a chance she'd become 'your' consort, despite him being out of date in some areas he still hears gossip and approves of 'you' even now.."

Shelly honestly answered causing Aurora to then immediately take a liking to her along with the last bit causing her to then look to the young prince with a playful smile before then being cut off.

"Aurora I swear to the gods.. you should at least tell my 'little' Auri what a consort is before you give him another one without consent?"

"Out of those two most incidents, the reason why he hadn't reacted is that he had no possible idea what was going on you shameless godling! Look at that adorably confused expression and tell me otherwise!"

Celes helplessly yelled into Aurora's head through divine mental message having now completely broken character as if she was talking to Annie causing Aurora to then playfully shrug.

All the while for the young prince he had already gotten a message of his own surprising him causing Tillie to then sigh.

"I'll allow this, Lukwum is already an unusable tool tarnished through repetitive use.. I'll 'ensure' whatever 'this' activity is will not be disrupted through my lesser lords, as for the other matters?"

"I've already 'taken' a few cuties from that sanctuary over the years so you needn't worry, I'll also 'make' an appearance to reassure you that I wish you the 'happiest' of birthdays.."

Tillie yawned before then immediately continuing.

"That 'Lady' Selphie and Lord Silvanus are already prepared for my visit.. along with Lady Celestia after I gave her back some 'treasures', I shall also prepare a gift and a surprise or two as to ensure no other such incidents will occur to you on purpose, I can't vouch for such instances where you involve yourself, however"

Tillie lazily confessed having had been quite enough of her plans and his 'planned' environment and experiences being utterly disrupted allowing for an easier possibility that he'd have unfavorable opinions on the void as a whole.

Not to mention the angry bits where that 'little' prince had even threatened to make both the void and Polis disappear which had in fact worried her due to the implications and the massive disruptions it would cause to her plans overall.

Especially knowing the slim chance that he was being genuine and had such capabilities resulting in her writing several mental notes.

And warnings to her lords, and only adding to the list of who they were forbidden to touch and disrupt in any way fearing the very real estimated backlash due to her own uncertainty before then being cut off.

"I love Tillie! I'll never hurt Tille.. and Aurel is sorry for bullying the void too! Aurel is a.. selfish bully!"

The young prince immediately sent back having felt worried about what he had said earlier along with using all his courage to make it sound as clear as possible.

Surprising Tillie causing her to then surprisingly nod with a strange expression before then sighing once more.

"One day.. no matter see you soon 'little' Auri"

Tillie yawned back causing both Aurora and the young prince to then adorably nod surprising both causing Aurora to then playfully flick his forward causing the young prince to then instinctively pout before then being cut off.

"You're planning on 'marrying' the others and since our wise Lady Celestia restricted the amount of wives and not consorts we might as well give you another.. just pretend consorts are girls you don't have to marry but they're still like your unofficial wives?"

"Unfortunately I highly doubt you understand any of this so that's good enough for me! Sorry Celes! Now Shelly.. tell us more about that 'little' sister of yours? Does she have your beauty? How old is she?"

Aurora shamelessly asked surprising everyone causing poor Shelly who had seriously meant for it to be a 'half' joke to then gently nod having realized how easier it would be to get this job done with the assistance of her father.

"Her name is Princess Lilyana Alba, she's ten years old, and yes.. she inherited my 'modest' appearance, however, she's quite the troublemaker and a nightmare to the 'other' children in that unsavory 'sanctum'.. she's quite tyrannical, stubborn?"

"And surprisingly also quite skilled having inherited a pure royal bloodline much like my own? I'd say she was a much younger version of myself with several 'extra' perks? Oh and she's still a virgin-"

Shelly gently explained before then finally being cut off causing Aurora to then playfully nod all the while causing both the confused Drusilla and Eldri to then questionably look to Aurora before then being cut off themselves.

"That's all I-we need to know! And don't worry Aurel I'll explain the topic of 'consorts' more later as per Celes's 'request', so as of now.. you can thank me later! First Blair and now.. Lilyana! It's all coming together!"

"I'll explain that last bit later as for right now we only have thirty minutes left until the night segment fully begins? So does anyone want to add anything?"

Aurora curiously remembered causing Eldri to then helplessly sigh before then hugging the young prince even more.

