
Tales of Sir George the Dragon Slayer

George's grandfather was the great Goldton Osmund, the strongest blacksmith and greatest Dragon Slayer. After George escapes slavery he chases his dream of meeting his grandfather and becoming a great Dragon Slayer.

Dominic_Fontana · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Godfrey vs Kai and Lloyd

Godfrey stands waiting for Kai or Lloyd to approach him. 

"I am not leaving this building without that sword!", Kai slowly walks closer, "If I have to cut you down, Godfrey, I will!"

"Lloyd I can't believe ya were a spy. How long have ya been a spy? Who do ya work for?"

"My friend, I can not tell you that." 

Kai is still slowly approaching Godfrey, "Stop stalling! The end for you is nye."

Godfrey slides his sword back into his sheath and unties the sheath from his waist, dropping it onto the floor. He then puts out his two hands and then fire rises from the floor and surrounds him. Lloyd jumps back to the door making sure the fire doesn't touch him. Kai walks right into the Flames as he grows black scales all over his body. 

"The Sisters Of Night stole my swords when they arrested me." Kai pauses as wings sprout from his back as he sternly states, "I will not let that go. So I punished them and I will punish you too."

"Why did ya leave the army? All of us three were protecting humanity, in the strongest army ever." 

Kai stops walking and sits down on the floor, "The thirteen of us were the strongest army ever fighting for the freedom and power of humans. When the elves came to the continent people started treating me like a monster. Then Goldton Osmund said he was going to unite with the elves." 

"So ya went with him?" Godfrey cut in. 

"No, he said he was going to a small island in between the two continents. He said he would keep the nonhumans out of danger and he took me. I didn't want to protect people who wanted me dead." 

"I wish ya would have never left. If ya didn't a couple others would have stayed. We might have won if you guys stayed." 

Kai got onto one knee and then stood up, "Well enough of this. It is time for you to die.".  Kai then steps forward and throws a punch at Godfrey's face. Godfrey grabs Kai's arm then throws a punch at his stomach. Kai falls to the ground. Lloyd flies over to Godfrey. Lloyd flies over to Godfrey and throws a punch at Godfrey's stomach. Godfrey moves to his left and throws Lloyd into the wall to his right. The glass box shatters as Lloyd lands into it. Kai jumps up and punches Godfrey. Godfrey grabs him by the waist and knees Kai's chest. Then Godfrey throws Kai into Lloyd. Kai and Lloyd struggle to get up. Kai gets up but Lloyd lays there for a few seconds. 

"We should change scenery for our battle." 

"Yes I agree, but where should we go?", asks Godfrey, "Ya haven't mastered teleportation yet, right?"

"I have but that is not what I was thinking. I think we should go to this city's  colosseum if they have one."

"Actually we do, it is run down but it will work. But ya two have to walk in front of me." 


"Why do you want to move to the colosseum?", asks Kai.

"Because then it is a fair fight.", replies Lloyd. 

"Kai I'll also bring ya sword to the colosseum, so if ya two beat me ya can just grab it."

"That is fine because then we won't have to hold back.", says Kai as he begins to walk out of the blacksmith shop.

Godfrey goes into the back of the store and asks the blacksmith, "Can I take the Gold Death Blade?"

The blacksmith had his back turned to Godfrey. The blacksmith turns around and says, "Sir James Godfrey only if you protect it with your life."

"I promise I will die before Kai puts his hands on the sword." 

The blacksmith walks out of the back room and into the store, where he moves a stool, stands on it and unlocks the glass case. He carefully pulls out the sword and lays it down on the stool, then grabs the sheath from the floor, and puts the sheath on the sword. He hands it to Godfrey and puts the strap around his shoulder. 

"Let's get going now.", Godfrey sternly says. 

They all arrive at the colosseum which is falling apart and crumbling. 

"If you happen to live this ordeal Goldton Bank is having a colosseum tournament where the winner gets to meet Goldton Osmund with no guards and gets an alive unicorn.", says Lloyd as he turns back to Godfrey.

"Damn. Those are some nice prizes. I might get another shot at killing old man Osmund.", says Godfrey as a smirk grows on his face.

They enter the colosseum through a large crack in the wall. When they walk in the colosseum it feels like it grows. Kai and Lloyd enter first and step aside to allow Godfrey to walk in. In an instant Godfey is in the center with the sword laying on the ground and a trail of sand in the air behind him. Kai jumps up and his body elongates and transforms into a dragon. A large dragon which takes up half of the colosseum space. Then Godfrey puts his arm out with his hand facing the ground. The colosseum envelopes in a giant flame. Lloyd falls to the ground blistered and bleeding. Kai flies up in the air and drops to the ground. Godfrey jumps back as Kai slams into the ground. A large rock springs from the collision and hits Godfrey in the gut. Godfrey falls to the ground gasping for air. Kai whips his tail at the ground. Godfrey hops over it. Godfrey stands up and gets hit in the head by another rock. Godfrey falls to the ground, his head pounding, his heart pounding, and blood falling from his head.

