
Tales of Norbul

Under the tree they woke, remembering none and recaling of what they are. What is the purpose of not remembering ones past? Who is the man with the spear? Where will the world go to under the path they will walk? Many creatures and people awaits. Watch the protagonist journey throughout the world and even other realms. He will meet powerfull people with different view on things, and not all are going to play nice. Some of them will require something in return of their favor.

SanderTomson · Fantasy
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76 Chs

What lies in shadows

We are now standing near the great soul tree. We saw Siel'Kel but no Lex.

- Where is Lex?

- He is fetching something from his tower. I see that you succeeded on gaining the fragment.

- Well yes, but it was a hassle since I had to fight Sa'at.

- Sa'at? So that's how he wants to be called now. And you fought him? I was not expecting that.

- Well, thanks to Aktor, we had no choice.

Aktor says.

- Hey, we got the fragment in the end. So what's the big deal.

- The deal is that I almost died there.

- If I didn't think you would've survived, I wouldn't have accepted the his terms.

- Well, that's reassuring.

Siel'Kel says.

- Glad to know you two get along. But Nor, you body feels... different.

- Apparently it's Sa'at's blessing of adaptation.

- Hhm, there is indeed something resembling that kind of ability. But...

- But what?

- There seems to be some kind of small seed in your left side of your chest. It's not doing anything at the moment, but we should not simply ignore it.

- A seed!? Should we remove it?

- I don't think that it's possible. It is too small to take off. That and it's too close to your heart so it's risky.

- So, now I have to live with a seed inside my body of unknown origin. Great.

- Well, it is likely from Sa'at.

- How is that supposed to make me feel better?

- He gave you a gift that will, in time, make you more durable. I think he favors you a bit.

- Is that so. Well, if nothing bad comes from it, then I suppose it's fine.

Then Lex suddenly appears.

- I see that you are finished with Saat.

- We are. What were you actually doing at your tower?

- I went to get few tools.

- What kind of tools?

- Do you realy want to know?

- I think I'm fine now, thanks. Have you made any progress?

- Not much, but I resently made a breakthrough. If I try to disolve the fragment with a special liquid, some of the power disipates to the air. Now I just need to make a purifier that will turn destructive energy, or destructive power, whatever you want to call it, into a pure magical energy.

- Well, that's great new's then!

- Not quite. The special liquid is hard to come by and the purifier is nowhere near finished.

- I see. Then how do we get said liquid?

- That's... well...

- What is it?

- It's Stoor's digestive fluid.

- How do you got your hands on that?

- Through very hard teleportation.

- And how do you think we will get more of it?

- Well, one way is to ask.

- You think he will let us?

- Unlikely.

- Then what else can we do?

- I can try to do that kind of teleportation again, but it's not going to be pretty. I just have to cast a protective spell, so that I don't get melted alive by it. The problem is that we need two buckets full of it, though we are nearing the third.

- So you are going to do this by yourself?

- It's the easiest way. Though I have no plan to go there, until I finish the purifier.

- Do we need to get something for the purifier?

- I think I can manage it myself. It's not like I'm poor or anything.

- Speaking of money, Din gave us some lux.

- Don't need it.

- But, your share...

- Did I stuter?

- No, we'll just split it between me and Aktor.

We do the counting and split the money.

- Now then, I'm going to take some rest. I'm so beat.

- Sleep is only necessary if you let it be.

- I think that a godlike being can't talk much about sleep.

- I do sleep, I just don't do so often. I have so research and experiments to do. Speking of sleep, we should try to get in contact of demon prince of dreams.

- Why? Does he have a fragment?

- I don't know, but Rahasia told us so. And her name is Oblew.

- So you want us to go there just for the pure chance?

- It is better than doing nothing.

- Whatever, I will go take a nap.

Aktor says.

- Sleep well.

- Thanks, you should too.

- Oh I will, just not right now, see you later.

- See ya.

