
Tales of Sun and Stars

War breeds hatred. Hatred breeds vengeance. Vengeance breeds bloodshed. Having watched his entire village fall victim to the dastardly nature of war, he steps onto the battlefield seeking vengeance. With a single swing, he cleaves the Heavens and sunders the earth. After a century of meaningless conflict, he stands victorious on the final battlefield, one step from completing his revenge. Standing atop the mountain of corpses, he suddenly realizes that his path of vengeance will not end with the death of his enemies. After having stained his hands with the blood of millions, he realizes that he is just as guilty as everyone else. Giving up on his vengeance, his heart became light. Letting go of his hatred, his soul became free. Setting an example for his fellow men, he hopes that they can do right what their ancestors did wrong. As he descends into exile to atone for his sins, he hopes that they can build a future where their descendants would be free from that wretched cycle. He wakes from exile a millennia later, opening his eyes to an era of peace and prosperity. With new friends and family by his side, he promises to do anything for the sake of their smiles. In the pursuit of keeping that promise, he comes to realize that adulthood is a lot more difficult than he had imagined… And that the new world is not as peaceful as it seems.

BunsAreTasty_ · Eastern
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50 Chs

Chapter 41 - Your Move

At the break of dawn, the Academy congregation reconvened in the lobby of the Resting Crane. Instructor Lianyi imbues her voice with aura as she reminds the students to carry themselves properly as representatives of the Academy and to abide by the rules of the excursion. She reviews the rules, stressing the importance of safety, before assigning each party to a different valley. Their carriages depart one after the other, disappearing into the morning hustle and bustle. With the rising sun as their guide, Sun and his students make their way eastwards towards their assigned valley.

As the carriage exits Jing City, the girls jump to their feet and make their way towards the left side of the cabin. They squish their faces together, side by side, as they try to share the view of the valleys beyond the window. Chunhua, seeing extra seating space open up, loosens his sash to remove his sword and sheath from his waist. His eyes dart around the cabin as he looks for something. Unable to find what he was looking for, Chunhua unties his sash and removes his outer robe. After folding the robe into a square, he secures the sash around his forehead. With a makeshift pillow and empty seats, Chunhua stretches his arms before falling into the seats. He pulls the sash down over his eyes, dozing off into a slumber as he hugs his sword.

Dan, observing the whole process, chuckles at the actions of his senior. He recalls his life before his encounter with Grandmaster Liu, being forced to choose between warmth or comfort. He takes a moment to appreciate his current life, not having to choose between one or the other. While revisiting memories of the recent past, Dan involuntarily releases a yawn. Deciding that a little bit of extra sleep wouldn't be a bad idea, Dan lays across the empty seats beside him, using his arm as a pillow.

Wei's respectable image of his senior shatters as he watches Chunhua doze off without any shame. He watches as Dan, the target of his recent disdain, follows suit. Seeing his respected senior of the Blossom Mountain Sect and his classmate of no background snoozing off in the exact manner causes Wei to scrunch his brows. The strange scene sends him into a spiral of thoughts and realization. After a moment of being lost in a daze, Wei rubs his temples. He closes his eyes as he tries to compartmentalize this moment of realization, unintentionally drifting off into a deep sleep just like Chunhua and Dan.


With the sun high in the sky, residents and patrons of New Hope City enjoy their meals beneath the shade and comfort of their favorite restaurants. As business for the food and dining services enter full swing, traffic in the garment district slows down. Aunty Hong, having eaten a quick and simple bowl of rice and veggies with Lia, takes advantage of the calm afternoon traffic, cleaning and resetting her shop to pristine condition.

"Aunty Hong, I'm heading out." Lia says as she turns the corner by the bottom of the stairs. "Would you like me to bring something back for dinner?"

"Don't trouble yourself, young lady." Aunty Hong replies as she steadily raises a wooden pole, with a hook on one end, to hang a robe onto a display beam. "I was thinking of closing up shop early today. Maybe you and I can head to the market together after to pick out some groceries?"

"That sounds nice." Lia answers with a smile, bowing her head towards aunty Hong. "I'll be on my way now. Take care, aunty!"

As Lia exits the store, aunty Hong sets the garment-setting pole on the floor, letting it lean against the corner of the wall. She gazes at Lia as she makes her way onto the main road, sighing as Lia disappears around the corner.

Young lady, your eyes don't match your smile…

The sound of light steps grows louder and louder as Lia exits the garment district. She continues along the main road towards the south-east bridge, occasionally pausing to gaze across the glimmering waters of Lake Unity.

"Girl!" A voice calls out to Lia. She turns towards the direction of the voice, setting eyes on a group of elderly men. "Where's Sun? Haven't seen that boy in a while! Us old men are starving out here!"

Lia smiles at the elderly men playing chess beneath the overhang of a large banyan tree. Deciding that it wouldn't be a bad idea to wait out the heat of noon, Lia joins them under the cool shade.

"Lia greets the elders." She says with a bow upon arriving beneath the tree. "Apologies about the food. Sun is on a work trip… and the shop owner said he has to take care of some out of town business."

"No need for apologies, girl." The elderly man, who called out to her earlier, says with a slight chuckle. "It's good that the boy is using his talent for something other than delivering buns for Jingang! Kyugugu! What are the chances of that? Such a vast continent, yet so small at the same time."

"...Jingang?" Lia raises a brow at the unfamiliar name. "You mean gra-"

"Nevermind that, girl." The elderly man ignores her confusion as he kicks a stool out from under the stone table. "So, you play?"

"A little bit…" Lia pauses, not knowing what to call the elderly man.

"Piaoyun." The elderly man answers before Lia could even ask. "Call me grandpa- hmm… great? No no, just grandpa is fine. Grandpa Piao. Have a seat, girl. Play a match with this old grandpa. Noon is not the time to be strolling about."

"Grandpa Piao, please go easy on me." Lia smiles as she takes a seat across from grandpa Piao. "I haven't played in a long time."

"A long time?!" Grandpa Piao breaks into a hearty laugh as he turns to his friends. "You hear that, old timers? If a few years is a long time, then we're definitely due for the next life anytime now. Kyugugu!"

The other elders, engaged in their own match against one another, chuckle as they put their matches on pause. Some of the old timers kick their seats, making it slide perfectly across the dirt and landing next to grandpa Piao's table, some carry their seats over, while the rest opt to stand.

"Black or red, girl?" Grandpa Piao offers up the choice.

"I'm okay with either." Lia replies with a smile.

"Kyugugu! You're making this grandpa feel uneasy." The old timers chuckle along with grandpa Piao's comment. "Very well then, this grandpa will shamelessly take red."

Grandpa Piao pulls back his sleeve before placing two fingers onto the Soldier, pushing it one place forwards. Lia notes the familiar firm and consistent sound of the piece sliding across the stone table. It's a sound that she grew up hearing day in and day out.

"Girl, your move."