"So you are human after all?"says Kai as he morphs back into a human, and fire spills out of his mouth, "People call you God of Flame because you have only had one major injury during a battle." 

"I am just as human as ya are.", says Godfrey as he gets up and puts his hand on his head wound. Lloyd stands up and then teleports next to Godfrey. Lloyd delivers a blow to Godfrey's head. Then Kai kicks Godfrey's leg. Godfrey falls onto one knee. Then with the other leg Kai knees Godfrey's gut. Kai slams Godfrey onto the ground. Godfrey lays there for a second as his head continues to bleed and his head continues to pound. 

"You will not be able to harm us, Godfrey, it is two against one.", says  Lloyd.

"Don't get cocky.", says Godfrey as he stands up and slides his sword out of the sheath. Godfrey jumps towards Lloyd and slices at him. A sword appears in Lloyd's hand. Lloyd blocks the sword. Godfrey inhales and then spits out a flame. Lloyd grows a purple horn from his forehead, which creates a shield and blocks the flame. Kai slams Godfrey to the ground. Godfrey hits the ground and spits up blood. Godfrey stands and flames envelop the colosseum. Lloyd creates a blue barrier around himself. Then Godfrey kicks Lloyd down. Godfrey steps on Lloyd's back and swings his sword down. Lloyd's head slides apart from his neck, in a pool of blood. 

"It is just us two now, Kai."

"Lloyd can't slow me down anymore." Kai sits down and begins to whisper. He takes a deep breath and whenever he exhales purple flames come out of his mouth. Black scales grow on Kai. 

"Ya know that I am immune ta flames don't ya?"

"No one is immune to the flames of hell."

"Well then we'll have ta end this quickly." Godfrey springs forward at Kai and swings his sword. The sword hits the scales and bounces off. Godfrey jumps back and waves his hand over the sword. Godfrey jumps forward swinging at Kai. Kai breaks Godfrey's sword and gives a blow to his gut. Then from the ground arises a blue flame. From Godfrey's body flows out an orange flame. 

"My flame will burn you, the so-called God of Flame."

"Even if it does, ya will be dead before I get burned."

Godfrey drops the sword as he waves his left hand over his right arm, legs and stomach. His muscles grew. 

"You know battle enchantments?", asks Kai.

"I do.", Godfrey puts his hand on his throbbing head, "But I don't know any healing enchantments."

Kai smirks as he runs at Godfrey. Kai throws a punch. Godfrey dodges and throws a blow to Kai's arm. The sound of snapping bones is heard. Kai jumps back and realizes his elbow is protruding from his skin. Kai grows wings and a tail. Godfrey's orange flame begins to disappear. Godfrey runs back to the center picking up the hot sword.

"I thought ya said the end was nye for me.", Godfrey pauses, "I thought you were going to take this sword over my dead body, but the sword is still safe." 

"I have a duty. I can not just play here with you all day.", Kai says as he turns into a dragon and begins flying, "I will be waiting in the Goldton Bank colosseum tournament. Bring the sword, I'll beat you in front of an audience.". Kai flies off and the blue flames disappear. Godfrey falls down on his back gasping for air. 

A couple days later Kai walks up steps which lead to a large building, his arm in a sling. approaches two ginormous gold doors which have written on them Throne Room of The Gold King. Kai pushes them open and enters a dark room. Lined outside of the carpet down the center were a row of pillars. The only torch is about a huge golden throne. Sitting on the golden throne was an older man with medium length gray hair, light skin, glowing gold eyes, and no left leg. 

"Welcome back to my island, Kai.", says a raspy voice coming from the man sitting on the throne. 

Kai begins to kneel, trembling, his voice sounds shaky, "It is an honor to be back and working for you."

"Ah. So Lloyd really did ask you to join my cause?"

"Yes.", said Kai quickly with his voice still trembling.

"Well where is that man?", says the man on the throne as he adjusts his head to lay in his arm which is on his arm rest.

"Well he . . . died in battle, sir.", says Kai very shakily.

"Ah. Too bad. He was like a son to me. He has been a spy for over twenty years.", the man on the throne moves to sit straight up, "Did you win anything from his sacrifice."

"No, but a man is coming to the colosseum tournament in a few months, he is bringing something."

"Oh. Who is the man and what are they bringing?"

"The man is James Godfrey, God of Flame, and he is bringing the Gold Death Blade. But sir I really need that blade so if he dies during one of the battles can I get that blade."

"Godfrey, eh? He won't lose a match, he'll win the whole thing, and then he'll want to fight me. After I kill him you can have the blade."

"Thank you sir."

"Of course."

"Why do you know James Godfrey so well?"

"Let's say me and him have a history, and I need to repay him for something he took away from me.", says the man as he looks at his missing leg.