I get some sleep and I rest like a log. I just get a weird dream about a three people standing on a calm lake in the arm's reach, but I can't extend them far enough for some reason. I feel like I should stop them from going, but I can't do so. I feel like I must stop them before it's too late, but I cannot. Who are they? Why must they go? Why don't I want them to go? I don't understand. Then I wake up sweating. What was that? I go and wash my face and return to the group. I see all of them discussing about something.

- What you guys talking about?

Aktor answers.

- Not much. Just talking about the componets required for the purifier. How was your sleep?

- I saw a weird dream, but other than that, I slept well. And how's your sleep? Did you even sleep?

- I did get some sleep. I just woke up a little while ago. Weird dream huh. What was it about?

I tell them about the dream.

- Hhm, I don't think I have anything. How about you Lex.

- Could be a sign about something. What about you guardian.

Siel'Kel thinks for a moment.

- I think that you, or Soul, are trying to reach out to someone that isn't near enough to reach but still around you.

Aktor says.

- That's something I didn't expect. What do you think about that Lex?

- ...

- Lex?

- What?

- What do you think about what Siel'Kel said.

- That it's just a dream.

- But some dreams have a meaning. Don't you think so.

- I don't believe for a second that my sister's wishes are radiating into Nor's dreams! It's just ridiculous!

- Siel'Kel just thought that it was possibility. No need to get angry.

- I'm not angry! Why would I be?! It's just a dream we are talking about!

I put in.

- Calm down.

- I am calm! I just... nevermind. Onto our next objective.

- Okay, and it is?

- To collect either collect more fragments or fetch parts of the purifier.

- Where do you think that we could find more.

- Well, we could ask her.

- What?

Suddenly I feel a familiar presence. It's Tur.

- Ya hellow. How have you been? It's been a while.

I talk to him.

- Hey, last time we met, you gave us information about the fragments locations.

- Fragments? What are you...? You talking about those stones that contain power of our father?

- Yes, them. Why wouldn't you know about them? You even gave yours.

- I gave mine? I did no such thing. Wait a minute. ... No I haven't given it. It wasn't me you were talking to.

- Then who else could it have been?

- ... That bastard, it must have been Kiat.

Lex puts in.

- So now the lord of tricks and lies has the secret of making a god. Perfect.

- He got you to tell that?! That sly... I feel a bit envious. Oh, I know! You tell me the same thing and I give all the info I have on fragments of destruction.

- So now two demon princes will know how to make a god. I think I pass.

- Oh, come on. Do you still remember the fragment that he gave to you?

- I do. What are you aiming at?

- Can you tell if it's a real deal or not?

- I... can.

- Why so hesitant? Well even if you know how to figure it out, there is a high chance that he placed a trap on it.

- ...

- Your answer?

- If you can tell if it has some trap on it, then I'm willing to let you know the secret of making a god.

- Fantastic! Now, the secret?

Lex goes near Tur's ear and whispers to him.

- I see, that's some fine intel indeed. Now, to the fragment of destruction.

Aktor says.

- He sure knew how to act the part.

Lex pulls out the fragment and hands it to Tur. Tur looks at it for a moment and then starts casting some spell on it.

- I see. He realy pulled a trick like this.

I ask.

- Well, what did you find?

- This is genuine fragment of destruction with some modifications on it.

- Modifications?

- This one seems to be gaining more and more destructive power towards itself, rather than radiating it to it's surroundings.

Lex says.

- So that's why it there was no need to cast "casing" on it.

- If this one reaches it's full capasity, then the consequences will be disastrous.

- I need to fix it.

- No need. I will take care of it, since it's my twin's doing in the first place. I want to see his trick fail. Now then.

Tur starts casting a spell on it.

- Done... Huh... This is strange... I feel a bit...

He collapses to the ground. He started to talk, though weakly.

- Huh... so this was... his plan... to steal some of... my powers. ... Well played brother *cough*... well played.

I'm worried so I ask.

- Are you alright?

- I'm... fine. ... It's just that... my vessel's power... was drained... almost completely. ... My real body... is almost unharmed... almost.

- So it managed to drain your main body?

