

When I was passed out, I dreamt of my mother. She was beautiful and she had passed all of her beauty to me, even though I looked more like my father, Ra. My mother had been the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, drinking, fun, and sex. She had only stuck around long enough to name and raise me for a year, before she left for the human world, where my father had banished her.

My father had always said that I was just a mistake. His legal wife Isis loved me like a real daughter but my father, he had hated me. I honestly hated him too. He was such a bastard who went willingly to goddesses beds and impregnated them. I felt so bad for Isis for making the biggest mistake of her life and married him.

I dreamt that my mother had not left me. That she had actually cared and loved me. It was just a wishful dream though.

I woke up only to see an entire court looking at me. The Pharaoh's wife, sons, and high priests.

"Ugh, how long have I been out?"

"About ten minutes." One of the high priests answered me.

"I will make the person who-made-me-pass-out's life a living Hell, and then I'll send him to the actual Hell myself!" I yelled.

"What is your name, child?" The queen asked.

" Sekhmet, but if it's easier, just call me Meta. It's easier to remember. "

I hadn't even noticed the Pharaoh enter the room. He was an extremely important man. He had the power to kill someone with just a flick of his hand.

When the Pharaoh walked in he asked, "Where's Ramses?"

His wife answered, "He went out in his chariot about an hour ago."

Right at that moment his son Ramses walked into the grand throne room, clearly in a bad mood, and to my horror, It is the guy I had insulted earlier.

He had perfectly timed muscles and a bulging eight pack. He had long black hair and was probably around 6'4. With his amber eyes He looked very intimidating.

Ramses scoffed, "Why is this vermin in here?"

The high priests and princes all laughed and I was infuriated.

"Vermin my ass! Why are you here, bastard?!"

"Careful how you talk to me, I don't have any interest in mercy."

"Who would need your mercy, bastard?"

"You will in a second!"

"Ahem! If you two would please stop bickering, I still need to punish you both."

"What?! Why do I need to be punished?!"

"You went out without permission, talked back and you disobeyed me. You also continue to do so."

"Also known as you want an excuse for punishing me."

"Your words, not mine."