
Tales of Muna

Muna a 15yrs old girl who was forced to marry an old general for power. She had the desire to become a lawyer and bring freedom to the women of their land. She fell inlove with a Noble worriors son, who brought civilization to Muna and tried to help her excape from the village to the United kingdom with him when he was elected to be one of their armies.. Would he be able to over power the general Mina's husband and would Muna become a lawyer? Find out

Christabel_Benson · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The market

I lay on the wooden bed still enjoying the early morning fresh air coming in through the window. I barely even slept last night my thoughts were on Jamila and her newly married life. How would general Usman be on her, was he too rough ,would he force her if she refused? Well he didn't seem like the gentle type from the way he had gripped Jamila waist last night. It was as if his hands were made of steel. He would never be the true definition of man Jamila dreamt of marrying I just knew that and I pitied her.

     "Muna!" that was Timi from outside the room I had barely even noticed she was no where to be found beside me. I quickly got out of bed and headed towards the bedroom door to meet her.

it was Monday one of the busiest days in Samaria but it was always my favorite day, why? Because it was a day I finally get freed from Father's Watts since the very first day I turned 15 and Timi turned 16 father has been so hell bent on finding a suitable alliance to send us off for marriage. He would lock us all at home like a cages bird just so his so called tool for alliance would be safe in order to fulfil his so called desires to become hakami.

"Father would throw another party tomorrow" Timi said excitedly. I was never existed about Father's parties they were so boring and full of politics. 

"So what's the celebration this time?" I asked lazily

"You haven't heard?," Timi activated her gossiping mood once more, "of course the youngest general of all time, 'general Gandhi' would be there, I can't believe he has desires to marry a wife in our home this time" Timi screamed a little too excitedly

"Does he?" I rolled my eyes at her

"Of course and he's going to pick me so let me warn you Muna general Gandhi is mine!" I stared blankly at her, Timi has always been that way

" I have no desire to marry him Timi" I knew she could hear the sarcasm  in my voice. Like every other teenage girl Timi's desires was to marry a general, lay lazily on a cozy bed, get pumpard treatment from maids but that wasn't mine..

"good morning mother" Timi and I greeted and bowed our heads slightly

" Mmm,"Mother and sarana replied and smile-heartedly at us. I knew mother smile was sincere but Serena 's smile was not, since Jamila had left I saw a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"let's go to the market and get you girls beautiful dresses for tomorrow's events" Mother said. I was so excited when I heard we were going to the market, how I miss going there. We all headed to the market. There were several shops all decorated beautifully, the market has always been crowded, with lots of Carts, horses, donkeys and camels, they came loaded with the produce of the season. I watched as sellers do alot of funny things to attract buyers, some even sang and danced which I found really funny. The market was just the only place women could at least express their feelings. I always felt peace walking around the market Street, I felt freedom and that was what I always wanted, to be free. We all brought lots of food items and beautiful fabric dresses and we were now working back home slowly and chatted happily without a hint of fear in our eyes.

 "That young man has always been the best swordman in Samaria, I heard the white men might come pick him to join the army in their country" Timi whispered to us. I titled my head a little to look at the said young man but suddenly got hit by a speeding carriage. I fell horribly and passed out. My ears started ringing, it was so loud I thought it would burst my eardrums. When I tried to open my eyes I was immediately blinded by a bright light. The ringing gradually lessens until I could hear my surrounding clearly then I heard a voice.

"Are you all right?," my vision cleared up, I saw a young man standing across from me. Bright dark eyes, tall, broad shoulders and his thick raven black hair. A really fascinating look I would say. Most people would be in a daze in front of such features.

"Yes..." I gave a slightly confused answer. It was enough to convey my confusion. No one has ever asked me if I was alright, mother of course have but a good looking young man? Never! 

He returned me a faint smile.

"How dare you women interupt our training?" I heard a harsh voice from afar. Mother, sarana and Timi quickly fell on their knees and started to plead.

"We our sorry my Lord, my daughter was hit by a fast moving carriage and was kicked into your training Field" I was so surprised, I barely remember what happened, I had hit my head so badly all I knew was I was standing by the road side admiring the young and flexible swordman, which was now standing right in front of me. I raced my eyes and stared at my bruised body, I was so badly injured. I begin to pander, father would kill us if he finds out about this.

"Get out slots !" The man yelled again. Timi quickly ran towards me and helped me up and we all headed straight home.