
Tales of Norbul

Under the tree they woke, remembering none and recaling of what they are. What is the purpose of not remembering ones past? Who is the man with the spear? Where will the world go to under the path they will walk? Many creatures and people awaits. Watch the protagonist journey throughout the world and even other realms. He will meet powerfull people with different view on things, and not all are going to play nice. Some of them will require something in return of their favor.

SanderTomson · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Dawn of war

It's now been six years since the incident with Delir. Many things have happened during that.

For example, I have become a father. Rihin was executed about a year later the birth of the child. Well, Mary mostly takes care of things, but I make sure to do my part every now and then. Honestly, I'm thankful for what she has done. My child is a baby elf girl called Nina. Even if she is almost five years old, she is still a baby. Apparently elves grow up about half as fast as humans do. So to put it simply, she is now about year and a half old in elf years. That also means she will be, in terms of growth, 3 in 10 years. The fact that she lives in Aeternus also aplies a bit to the aging prosess. Elves apparently start aging much, much slower in their fifties. Meaning they will look the same age for a very long time.

To be honest, I still can't put off the feeling that she is that woman's child as well. I hope my attitude wont affect her in a bad way.

Aktor has also had some fatherly duties to do. Most of it is him just visiting his son named Cole, the red diamond. While Cole also grows a bit slower than human baby, he has started to walk and speak. For what I have seen and heard, he is quite an attension seeker. Espesially when his father is around.

But what I can gather, Aktor has mostly been doing reconnaissance. The golem situation has gotten weirdly silent. No new cases have been reported and they seem to be mostly taken care off. Aktor is worried about this. I am too, but we can do nothing but wait. Aktor has gone to people who control military, to tell them to prepare. Most of them just ignore his warnings and see it as rambling of a traveler. Exception to this is Taican, Hiél and Toros. We don't know why Toros would trust his words, but if they see the problem that the golems might bring, it could be a good sign. Some of the other countries took notice to Toros' actions and acted upon it. While they didn't rise any military budgets, the militaries have become more vigilant.

For what I heard of Ihm, most of the things have remained unchanged. Revon is doing his job of protecting the people of northern islands. Stella has gone way up in her magical prowess and keeping her lone wolf persona. Jane has gotten herself an apprentice called Lily, who is still 8 years old. Will has lost his left arm while fighting some dragon. Apparently he would have lost his life if Dell didn't come to the rescue. Will has admitted that his age has started to slow him down, but he will keep going as long as he can. Dell was looking a bit troubled when I last saw him, saying things like "I worry if I soon have to journey on my own. Perhaps master should retire from the job and live calmly for the rest of his life. Then again, I doubt I can convince that old man to retire."

I have also visited Relse, though it was in Lex's tower. I was considering on visiting Delir in the fifth year, but thought that it would be too soon. I plan to visit her at the tenth year.

Low has gotten very open about her feelings. Apparently she just went along with me most of yhe time, without understanding the whole situation. She has also gotten good with magic. Especially with illusion and space type magic. She has used her magic to trick me multiple times. For example, she make things that would trip me invisible. She also makes doors look open when they are closed. This has made me wary of walking through doors, but I always can't be on my guard.

Apparently putting an illusion to a place instead of a person's mind, makes the difference in my resistance to illusions. It appears that Delir was hands on in puting illusions to your mind dirrectly, though he could put illusions on objects.

I think that Low has gotten her mischievous attitude from her father Kiat. In fact, we are going to visit him today, because Low wants to go "chat with father". I have no idea what she is planing and she wont tell me. She just wants me to tag along. She has told Kiat beforehand that she is coming, by sending a letter. Don't ask me how she actually managed to get it to Kiat, but she told me that it is taken care of. She can teleport to different realms now, so I think that is how she managed, but she wont tell me either.

And most important news is that Low has learned to sleep by herself. Well mostly. She just comes to sleep with me couple of times a week, but she can do it without me now. She told me that she doesn't always even sleep when the night comes. She probably is doing some training or something else. Now that she can teleport to a very long distances, she has the opportunity to go to many places. She isn't as good at it as Lex, but she is getting there.

