
Tales of Survival

Kai; is a miserable orphan, abandoned by his parents, the government, the orphanage, and seemingly fate itself as he meets his end not too long after he is born. Although this time he lived on Earth was his entire life, it was relatively short in reality; just a few years. Kai; the child of a baron, also awakens from his comatose state, with mixed memories of himself and the Kai from Earth. A super-chip, which was inserted into Earth's Kai and ultimately led to his demise somehow followed its way to the Kai of this world as well. However, the most important news to Kai was that he was now in a fantasy world like in the novels and movies he had seen, where not just martial arts, but superpowers and even magic existed! ... A few years later, to Kai's dismay, this world was not all that it seemed, as mysterious immortal beings slowly appeared in the world, their very existence; a contradiction to existence itself. ... How will Kai survive in this new world? Will he be able to escape his fate; being a 'character' in this world? Will he be able to defend himself and those he cares for? Read to find out.

Shadow_Magus · Fantasy
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100 Chs


The warmth from the chubby bearded man left Kai with an indescribable emotion he had never felt before in his life. It took him a few seconds to remember when he had felt a similar way.

He had felt like that when the old man across the street secretly gave him some nutrient supplements to allow him to have a full stomach at the end of the day, without taking anything in return.

It was the feeling… of having someone care for you, and it felt like both the greatest and yet the worst feeling at the same time. Without realising it, tears began to fall onto the stout man's back as Kai felt the man gently pat his back in reassurance.

"Alright now. You don't need to be a crybaby just moments after meeting me." The man almost pulled the sobbing Kai off him like some sheet of paper and spoke with a grin on his face, yet his moist eyes betrayed his true feelings.

Kai looked up at the man and spoke in a tone completely alien to him, yet the original Kai always spoke like this.

"Pops… What happened to me? I can't remember anything after I left the castle to… Oh right! I was headed towards Lucy's castle. But it's all a little fuzzy. I can't remember why or how I ended up here…" Kai questioned out loud.

"Forget about it. You just need to rest for now. I will come to meet you again in a few hours for dinner. Also thank you for everything, Luke. I will not forget this." Kai's uncle got up and left, two guards in rather heavy-looking metal armour. However, immediately the gaps in his thinking were filled as he strangely recalled that his uncle and his family had been training the 'Heavy Armoured Cavalry' for countless generations.

His father had died in battle against the church, however, not before implanting his seed in a 'servant girl'. Of course, this term was used rather loosely, since his mother had never looked or behaved like a servant girl from what Kai could remember of her.

Instead, she seemed to be of a rather high standing, but clearly, her identity had been kept a secret for whatever reason. This was not something the original Kai could put together, however, the new Kai from Earth could. He had seen enough movies to think of such a cliché plot.

Anyways, his mother had left him with his father's brother, Baron Morgan Dread. That was a rather odd family name to have… 'Dread', but nothing to take to heart.

Back to the topic, his father who was meant to be the inheritor of the Baron title had perished, and Kai's uncle had to take his place and become the Baron. Thankfully, this plot was not one of treachery and betrayal, but rather of an ageing man who wanted to take care of the one thing his brother had left him before passing, which he still possessed; Kai.

Therefore, Morgan had gone to great lengths to raise Kai from the tender age of 2 up to his current age of around 6.

"Alright now Kai. It is best if you go to sleep. What your body needs most other than food and excursive is rest. Rachel here will sit by your side and inform me if anything goes wrong. She will also take care of any of your needs. I wish you all the best in your recovery." Doctor Luke said with a gratifying smile.

Kai looked over at the thin and sickly-looking old man before giving a smile.

"Sure thing, Doc."

Kai then turned his gaze towards Rachel as Luke also left the room just a few seconds after the baron had left.

Rachel was a young lady who had chestnut-coloured hair with hints of black and white, which reminded Kai of a squirrel for some reason. Her figure seemed rather fit as despite being as thin as she was, Rachel had casually lifted a tub filled with hot water and brought it to Kai's bedside.

"Huh? Ms Rachel? How are you so strong?" Kai said. By this point, his tears had already dried and his mood had improved considerably.

"Young master Kai. This would be a good question to ask the Baron when you meet him next time would it not? I think as the good doctor Luke said, it would be best for you to enjoy some shut-eye." Rachel said as calmly as ever, picking up and clothed from the hot water, squeezing out all the excess, and then placing the heated cloth on Kai's chest.

'Ah! Now I remember!' Kai thought to himself as he suddenly remembered why he was in this current situation, and why Rachel had not put the hot cloth on his forehead.

Chapter 3 is here! Lessgo!

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