
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


Osaka, Japan


April 7th, 2023

"Yuta, call for reinforcements!" he shouted, his voice filled with urgency. Alrich's body trembled, his complexion turning pale as the immense strain took its toll.

Alrich's gaze swept across the battlefield, his mind racing for a solution. In that moment, a group of formidable creatures charged towards him, threatening to obstruct his path.

"No!" Yuta shouted as he sprinted towards the charging creatures. He held his axe tightly and used it to block the creatures' attacks.

Among them was a humongous creature with giant horns on its head. It possessed skin as hard as steel and a towering physique.

As Yuta bravely confronted the group of charging creatures, he swung his axe with precision and strength. The formidable weapon sliced through the air, colliding with the monstrous creature's horns. Sparks flew as metal met metal, but Yuta's resolve remained unwavering.

At the same time, Mike and Alice fell to the ground unconscious, as they were being dragged by the damned creatures. Yuta tried to go after them, but a damned creature managed to close in on Alrich.

Yuta quickly maneuvered and appeared in front of Alrich, blocking the damned creature's path.

As Yuta intercepted the damned creature, he positioned himself between Alrich and the approaching threat. The creature's glowing eyes locked onto Yuta, and it let out a guttural growl, sensing a formidable opponent. Yuta's heart pounded with adrenaline, but he remained focused and determined to protect his friend.

With a mighty swing of his giant axe, Yuta struck the damned creature, aiming for a critical spot on its armored body. The axe connected with a resounding impact, causing the creature to stagger back, momentarily stunned by the force of the blow. It was clear that the creature's skin was tough, but Yuta's strength was equally formidable.

Yuta's roar echoed through the battlefield as he tapped into his inner reserves of strength and determination. The pain from the creature's powerful headbutt fueled his fury, and he channeled that energy into his next move.

With a burst of speed, Yuta dashed towards the horned damned creature, his axe swinging with unbridled power. Each strike left deep scars on the creature's armored body, causing it to bellow in agony. But the creature was not so easily defeated, and it retaliated with its own formidable attacks.

The creature swung its massive horns, trying to knock Yuta off balance. Yuta managed to dodge most of the attacks, but one glancing blow caught his side, sending him stumbling back. He winced in pain but refused to back down.

Yuta took a deep breath, focusing his energy once more. He charged at the horned damned creature again, this time aiming for its legs. With a powerful swing of his axe, he struck at the creature's knees, aiming to cripple its movement.

The creature roared in pain as its legs buckled under the force of Yuta's attack. It fell to its knees, temporarily immobilized. Seizing the opportunity, Yuta launched a series of rapid strikes, targeting the creature's weakened spots. Each blow rang out with a deafening clang as metal met metal.

The horned damned creature struggled to defend itself, unable to withstand Yuta's relentless assault. As Yuta's axe landed a final, devastating blow, the creature let out a chilling cry before collapsing to the ground, defeated.

Yuta then glanced towards his defeated comrades. Alice and Mike, unconscious, are now in possession of the shadow general. Yuta gripped his axe tightly as he ran towards them, trying to save his captured acquaintances.

The shadow general just chuckled at the sight of the struggling Yuta. She then waves at Yuta, as if she was mocking him. As Yuta saw her gestures, he felt a sharp object pierced through his abdomen. He halted and glanced at his stomach, it was coated with his crimson blood as it poured down on the road.

The Puppet Master's hands pierced through Yuta's, as he grinned menacingly at his feat. He then retracted his hands and let Yuta's lifeless body fall to the ground.

"Yuta!!!" Alrich screamed as he saw his old friend die at the hands of the damned creatures.

Alrich, frustrated and filled with sorrow for the loss of his friends, found himself alone and facing the approaching damned creatures. He knew that letting go of the iron domes to defend himself would mean the end for all of them. With a heavy heart, he made a difficult decision.

"So this is my end," Alrich whispered to himself, determination burning in his eyes. "I'll hold on as long as I can, for you to be able to defend them Shino."

