
Apprentice Classes

" Never imagined that I would see 'something' like that on the first time I was here... " A man named William said slowly when sitting on the floor in a quiet alley.

" Especially the 'thing' had I see is from a young girl ... What a Life. " He shook his head while muttering and little bit laughs disparagingly.

After restoring his energy, William began to stand up and immediately headed towards the house that he can live in. The house is quite far from where he is now, that house is located in the southwest. Abandoned house who located in the corner of Glory City

" Helena, are you sure about that? I mean... the house we talking about is really uninhabited right? " William said to Helena. At this time he walked through an alternative lane to the house that Helena said before, where a shortcut that required him to pass narrow alleys.

* Sure. The house is quite old, so you have to fix it after arriving. * Helena said in a calm voice, as usual of course.

* And I'm very sure that no one will protest about it. * Continue Helena.

On the other side, William could only nod while thanking Helena. Sometimes he feels strange about Helena and also often wonders in his mind about who Helena really is.

And his newest question is " How did she know about that abandoned house? "

But that thought was immediately suspended by William. Because Helena can send him to another world, doesn't that mean she also knows the things in that world too?

Anyway, forty minutes have passed and now William is getting closer to the house he headed for. In these forty minutes he also takes some minute for break time. He would put on a grimace every time he stopped.

His ankles and hands still hurt. Which initially only his ankle joint was shifted, now he thinks that his joint bone has a slight crack after jumping from the window.

William could only sigh and continue his steps once more. He thought to immediately take a rest and take time to sleep. As for the injury, he can only hand it tomorrow. There should be a doctor in this city who can treat his injuries ...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

At Morning.

The light of the sun began to illuminate the whole world. The light began to penetrate the houses, trying to inform the residents of the house that the morning had come. The sound of birds also did not escape accompanying it.

At this moment William slowly opened his eyelids. He saw the morning light penetrating the small house he was living in now.

He took a sitting position and immediately took a deep breath while stretching his body.

" Cough, cough... Damn, there is a spider web that goes into my mouth! " William coughed while trying to spit out the thing that had entered his mouth.

He began to calm down and immediately focused his eyes. He looked around and sigh out from his mouth.

He bowed while closing his eyes...

" It turns out that what I have experienced in a few days is really... Real. " Murmured William .

* that is surely, doesn't it? * Helena said in a questioning tone.

William paused for a moment, he lay back down and looked up while saying.

" You know, I dreamed that the time I had already spent this few day was just the dream itself. Then I woke up and went back to living my normal life, working, training and returning home... " William said in a low voice.

* … * Helena...

A smile began to adorn William's face, the sour feeling in his heart began to turn sweet. His heart felt very sweet because what he experienced was not just a dream. But a reality!

" I thought I'd stay in this position for a while. Although there is a lot of dust here... Well, I don't really care. " William muttered as a smile still adorned his face.

" Maybe after this, I will tone the house cleaning session... Maybe also patching logs here and there? " William propped his head with both hands while thinking about what he would do next time.

* Good luck. * Helena began to answer again after being quiet for a while. He answered still in a tone like before ... Calm and flat.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Again, one week has passed quickly.

William still cannot return to his old habits. Like a morning run or heavy exercise that he often does. Only a few light training can he did.

He really wants to grow his strength immediately, but what can William do? His legs were still too sick to run, but for a walk, he can do easily.

For his two wrists, it still needs a few more days to completely cure. But for his ankle, that's different.

Because he had a low severity fractured ankle, he needs a lot of time to completely cure him. Possibly should be cured in the next one or two weeks. All he needs is enough rest and some treatment.

Speaking about treatment, William managed to meet a person who could heal his ankle. He met a good old man, even though he wasn't a doctor, but he was very good at bone treatment.

Initially, William was quite worried about how he had to pay for his treatment. After all, he is very poor at this time, even he does not have a penny!

But that was immediately solved when the old man only asked William to help him picking some leaves of the medicine. Surely William agreed immediately about that.

Anyway, the old man used the ancient Chinese medicine method. He will wrap his hands with a special ointment before put his hand in a burning flame from a candle

After his palm is completely covered with fire, he will massage the fractured part of the bone for several minutes. And yeah ... That looks really cool and feels really warm. When he massaged it, it didn't feel burning but it felt very warm and soothing.

Although pain can be felt when he touches the injured part, besides that everything is good.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

One week later.

Still with a gray Tang suit. William walked past ancient Chinese-style houses with an interest expression. Even though he had been in this city for quite a while, it didn't make his interest decrease at all. It's like seeing a fantasy city!

Anyway, at this time William walked towards the place called Holy Orchid Institute. The reason why he came there was because of Helena's recommendation.

Helena recommends it because it can make easier for William to study the various information contained in the library and also make it easier for him to foster knowledge about this world.

Helena also said that only Holy Orchid Institute students could enter and read books from the library for free. Out of that, you are required to pay some money.

William can only shrug his shoulders. Because everything was taken care of, he would not hesitate to immediately approve it.

What he had to do after this was only to collect three thousand Demon Spirit Coins for the cost of his class for one year...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Currently, William is right behind the door of the vice principal's room. He slightly tidied his clothes and immediately entered the room.

An old man with gray hair and beard was seen sitting behind a wooden chair. He held a Chinese brush pen in his right hand, he was writing some Chinese text on a white paper.

The old man was Ye Sheng, he was vice principals of Holy Orchid Institute. William sat down and immediately introduced himself.

The conversation only takes a few minutes. After the conversation was over, William was finally accepted into this institute and he was placed into Apprentice class. A class specifically for beginners.

William nodded and immediately left the principal's room accompanied by thanks.

Now William walked to the apprentice class that had been set for him.

Unbeknownst to William, right now he was walking towards the classroom where there was a girl he met a few weeks ago...

Really take lots of times for this one... I'm dying T-T

XuanBodhisattvacreators' thoughts