
Tales of Norbul

Under the tree they woke, remembering none and recaling of what they are. What is the purpose of not remembering ones past? Who is the man with the spear? Where will the world go to under the path they will walk? Many creatures and people awaits. Watch the protagonist journey throughout the world and even other realms. He will meet powerfull people with different view on things, and not all are going to play nice. Some of them will require something in return of their favor.

SanderTomson · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Bug problem

It has been a little over two weeks since I came to this town, and it has been pretty great. I've been going on wolf hunts with Aktor every couple of days and I improved a lot during this time. Aktor has told me some tips for my swordsmanship and I now could take small packs of wolves on my own.

During these trips, Aktor has shown me some minor spells to use in my daily life, like "small light" and "small fire". Now I can set up a campfire without worrying how to light it up. I also learned spells that boost my physical abilities, but Aktor told me to only use them when I'm in trouble. Something about not getting used to moving more easily with spells.

Today I went to hunt wolves on my own, since I got used to it and the wolf problem has greatly decreased thanks to both travelers and hunters guild. Aktor told me that he had some business with the hunters guild. He told me something is worrying him so he went to check it just in case his hunch was right.

Before we went to bed, he told me that we are going to get rid of a small problem on a small village south-south-east of Thorn. He seemed rather serious when he told me and he also told me to get some good rest tonight cause I'm gonna need it for tomorrow's trip.

I sleep pretty badly due to the storm outside and knowing that there is a long way ahead of me. I eat my breakfast alone this time wondering where Aktor is. So I decided to ask the lady of the tavern.

- Hey! Do you know where Aktor went?

- He told me he had some preparations to do and told me he will be back after breakfast.

- Did he tell you exactly what he was going to do?

- No, but I think he is taking care of the supplies you need for your trip.

- I see. Hope he isn't being weird to someone now.

- Let's hope.

I eat my breakfast and start to wait a bit. It took about an hour before he returned.

- What were you doing?

- Preparation for our trip. Are you ready to go?

- Sure, but what were you doing?

- I got myself two horses to travel with. And some food, water and equipment we might need.

- Where did you get the money for that?

- I have my ways. We should get going. It takes about half a day to travel there on horseback.

- Okay then.

- Hope you know how to ride a horse, cause I won't be sharing mine.

- I think I know how. Just wait I bit.

We walk to the stables where the horses are waiting. I hop on the horse's back and I do some tests.

- I think I got it.

- Great. Let's get moving.

And so we start going.

During the trip I asked a bunch of questions from Aktor.

- Why exactly are we going to the village?

- There seems to be sightings of a giant centipede type creature. And if it is a thing I think it is, then we got something weird going on.

- And why did you take me with you? I don't think you need my help.

- Call it a test of sorts.

- A test?

- Yes. A test to see how much you improved during these couple of weeks. Or is it wolf hunting all you're good at.

- I see your point. Were there any signs of other weird things going on, when you went to the hunters guide?

- There was. And this trip is just to confirm or unconfirm my theory.

- And what are the weird things you speak of?

- Creatures, both magickal and normal, have been sighted in environments they should not be living in.

- That is indeed pretty weird. Then this giant centipede creature is something that should not exist on this part of the world?

- Exactly.

- What kind of creature do you think this is?

- I will explain when or if it's confirmed.

- Okay then.

We keep traveling for a couple of hours, with nothing interesting happening and some minor chit chat. Then our conversation gets to the topic of Aktors weird movements when he is walking in town.

- So why is that?

- It has to do with my ability. Or a curse. Depending who you ask.

- What is your ability then?

- People and creatures tend to not notice me when I don't make my presence known.

- Isn't that just you being just not noticeable?

- It is magical in nature. I have had several people confirm this over the years.

- Then what's the down side? That is great for hunting or spying on people.

- People tend to be surprised when I suddenly pop into existence for them.

- But why can you talk to the tavern lady without a problem?

- Because I can control it to some extent, she is actively looking for people and she got used to me suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

- I see. Then why haven't I noticed this?

- That is the question isn't it. Maybe you just haven't noticed it yet.

- I wonder why.

And we keep traveling the rest of the way with nothing important to note.

When we got to the village, it seemed rather peaceful. But when we told people who were working on the fields what we came here for, they told us to head to the hut near the forest. When we were near the hut, a man approached us.

- What are you fellas doing here?

- We are here to inspect the notice about the giant centipede-like creature.

- Oh you are here for that! Thank the gods you are finally here! Oh gods be praised!