Both of us have also become quite a bit stronger. Aktor has trained us physically as much as he can. Though he can't do it as much as we used to, thanks to the reconnaissance job. But out of two of us, Low has gotten much more powerfull than me. She even gives Aktor a bit of a sweat.

Now back to today, we went to Siel'Kel and asked them to send us to Kiat's realm. Thye do so and we ara off. When there, Low grabbed me and teleported us near the castle that Kiat resides in. We went to the castle by foot and we met a familiar two guards waiting for us. One of them said.

- You again. What are you doing here this time?

- I'm just accompanying my friend here.

- And who is she?

Low answers.

- I'm the daughter of Kiat, Low.

- We heard that you were coming. Come on in.

- Good, you two are good boys.

- Whatever you say mam.

We then go to the throne room that Kiat was in. Kind of feels a bit odd to be here with Low, since the last time we were here, she fought and she killed me once. With that we enter the room and are greeted by Kiat who looks bit troubled.

- Oh it's you two. Hi.

- Hello father. How have you been?

- How dare you come here and expect to be welcomed here. You are a failure that reminds me of my defeat.

Is he actually glad of Low being here? He is the demon prince of tricks and lies after all. Or perhaps he is doing two layered lie to trick us into thinking he actually doesn't mind her being here. You never know with Kiat.

- Glad to know you are doing fine.

- What do you want anyways?

- I demand to be spoiled, so give me chocolate.

- Come again?

- I request to be spoiled. As it is parents job to spoil their kid every once in a while. You haven't given me any spoiling, so I demand it now.

- But why "chocolate"?

- Because I want it.

- And what is this "chocolate"?

- A sweet. I heard from Amber that it tastes really good, so I want to try one.

- Right. So you expect to come here, as a reminder of my failure, and get treated like a guest. Am I getting this right?

- Correct.

- ...

He puts his right hand to his face in contemplation of his previous actions.

- I refuse.

- What?

- I'm not going to find you this "chocolate". In the first place, I don't care for you.

- Then I will never visit you again in my immortal life.

She said that as she crossed her arms and looked away. Does she expect this to work? Or does he secretly care for her.

- Wa-wait!?

Oh yes, he do be like that. And is this hesitation that I hear in Kiat's voice? Or perhaps he is scared of another scolding from Relse and the others. I wonder if he does know about Relse's current condition.

- While I don't care if you visit here again, as my daugter you should come here when I order you to come.

Oh he secretly wants her to visit. I just know it. Leave it to demon prince of lies to act like this to their daughter. That or he is tricking me in double layered lie. Who knows.

- But why? You said that I aren't welcome here father.

- That's...

Don't leave your daughter hanging. I'm a parent now too, so I can relate. Well, eventually anyways.

- Fine! I go find you this chocolate. Just wait in the town and come when I call for you.

- I want to wait here at the castle.

- What? You expected me to make preparations for your visit? Forget it.

- Fine, then I will leave forever.

- That's... well... we happen to have couple of empty rooms to let you stay in. I made them so that you can't break them.

Does he want her to break them? I don't get it.

- That is fine. I expect to have a meal at fourteen a clock.

- You want meals now? You don't even need to eat.

- I just like the taste of good foods. Especially sweets.

- While I don't want to accommodate you, I reluctantly will order someone to make a meal at that time.

- Good, now...

She teleports to Kiat's lap.

- Now pet me.

- You...

- Pet.

- Ugh...

Kiat does so reluctantly at first, but when he keeps doing it for a while, they both seem to be enjoying themselfs. While doing the patting, Kiat also ordered his servants to find this chocolate. After a while, Low got up from Kiat's lap and headed to the room Kiat arenged for her. She was guided by one of the remaining servants. Now me and Kiat were the only ones in the throne room.

- So you know about Relse.

- Father? Yes I might know of his fate.

- He will be asleep for 14 years more.

- I see. Now do tell, what is your connection to my daughter?

- We are traveling parters.

- Nothing else?

- Nothing else. I do wonder though, why haven't she tried to get this chocolate herself?

- Good question.

- She has taken after you, you know.

- In what?

- In pranking me. I have fallen over and hit some doors thanks to her.

- Truly a shame.

- So, while I'm at it, was Delir the one who told you to Sario's mind?

- Yes it was. It was an interesting proposal, though she was a bit pushy.