"If I may ask.. what even is this? I understood some of those 'bits' however everything's moving a bit too 'fast' for me?"

"I truly mean no offense, of course, I'm normally not one who'd witness such talks? A possible rescue mission and two consorts?"

Eldri worriedly asked causing Drusilla to then adorably nod as well.

Having actually understood much of this but felt uncomfortable with the fact that the young prince was being thrown consorts all the while not knowing what they were and how harmful they were to his reputation especially at such a young age?

Causing Aurora who had guessed as much to then playfully shake her head having also thought the same, however.. all of which could easily be resolved by simply stating both 'her' and Celes had given him these two consorts!

"You needn't think so much about these things! It'll be explained in both announcements that both I and Lady Celestia had 'given' him these two consorts as 'gifts'.. as for a 'further' explanation.. we'll come up with one when the time comes?"

Aurora shamelessly explained causing Eldri, Drusilla, and even the young prince to then hesitantly nod especially the young prince due to him having no idea whatsoever what a true consort was let alone whatever this was.

Causing him to then adorably look to Eldri and her to then sigh before then looking down to her with her crystal blue ocean eyes.

Causing the young prince to then adorably kiss her chin before then shyly hiding in her arms surprising her causing her to then helplessly poke his cheek.

After the apparent 'deals' were made Lukwum along with Shelly's assets had immediately gone to work and without the random void interference that might have occurred the mission and job were immediately carried out.

All the while the young prince had finally returned to the party leaving only twenty minutes left until the night segment accompanied by Shelly, Aurora.

And Drusilla while the young prince had also made it impossible for Eldri to leave having had now clung to her.

Causing her to then helplessly sigh, while Selphie was informed of everything that had transpired causing her to then immediately pout at such an injustice.

And the shamelessness of Aurora while poor Blair ate cake with Katie and Ayla having returned with Sylvia with the three girls.

Surprising even Sylvia after hearing about what had transpired while Molly questioned the three girls who now looked refreshed, cleaned.

And wearing sleek silver Moon Elf influenced hooded diplomatic attires and boots having had spent a week with Sylvia and Katie in a timeless space.

Much like the young prince and the others had done along with a certain abyssal demigoddess who also lives in Sylvia's Dreamworld.

Resulting in a strange week of events to get the three to open up resulting in all three now being named Adwen, Gwen, and Helen surprisingly enough.

Having had similar experiences as Molly however they were around the age of Octavia meaning they had endured similar traumas be it worse or otherwise.

Meaning Molly now had people she could truly relate with having not known of the other children who will be arriving in the morning.

Causing her to then uncomfortably ask about the other children at the sanctuary, despite being from the same sanctuary the children and those who were slightly older were separated and rarely ever saw each other surprising all three.

"I'm.. I'm sorry but none of us have been in the children section in three maybe even four years? However, it seems you were saved? We heard rumors but we never thought they were true.."

"The real reason we arrived here was that we were paid to.. all three of us were left to support roles and not told anything other than to keep to ourselves and be quiet.. I-I'm sorry if we couldn't help you much sister.."

Gwen worriedly apologized with a helplessly guilty expression causing all three to then nod surprising Molly causing her to then hesitantly nod before then shaking her head.

"I-I heard from that Lukwum had sent me on this mission aft-after stealing my royal mana and selling it.. ap-aparently my blood is celestial royal? I'm healed now.. bu-but now I only want to save my sisters an-and other things.."

Molly emotionally confessed with an adorably teary yet frustrated expression having felt for whatever reason these three would understand her feelings if anyone could causing Gwen to then worriedly hug her.

Followed by Adwen and Helen having also wished they could have done the same along with seeing glimpses of their own childhoods through poor Molly.

Causing all three to then instinctively hug her, even more, having only been able to seek comfort in themselves however for Molly she was sent alone, and even if Lukwum 'tried' his best anything could have happened.

All the while the young prince after clinging to Eldri and adorably flattered her over the moon causing Eldri to then helplessly blush.

Before then whispering into his ear surprising him causing him to then hesitantly pout before then adorably kissing her cheeks twice.

After Eldri had left once more the young prince worriedly looked around and noticed everyone was practically busying themselves.

And wondered who'd he goto next until feeling a tap on his shoulder surprising him causing Silas to then playfully shake his head.