As Alrich closed his eyes, he embraced his fate with unwavering resolve. The weight of the situation weighed heavily on his shoulders, knowing that the lives of his friends and the fate of the world rested on his shoulders. He focused on maintaining the two iron domes, a last line of defense against the overwhelming horde of damned creatures closing in on him.

The damned creatures surrounded Alrich, their eyes glowing with malevolence as they prepared to strike. But as they lunged forward, their attacks met an unexpected resistance. The iron domes stood firm, repelling the creatures' onslaught with an impenetrable force.

Alrich's eyes widened in surprise, realizing that he was not alone in this battle. He felt a surge of energy flowing through him, a force that was not his own. Opening his eyes, he saw a figure emerge from the shadows, wielding power unlike any he had seen before.

It was Shino, transformed by the absorption of the iron fist damned creature's abilities. His eyes glowed with an eerie intensity, and his entire body seemed to exude raw power. Shino's super strength manifested in every move he made, allowing him to pummel the damned creatures with incredible force.

Shino's fists crashed into the damned creatures, sending shockwaves that knocked them back with each impact. He moved with unparalleled speed and strength, making short work of the once formidable enemies. The creatures struggled to keep up with his prowess, and one by one, they fell under Shino's relentless assault.

"Shino, you did it!" Alrich exclaimed, a mix of relief and astonishment in his voice.

Shino didn't respond, his focus solely on the battle at hand. He fought with a fierce determination, his mind seemingly clouded with the absorbed powers. But in that moment, it didn't matter. Shino's strength was a much-needed lifeline for Alrich.

With Shino taking control of the battlefield, Alrich felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He knew that he could now focus on regrouping and rescuing his captured friends, Alice and Mike.

Alrich channeled his energies, dispersing the iron domes and unleashing his full potential. He hurriedly moved towards the shadowy portal where the Shadow General had disappeared with Alice and Mike. Along the way, he encountered more damned creatures, but Shino was by his side, clearing the path with his newfound abilities.

Finally reaching the portal's location, Shino saw the remnants of the Shadow General's presence. The portal had closed, leaving behind only a lingering trail of shadows. The frustration of not being able to save his friends gnawed at him, but he refused to give in to despair.

"We'll find a way to bring them back," Alrich said, his voice strangely calm despite the chaos around them.

"We'll stop whatever the Shadow General has planned." Shino replied.

Alrich nodded, feeling a sense of determination renewed. He knew that the battle was far from over, and they had to face whatever challenges awaited them. But with Shino by his side, a newfound ally with incredible abilities, they stood a chance against the darkness that threatened their world.

Together, they fought back the remaining damned creatures, clearing a path towards their next destination. Alrich could still feel the loss of Yuta, but he knew that Yuta's sacrifice had not been in vain. His death had sparked a new strength in Shino, a power that could turn the tide of their battles.

Together, they fought back the remaining damned creatures, clearing a path towards their next destination. Alrich could still feel the loss of Yuta, but he knew that Yuta's sacrifice had not been in vain. His death had sparked a new strength in Shino, a power that could turn the tide of their battles.

As they pressed forward, Alrich glanced at his old friend's lifeless body one last time, paying tribute to his sacrifice. With Yuta's memory in his heart and Shino's newfound abilities at his side, Alrich knew that their journey was far from over. They would face more challenges, losses, and trials, but they would do so together, united in their purpose to protect the light and stand against the encroaching darkness.

As Alrich and Shino continued their journey, they were haunted by the unknown fate of their captured friends, Mike and Alice. The Shadow General's intentions remained shrouded in mystery, leaving them with a sense of urgency to find and rescue their companions.

With Yuta's sacrifice and Shino's newfound power, they faced the daunting task of confronting the darkness that lay ahead. The odds were against them, but their unwavering determination and unity fueled their hope of emerging victorious and bringing their friends back safely.

The battle ahead would test their strength and resilience, but together, they would face whatever challenges the shadowy realm presented.

But where could Mike and Alice be...?