- I do wonder if you are lying or not.

- That's up to you to decide.

- And how is your family ties?

- Never been better.

- So you say, but what do you mean, I wonder.

- Who knows. Now would you kindly leave, I have important things to do.

- If you say so. Tell Low that I went back to Lech't A Sol.

- I may or may not do so.

- As expected.

I leave and go hunting for the day. Later the same day I found out that Low was annoyed from me leaving before her and she told me to come back. I went back to Siel'Kel and so I went back to Judi. Then Low teleported back to me, then us back to Kiat's castle. There and we go training in the throne room, for some reason. Kiat just said.

- If you break anything, I will make sure you will have to work for it.

So just in case he was serious, Low slowed down a bit and we were training. We spend that day training and then went to sleep. Today seemed to be a day when Low wants to sleep together.

The next day, we got news that one of Kiat's servants have found chocolate and they were on their way now. While after some waiting, Kiat teleported the servant in question back to the castle and made her give the chocolate to Low. Low took it and ate it blissfully. She also gave me and Kiat a small bite and it tasted good. After eating the chocolate, Low went back to Kiat's lap and proseeded to get patted. A while after that, she was done and we went back home. Kiat said as we left.

- Don't you dare to annoy me again with your annoying antics.

We then went to Lex's tower since I had a question for him. We waited a bit for him to be not bussy. After a while, we went and started chating with him.

- So how has your day been?

- It's fine. I had to look over many papers today and nothing else. Usually I make my underlings to do this, but apparently, these papers required my immediate attansion.

- What were the papers about?

- About papers submited by one of the students. It seems we got some promising people coming this year. For example, in one of the student's papers, they brought a method of making the growth of homuculi much faster than they have previously grown. Even some high ranking researchers didn't know if it would actually work or will it produce a failed product. That is why they asked me for evaluation. And one of the students even proposed a way to increase your magic capacity in much faster way than the previous method. Though this one has not been perfected, there is a clear promise in it.

- So you have had an interesting day then.

- Mostly. Some of the papers they brought me were complete nonsense theories with nothing backing them up. I swear, why can't the other researchers see past this nonsense. Or is it that they actually believe in some of these? I need to re-evaluate some of their intelligences and positions.

- Well, at least you are taking care of your duties.

- I just want to see what the mortal minds can come up with. At least there were some promising students.

- Now that thats out of the way, I have a question.

- What is it?

- Is it possible that there might exist another original power that you don't know of?

- It is not impossible to something like that to appear, but it is higly unlikely.

- Why is that?

- Do you have any idea how much time passed before we created Norbul?

- No.

- The amount of time that Norbul has existed isn't even a fraction of a time that we spend on origin. To put it in perspective, immagine a grain of sand next to the whole planet we are in. That is the amount of time visually in comparison. Norbul being the grain of sand and the this planet being the time spend on origin.

- I see, but how does that relate to other original powers?

- The amount of time it took to even one other original power to form was much longer than Norbul has existed. So new original power coming in to existance would take so much longer. It is not impossible yes, but highly unlikely.

- Then what about there already existing another original power that you don't know of?

- I was first, and since I have the power to sense magic from anywhere, I can pinpoint another original power's existance the moment it appears. That is how we came together.

- Was there ever a original power of space then?

- While there were no difference in location when me and Time came to be, the moment Time came, so started the space around us to form. There isn't a original power of space, but that is only because it's essence was spread to a very wide area. And as to why didn't the other original powers form when there was no difference in space, that is because the origin is chaotic and changes constantly. The power that is in one place in one moment, might turn in to another power in other moment.

- So no original power of space.

- While something like that hasn't been formed like us did, there is one that helds the title of original power of space.

- Who is that?

- I rather not share that information to you now.

- Why not?

- Because it holds Creation's personal information.

- I... understand. Then we will be off.

- See you later. Oh also Aktor was coming to Lech't A Sol later this day.

- Okay.

We then went to our home. And a while later, we saw a familiar face.

- Aktor! How have you been?

Me and Aktor shake hands.

- Oh, it's been fine. Almost all of the golems have been taken care of. Though we shouldn't let our guard down just yet.

- Are you expecting something to happen.

- I just have a bad feeling about this. Why would they just suddenly stop coming. One reason is that the person behind it has died or quit, but I wouldn't be so optimistic.