- A bit... don't worry... once I sent more power *cough* ... to this body... I will be able... to teleport it... back to my real. ... There it will... recover.

Lex asks.

- Did you manage to get the trap out?

- On my word... I think I did. *cough*

- Then do you have your own fragment, still.

- What... What are you implying?

- We need to have it.

- Then... if you can get... to my inner chamber... go ahead. ... Uncle.

With a death glare, Lex answers.

- Don't you dare call me that.

While smiling, Tur answers.

- Harsh. *cough* ... Now Nor. A bit of advise.

- Why me?

- Since you are... the only one I... allow to leave my... realm. If you wish to succeed, ... you must listen carefully.

- I'm listening.

- First, be prepared to... only hear your... own heartbeat and .... footsteps. For the sounds that things make... don't go far in my... realm *cough* ... Second, even if you don't make... much sound there... be carefull not to... to speak near my silencers. ... For they shall make you... a permanent inhabitant... of my realm, ... should you make... a sound near them.

- Can't you tell them not to do that?

- I'm not going... to give you... any favors whilst you're... in my realm. ... I don't play favorites.

- Is there anything else?

- Third, don't mind the... permanent inhabitants. ... Their mouths were shut... for a reason.

- Can I ask what reason?

- There are those... who seek knowledge... in my realm. ... Those people pay the price... for knowing secrets... that my realm holds. So their mouths have been... shut or removed. ... And in some cases... their hands and feet as well. ... Rest assured... those who are permanent inhabitants... eventually become my shadows... or silencers. *cough*

- So there is a shadow as well. Should I be wary of them?

- They are... like this body... my information gatherers. ... So they are... of no threat... to you.

- I see. Was that all?

- There are... more hints... I'd like to give you. *cough* But I must take... my leave now... or this body... will go to waste. ... I hope that... I will see you soon.

- See you then.

Tur disapears like dust in a wind.

- Now then, I suppose it's time for me to go to another demon prince's realm. I didn't catch the name of the realm. Do you now Lex?

- Tak Bersuara.

- I see. Then Siel'Kel, if you would.

Siel'Kel casts its spell and I am send of to the realm of secrets. There is barely any light. Kind of like the second layer in Hou. All the light is coming from blue torches on the ground. It is a bit cold but not too cold.

I see people walking around the place. Some are reading papers while. Some are walking around looking for books I think. As Tur said, there is no sound coming from those people. I only hear my own heartbeat and breathing.

I start to walk forwards, until I see a floating shadowy figure. It had small blades coming from beneath it's cloak. Then I saw it grab one of the people who came near it and the blades seem to come from it's fingers. It puts it's face near the person and seems to be succing something from him. Then it releases him and I saw once open mouth disapear in a moment. He must have been another one who wasn't bound to this place, but now he was. I could do nothing for him, so I just keep steping forwards while avoiding silencers.

Some hours later has gone by when I have walked this road and I start to see a castle with long towers coming out of it. Now that I look closer, I see many long towers on the distance. I wonder if those places are where the secrets of this realm resides.

I enter the castle and I see many silencers going around. I avoid them the best I can and I manage to find a chamber of sorts with only one shadowy figure standing in the middle, looking at books. This shadow figure was different from the rest. I could feel sama kind of pressure I felt with Verm and Sa'at. I think that it's Tur's true form, Rahasia.

I walked more inwards, until two different kind of shadow figures appeared from the shadows. One of them grabbed me and it starts to do the same thing as the silencers. Then I heard a someone speak in my head that I didn't understand. The Shadow figures let me go and disapear like they appeared, from the shadows.

I start to hear woman speaking trough my head.

- So you actually managed to come here. Don't mind the two of them, they are just my personal guards so that unwanted things don't come in. I believe this is the first time we meet like this.

I try to speak.

- So you are Rahasia.

- What did I say about speaking. You mortals, never can comprehend the consept of telepathy. Just think what you want to say and ad some magic in to it.

I try to do so.

- Like... this?

- Almost there. Keep trying.

- Aa... aa. My name is Nor and I woke up beneath the tree.

