
Strange Dream

Tang Ming as sleeping soundly and he felt his body has the warmth of someone and he was quite comfortable so he didn't want to open eyes, slowly he fell into a dream in which there was an old aged man. He saw Ming and said to him " Boy you are a natural born genius, you can say to be unsurpassed the genius. At the age of 4 you were able to condense qi in dantian and had qi sense from birth your body has no impurity. " and then he started to move towards Ming

Ming said to old man "Who are you? don't come near me otherwise, I will punch you." he punched old man but it passed through him. Ming was terrified and told himself " oh my god what I have seen that is what I read in a book the ghost and spirits? I am going to die he told old man don't come near me."

The old man said "I mean you no harm child. I just want to see your spirit roots. ok fine I will not come closer until you say so"

Ming asked, " what just before you told was spirit root right, what is that?"

the old man said " it is the method by which we can sense qi, you see that there are various types of Qi environment basics are Fire, water, Wood, Metal, Earth they are present in nature, they are very common. there are rare such as ice, wind, thunder, poison, Sword, Saber etc and there is a supreme attribute which is Yin, Yang, Space, Time, Minor Destruction, Daemon, Devil, Rebirth etc and there is Origen attribute such as Primal Chaos, Destruction, Samsara, Space-Time. There is a various grade of Spirit root too they are Common Grade in which Spirit roots More than one nature attribute in an unstable state, then Human grade, Earth Grade, haven Grade, Divine Grade. Better the attribute to cultivate special environment required, there are some exception, and better the grade of spirit roots grater the speed of qi absorption"

Ming said, " Old man you are good, can you tell me how were you able to come in my dream."

Old Man said "I was with you from the moment you were born, you should have noticed that when you are in a dream you would wear the pendant, I reside within that pendant that pendant resides within your soul "

Ming asked " How did that pendant reside within my soul, I should tell my mom and dad "

The old man said " you shouldn't mention this to anybody it will cause disaster, as for how did this got into your soul it is that you in your previous life got that let me restore your memory and as to why am I, I am the spirit of this pendant "

Ming started to remember that in previous life he was orphan and he got some inheritance when he was hunting for food in the jungle at the age of 5 and it was compatible with his spirit root Five elements heavenly root at the age of 6 he was able to qi condensation, then he continued as rouge cultivator by various danger he overcome god tribulation at the age 170 and all the memories of how he got the pendant and how he died at the hand of earthly god realm expert. He has begun to understand How much cruel this world was, but he didn't change that much as old man has expected Ming was pretty calm.

To be Continued...