- I agree, something must be happening.

- Well let's forget about that for a moment and let's go to sauna.

- Why? And do they even have a sauna here?

- Why not? I asked them to build one couple years back.

- Do they even use it? I can't immagine bug folk being comfortable in that kind of enviroment.

- What I gather, it is somewhat popular. What do you say?

- Sure, let's go.

We go to the sauna located not far from the place we sleep in. We seperate from Low and go to our side. We spend some leisure time in it. While we are inside, I notice scars in Aktors left hand. I ask about them.

- What's up with those scars on your left hand? Did they come after some fight?

- No, they are for me to not forget.

- So you made them your slelf?

- Yes.

- What are you trying to not forget?

- My dear friends. Each time I met a person worthy of becoming my friend, I made a scar on my hand. There are 22 scars in total.

- What made them your friends?

- People who would sacrifice themself for the greater good. You are one of them.

- Why are you worried about forgeting your friends?

- I just want to make sure I don't forget. I was planing on making tatoos instead, but I decided that it would be easier to just do this.

- I'm not saying that you should stop, but I think that is not a very bright idea. What if the wounds get infected?

- I took that risk fully aware of it's risks.

- Well, if that makes you happy, then sure.

- Sure... Happy... Anyways, how is Nina?

- She is doing fine. I plan to visit her tomorrow.

- Good. Even though she is an elf, they grow up so fast. Before you know it, you will be worried what kind of people she hangs around with.

- I can already see that. Oh, I hope it wont be as bad as I imagine. How is your boy Cole?

- He is something of a free spirit. He goes around the palace and scares the guards when his mother or grandmother is looking for him. Always somewhere to investigate. It's surprising that he hasn't gone outside of the palace yet. Or at least we don't know if he has.

- When was the last time you visited?

- Month ago, I think. How about you with Nina?

- Two weeks ago. I really should do better than this. Mary is acting like a single mother at this point. I shouldn't take up after you.

- I agree. Don't be like me when it comes to parenting. All I can do is tell stories and visit every now and then.

- I need to pull myself up and visit at least weekly.

- Well... as long as there is improvement.

We take the rest of the sauna trip easy and soon head out. Low seems to have left before us and was waiting for us. She told us.

- That doesn't feel like my type of thing. It just felt... odd and moist.

- Do you perhaps have some resistance to heat? I do somewhat, but I can still enjoy the sauna.

- That might be it. Let's go eat something.

- Sure.

We went to eat and after we were done, it was slowly becoming dark. We said our goodbyes to Aktor and went to sleep.

The next day we decided to visit Mary and Nina in Atlas. With some traveling, we managed to find where Mary was. We started talking.

- How are you Mary?

- I'm fine. Doing some paperwork as always.

- Where is Nina?

- She is with a nurse in my house as always when I work.

- When are you going to be done?

- Not in a while. If you are here to visit Nina, feel free to go to my house. You know where it is and the nurse knows you, so it should be fine.

- Sure, we do that. And Mary.

- What?

- Remember to take a break every now and then.

- I promise to try.

We leave to Mary's house and knock the door. A nurse called Piri, a demon with four hands, was holding Nina on her arms as she opened the door.

- Oh Nor and Low. Come on in.

We go and one of the maids prepares us some tea. While we wait, I play a bit with Nina. She can stand and spew some words. When the tea came and I stoped playing with her, she started to cry. I went back to console her and she calmed down. I then drank the tea with Nina in my arms.

After a while had passed and we were planing on leaving, Mary enters the house and looks at us with a serious look. Then she bows down infront of Low and says.

- Please, holy maiden of immortality. We need your assistance on defeating an opponent that no mere mortal can handle.

Low looks a bit confused and says.

- Sure, what can I help you with?

- There is an golem invasion happening in aetherium mine and the force that is keeping it in their hands is something that we cannot deal with.

- What is the number of golems that I need to deal with?

- Only one.

- You want me to deal with only one golem. How desperate are you?

- It is something that we have never seen. It makes it's surrounding so hot, that just standing near it makes you burn alive. Even the swords and armor melt right off if you go too close. And we managed to get few hits on it, but it barely did any damage. It has taken many lives from us.

