
Chapter 28

They made it to the ridge before the sun had ducked under the horizon. Soaryn went up to the ridge and looked over the tall grass. He saw destruction of the landscape and hundreds of campfires with at least 30 monsters huddled around them. He returned to the camp thoughts flowing through his head.

"It would be easier to count the stars in the sky then win this war I hope you know this" soaryn Informed his team.

"That is always an option" Aerd Said jokingly.

"Aerd it is not an option, that would mean Cowering in fear while the lives of many in that city are in jeopardy, BAcking down is not an option am I clear?"Soaryn Said in a stern tone as he gestured to the capital of druiga.

"It was a joke soaryn" Aerd replied.

"Look over the ridge and you will see why i didn't think what you said was a joke and when you come back tell me are we clear?" SOaryn retorted.

With those words Aerd walked over to the crest of the ridge and gazed into the valley and saw a massive horde of monsters. His eyes widened the images of what would happen to the capital flashed in his mind. Children crying parents lying under the rubble of fallen buildings. Soon his face grew cold his eyes became devoid of all emotion, calmly he walked back down the ridge.

"We are clear" He stated in a dead and serious tone that shocked and somewhat scared the other three of their companions never before had they seen Aerd with such a serious face or tone.

"Everybody Get ready we will go into the valley when the first ray of sunlight shines from the sky", Soaryn responded

Meanwhile Ulelinn was walking around the capital with his wife. Gwendoline dragging him around the market showing him what the shops had gotten while he was away. He kept a worried look on his face as he looked around hoping that his brother was alright. When they got back to the palace gwendoline stopped and turned around.

"You're worried about him aren't you?", Gwendoline Asked.

"Of course I am he is my brother", Ulelinn sighed.

"You have nothing to worry about if every member of his team is even half as good as you are", Gwendoline Stated matter factly.

"Even if they aren't soaryn can fight that horde by himself if he uses all of weapons, he can but he won't it wreaks havoc on his body and could very well kill him", Ulelinn said.

"Either way he could take out much of the horde himself and the others are just there for support", Gwendoline said.

"They are not just there for support they are there to fight with him as friends and as comrades", Ulelinn said proud his brother finally had people to rely on.

Dawn broke to the sound of thousands of feet marching up the hill. As the horde of monsters marched on the city zaenia created a dome over the group as she slept. The others woke to the monsters pounding on the dome. Soaryn got up and unsheathed his swords. Aerd woke and immediately sat up not realizing raethien's head was once again on his chest. When zaenia woke and saw the monsters the dome exploded creating a massive shockwave throwing every monster within 20 feet of the bubble back 10 yards.

the monsters were stunned by the bubbles power seemed to faulter in confidence. Soaryn spun toward the horde hoping to us use the stun as an opening. HE moved like a whirlwind through the horde slashing and trying to press them back. A second later Aerd and raethien joined in the fight. For half an hour they fought while they tried the horde to move their heavy hitters forward to the front lines not faltering like before. The team was being pushed back.

"Satyros Get zaenia out of here" yelled soaryn as he slammed the hilt of his blade into a monster's skull.

Immediately satyros had turned into a stallion that was blacker than the night sky. Zaenia was tossed onto the back of satyros by aerd despite her protest. IN turn Satyros bolted for the wall to protect zaenia. Soaryn, Aerd, Raethien kept on fighting the horde growing weaker and weaker.

When zaenia got the wall she began to chant a spell in hopes to at least help from a distance. Aerd was chanting and fighting at the same time growing tired from the constant use of power. Soaryn was getting pushed back when aerd finished chanting his spell. It caused the ground to create a forest of iron spikes skewering and piercing the heavy hitters armour. There was a war cry and Soaryn turned to see the monster chief cut through the spikes and charge towards a tired raethien. At the last moment aerd threw her out of the way and was run through by the blade. The chief dropped his sword and picked up aerd's scythe like it was a pebble.