- Let's hear the details now shall we.

- Oh it's something like I've never seen before! It looked like a giant centipede with a giant mouth on its belly.

Aktor looked seriously at the man and started asking questions.

- Was the mouth about half of its entire body?

- Yes! I think it has. I was terrified when I saw it crawling on the wood during my normal hunt. I'm a hunter of this village, you see.

- Did you feel like it wasn't entirely there?

- I was so in shock, I wasn't paying attention. I just was focusing on not getting noticed by it. I was so terrified. It must be thanks to gods that they didn't follow me.

- How long ago was this?

- I think it happened three days ago. I'm thankful that it hasn't come to the village during this time. Gods must be looking after us!

- I take it you haven't gone to the forest since?

- I would dare to, no. Not knowing what's lurking in it now.

- You don't have to worry. If I'm correct, then that magical creature is locally known as "lokyslovushka", but more commonly known as "Jawcrawler". A creature that is commonly found in deserts of Lulauca far south-east. Sometimes seen in other deserts, but primarily found from there.

- What is a creature that lives in deserts doing here?

- That is a question that I don't have a answer to, but I plan on finding out one day.

Aktor looks at the forest.

- But you are in luck. Because they are ambushers by heart and don't attack easily without cover.

- I see. Will you still take care of it?

- Of course we will. Or more accurately, he will take care of it.

I sigh.

- There it is. Is it my test is it?

- You got it. I'm sure you will. And if anything goes wrong, you got me to bail you out.

- Thanks.

- Then let's go hunt ourselves one Jawcrawler.

We start heading to the forest.

- Before we start, I want to tell you some tips for you.

- I trust you to give good advice.

- The Jawcrawler likes to bury itself to the ground with its jaw being upward. It hides its teeth with an illusion so that its prey sees something they want to eat. Usually a flower or a tree but it could be something else. Usually what people see is some shining juicy fruits hanging on a small tree. But when it is digesting its food, it locks its jaw with its prey in it and it usually looks like a out of place rock. Its head however isn't where its mouth is. You can see its head has two antennas to sensor its surroundings. It usually buries its head below the ground and lets its antena hang around the surface.

- That is quite a lot but helpful information.

- So when you try to kill it, aim for its head.

- Got it.

We walk around the forest for a while before I see unusual scratches on the ground and on trees.

- I think I got something.

- Let me see. Yes, this is it. Let's follow them.

Shortly after we started following the tracks, we saw a bunch of rocks.

- Could this be it?

- Maybe be careful. If you see two flowers alongside a rock it could be it. If you see one stab lightly it and if it is it, it should react.

- Okay.

I walk alongside some rocks and see if there are some flowers with it.

This one is too small to be it.

This one has no flowers alongside it.

This one. This has the flowers. Looks a bit off. And is sadly twice the size of me. This has to be it. I don't see Aktor around. But this is a test so maybe he planned to let me find it. Well, so here it goes.



- Well this is definitely it!

I started moving out of its hole. It seemed to drop something. A Great wolf? It tried to eat a great wolf? This is going to be a tough fight.

Its mouth was facing me, gaping open. I must get to its head.

And suddenly it lunges its mouth open at me. I quickly dodge to the right and start running towards its head. But before I got there it started waving its mouth along the ground towards me. I jump back and we are back at the start.

It lunges again at me and I dodge again and I try running even faster. But I wasn't paying enough attention and it quickly swung its head against me and I got to make only a small scratch to its head as I was sent flying toward a tree.

I think I broke a rib or two but there is no time to rest. As the jaws of this creature are charging at me. I quickly jump to the left and while the jawcrawler is stuck in the tree, I run as fast as I can towards its head and I swung. It bounced back and while jawcrawler was getting out of the tree, I muster all the spells that could strengthen my next strike and I cast " minor quicken" and "Lesser strength".

I stab with my sword as fast as I can stab to a small opening on its neck and I simultaneously cast my strongest spell "greater spark" and it lands. The jawcrawler is screeching in pain and I keep on casting "greater spark" again and again until my magic finally runs out and I start to run closer to unconsciousness. I can sense it still moving a bit.

- Is this truly my best?

I muttered. Then I hear a voice.

- I suppose that's a pass.

I hear a noise of spear piercing through jawcrawlers exoskeleton and crushing its brains. It must be Aktor keeping his side of a promise.

With my consciousness fading, the last word I hear him say is.

- I think he is ready for that journey soon. If I get him to come with me that is. I swear, you are the...

And then my consciousness fades into darkness.