- Aktor told us that the golems haven't made any moves recently.

- It happened two days ago. I wouldn't be surprised that he doesn't know about it yet. Now will you help us?

- I will help you.

- Exelent. Let's leave immediately.

We leave Atlas and travel about a day towards the mines. When we were there, Mary told that anyone except Low should stay as far away as possible. She told us.

- If you don't want to burn to the crisp, you better heed my advise. Now then, I leave the rest to you Low. Good luck.

- Understood.

- Ah, but before that, I recomend you take your clothes out. They will simply burn away from the heat.

- Understood.

She proseeds to take off her clothes. When she is done, she starts to walk towards a golem with armor around it. It mainly was made of silvery white armor. It was just just sitting there feet crossed. Then it rose up and taunted Low with an action that said "come at me". Then the area started to get a bit warmer and eventually hot. Thanks to my circuits, I was able to stand the heat. Mary and others left after it started getting hot.

Now Low was standing right infront of the golem and the golem did nothing at first. Perhaps it is used to people leaving it's presence after a short while. Low was taking the heat pretty well. No wonder sauna didn't feel pleasant for her. Then blades come out of golem's hands and it starts slashing. Low dodges them easily and starts punhing it. It creates a small dent each time, but not big enough to severely damage it. I notice something spinning in the golem's insides and speculate that it is the thing that generates heat.

It starts slashing in more quick fashion, but Low can still evade it's attacks. Then there was a moment of hesitation in Low's movements and the golem took that opportunity to stab her. Then Low did something that she has learned from Carbon a while back. She turned her own hand into a blade and stabbed the golem to its chest and through the heat core. The heat core was broken and Low takes her arm out of the golem and turns it back to a hand. The heat starts to disappear and the golem starts shuting down. In it's last moments it bows down a bit and then gets back to the position it was before the fight. It's knees in a cross and hands to it's knees. Then it totally shuts down and stops moving. It was done.

We then called the rest of the crew to come back and Low put her clothes back on. We then went in the mine and saw that it has been mined dry for now. We saw no other golems, so we concluded that they retreated to where they came from when the heat golem was defeated. The whole defence seemed to only consist of the heat golem Low defeated. When we were done looking around, we started heading back. During the travel back, Low said this.

- The heat golem was pretty tough. I hade to use all my strenght to just dent it. If I didn't have the ability to turn my hand in to a blade, I would have had trouble.

- It was that tough huh. Let's hope we don't run across any more of them. Though, it is likely that there is more.

- I just hope that I can keep my clothes on then.

We traveled back to Mary's house to play with Nina. Mary had to go and report the success first.

Low also had fun playing with Nina. Like an older sister or something. Well, since Mary has taken a motherly role to Nina, Low being a sister wouldn't be that far fetched.

We spend couple of days helping Mary do her work and taking care of Nina. One day, a flying objects came to the city and around the world. They started speaking in a loud voice, telling the same message.

- My name is Felix Grey. The first born of the unity between lord of creation and demon prince of alchemy. I send you all this message to tell your impending demise. For you see, as the son of the lord of creation, the one who made all the material world, I have the right to claim what he left to this material world. As such, I will start an invasion to eradicate all that don't deserve to live in my inherited material world. This includes most of you, but some I will spare. The invasion will happen all around the world in five days time. Each day for their respective god. Say your prayers to your gods during that time and forfeit your lives to me. This is what I declare to this world. My name is Felix Grey, the rightful ruler of this world.

There is a solid moment of silence. Then people start to ask each other.

- Is this for real?

- That can't be right. Can it?

- There is no way someone would do that.

- Who is this lord of creation anyways? The gods created the world.

- That's right, this is just nonsense.

And so most of the population reacted around the world. But not the leaders around the world. They started to prepare for the worst. They had five days to strengthen their defences. In some places, villagers were ordered to go to a city to make sure all are protected. After a five days had passed, the world would be changed forever.

This is a mishmash of things in my opinion. I think that the time skip was necessary, since not all things can happen when other thing is done. I might have made one of the stories that could have happened in the time skip, but I think we must get the golem situation out of the way first. And to get it done, there had to be time skip.

For some reason, I felt like I had to defend this choice.

SanderTomsoncreators' thoughts