- Perfect! You are one of the faster ones. Now, what were you trying to say.

- So you are Rahasia.

- Yes, that I am. How does it feel to talk to me like this?

- A bit weird, but it isn't the first time I received words directly to my head.

- Where else did you use telepathy?

- I was on the receiving end when I talked to Null.

- Null, eh. He doesn't often tell people his name. You must have gained his trust.

- Well, it's mostly thanks to the fragment in me.

- I see. Then it makes sense. He did feel at ease when she came to visit him.

- How's Tur?

- You mean one of my vessels? It's currently resting and regaining it's power. Look.

Suddenly Tur's body appears from the shadows almost liveless. In fact, it didn't move at all by itself.

- So how does your thing work when you go around with Tur?

- It is like spreading consciousnesses to my other bodies and moving them independently. Like I'm doing now with many other shadows and my vessels

- You have multiple consciousnesses?

- It's something that mortals can't comprehend, since they are limited to one body, one mind. Unless you are possessed, then it's another matter entirely.

- So these, shadows, were once people?

- To be more precise, their essence was a part of making them. Multiple people can be used in one shadow. Usually it becomes stronger when imbued with more people's essences. Vessels are completely different matter altogether.

- What is a differense between a shadow and a vessel then?

- Basically body created by my sheer power alone. Vessels are usually more powerfull but they require my handling alone. Shadows are things that can exist or be created by themselfs. I don't necessarily need to create them. They just appear sometimes and make a covenant with me. I can also control those who I have created.

- I think I get it now. Now to the reason why I'm here.

- Oh, don't you want to learn more things in this realm? I have many secrets hidden here that many would die to get their hands on.

- I pass on for the reason being that I don't want to be traped here.

- A pity. I would love to keep you here while longer.

- Maybe I visit some other time. Now to the fragment.

- Right right, here.

The fragment rises from the shadows on to Rahasia's shadowy hand.

- It does pain me to part with it.

- But you know why it must be done.

- Right. ... You know, one of the secrets I learned about these, is that it can be molded into a great source of power. Like so.

She does something to it. It becomes a big raven, size of a horse.

- Look. Now my fragment is harmless.

- Is it truly? Does it still radiate destructive energy?

- I don't think it does. I used all of it's power, including the core generating it, into this being. You can have it. For our continued patronage.

- But, how do I even use it?

- Make a connection to it and you can see the world in her eyes as well as communicate with her like this.

- You sure you aren't trying to trick me into traping my soul in to it?

- Unlike my twin brother, I don't lie to or trick people. As far as I know, you should be safe. She is aslo a powerfull companion. In time, she might be able to transform into a humanoid.

- Well... can it be smaller?

- Sure it can do something as simple as that.

The raven shrinks to a normal sized raven.

- It can also grow bigger as well. She will make a good ride on the skies.

- But... my Bell.

- You can still use your ransu like always. What would you like to name her.

- Name her?

- Yes. Every companion needs a name. Like you did with Bell.

- Hhm... how about we just call her Raven?

- Calling raven a Raven? Doesn't sound like a cute name at all. Or at least, not very imaginative.

- Would Ren then suffice?

- Nor and Ren. Hhm... I still wish you picked cuter name.

- Didn't think you would be such a critick.

- I have things that I like more than others.

- Hhm... well how about Rin?

- Hhm... It's a bit cuter. It shall suffice. Her name shall be Rin. Now use telepathy on her and tell her your name and her's.

- Um... Hi, my name is Nor and for this day onwards, your name is Rin.

She makes a sound on my head.

- Rin, my name. ... Master, Nor. Master?

- Yes. I'm your master and Rahasia your creator.

- Rahasia... mother.

Rahasia tells her something that I couldn't hear.

- It's settled then.

- Can't you do this for all of the fragments?

- While I would like to have more powerfull aides, I think I will not do this favor for you. Or if you don't mind me having all those powerfull fragments as my material for my aides.

- On a second thought, never mind. If we run out of options, we will take up on that offer. Now then bye.

Rin flies to my shoulder and we were off.