
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

The Witch

Osaka, Japan

Kaminari Academy

April 1st, 2023

Mike concentrated his thoughts on his palms. He envisioned a void, a swirling vortex in his hands, drawing in the air around him like a vacuum. He imagined the vortex disintegrating the body of the wolf-like creature and drawing its scattered pieces towards it.

[New Ability Acquired]

[Ability Upgraded]

Mike felt flustered when he noticed the new notifications on the holographic screen. He quickly tapped on the screen and read the descriptions.


Enhanced Durability (E) [NEW]

Enhances the host base durability

Enhanced Strength (E>D) [NEW]

Enhances the host base strength


"Looks like one of the abilities upgraded. Your enhanced strength combined with the wolf's has become even more powerful," Mike said to the Prince.

"Enough with that, let's get going already. There are too many onlookers here," said the prince, referring to the bystander students in the vicinity.

Mike glanced towards them, but fortunately, their attention was focused on the female student who had been nearly killed by the wolf.

Without hesitation, Mike sprinted towards the campus building and headed straight for the library. As Mike hurried away, the purple bird from earlier returned and discreetly landed at the back of the ruined shed where it remained unseen.

The bird transformed into a human, unveiling a purple-haired female student wearing the same uniform as Mike and the others.

"Looks like another host has appeared. What do you think? Another exile or one of their spies?" said the girl as she observed the dead wolf's body, which was now disintegrating into thin air.

"Considering how he absorbed that creature without hesitation, I'd say he's an exile," replied a voice.

"So what's your plan? Do you want to recruit him for that ragtag team?" asked the woman, addressing the voice in her head. After witnessing the complete disappearance of the wolf's body, she returned to the campus building.

"Now's not the time, Alice. Just a little while longer. Let's assess the capabilities of our new friends," replied the voice.

Afterwards, Alice seamlessly blended into the crowd, disguising herself amidst the commotion as concerned students and teachers gathered around the woman who had been attacked by the wolf.

Meanwhile, Mike reached the library and spotted Shino engaged in conversation with the girl at the counter. He approached them and asked Shino, "So, have you found the book?"

"Yeah, I was just about to register it with Miss Rika here and borrow it for you," Shino replied, handing the book to the woman behind the counter. It was the same woman who had welcomed them at the entrance earlier.

"Prince of Heaven? I've read that one, and it was quite an enjoyable book. Excellent choice," Rika remarked, simultaneously jotting down some notes on a sheet of paper and entering them into the computer. She then proceeded to stamp the book with an ink seal before handing it over to Shino.

"Thanks! Actually, it's Mike who's been searching for it. He's been engrossed in reading lately, though I'm not entirely sure why he's so fascinated by it," Shino replied with a broad smile, accepting the book.

Mike then grabbed the book from Shino's hand and opened it. Just as he was about to read the first sentence, the bell rang, signaling the start of class. Mike grunted in annoyance as he closed the book and stuffed it into his backpack.

"Let's go, Shino," Mike said, grumbling curses in his head.

"Goodbye, Miss Rika. It was nice meeting you," Shino said and waved goodbye. They both then headed back to their classroom and sat down for their next class.

Classes started shortly, but Mike couldn't concentrate one bit. He was so fixated on reading the book that he couldn't focus on the class discussion. It became a battle between curiosity and focus for Mike.

Hours of lectures quickly passed by, and the bell rang to signal the end of classes. Mike sighed in relief, knowing that he could finally delve into the book. He planned to spend the night fully immersed in it so that he could finally discover the prince's name.

"It was pretty weird to have a conversation with someone without knowing their name. It's like reading something with only the context, and not the title," he thought to himself.

"So, Mike, wanna go to the arcade?" Shino asked as he quickly packed his things into his bag.

"Sorry, I'm planning to read the book we just got from the library. Maybe another time," Mike replied and hurriedly left the room. Shino didn't get the chance to reply as Mike swiftly vanished from his sight.

"But you said..." Shino muttered in dismay.

Mike ran towards his apartment, huffing and sweating profusely, completely unaware that he was being followed. Unbeknownst to him, the purple bird from before was tailing him from a distance.

"Are you sure about this?" Alice asked the voice in her head.

"Yes. I believe we have enough people to start with our plans," the voice replied. When Mike arrived at his apartment, Alice landed on a nearby tree and watched as he entered his room.

Mike grabbed a glass of water from the fridge and wiped the sweat off his brow. He dropped his bag on the floor and sat at the kitchen table, exhausted. He opened his bag and took out the book.

"Prince, now I'm going to find out your name," Mike said to the prince as he opened the book.

"I'm also curious to know who I am, actually," the prince replied, hovering in Mike's mind.

"So, you're the new guy?" a voice said from behind Mike.

Mike swiftly closed the book and turned around, surprised to see a purple bird sitting at his window.

"Surprised?" the bird asked.

"You're the one from earlier, the bird who killed the wolf," Mike replied as he quickly hid his book in his bag.

The bird entered his apartment and landed on the floor, before transforming back into Alice in her human form. She then approached Mike and offered her hand.

"I'm Alice, and you?" she asked.

"Mike," he replied swiftly.

Seeing that Mike didn't shake her hand, Alice swiftly retrieved it. She then grabbed a chair and sat down across from Mike.

"So, exiled or a spy? Or perhaps you're damned?" Alice said, rocking the chair with her feet.

Mike was taken aback by the sudden inquiry. "I... Uh, I don't..." he started.

"No, don't answer her. She could be an enemy," the prince warned, fixing his gaze on Alice. "Use your observation ability."

"How?" Mike asked the prince.

"Just think of using it," the prince replied blatantly.

Mike narrowed his brows and imagined using that ability to Alice. Then, shortly after a floating screen appeared.


Name: Alice Hayashi

Tale: ???

Abilities: ???

Observation ability is too low. Unable to gather the target's information.


"What do you want?" Mike asked, shifting his attention from the screen back to Alice.

"It depends on your answer," Alice replied, telekinetically pulling a knife from the kitchen drawer.

"What if I say I'm a tale sent by the gods?" Mike said, his hand slowly reaching for the handle of his bag without Alice noticing.

"Then you're going to die here today," Alice replied with a grin as she spun the knife in midair.

"Exiled," Mike said bluntly.

"What are you doing, Mike?" the prince panicked. "What if she's an enemy, sent by the gods to hunt me down?"

"Then we'll have to run for our lives, hoping her flying knife won't catch up to us," Mike replied, gripping his bag tightly.

"Just as I thought," Alice said, grabbing the knife and placing it on the table.

"How long have you been a host for an exiled?" she asked.

"Three hours... Or maybe four," Mike replied, slowly releasing his grip on the bag. He then quickly snatched the knife off the table. His panicked actions caused Alice to smirk slightly.

"And who is your exiled tale friend?" Alice inquired, slowly approaching the window.

"Tell me yours first," Mike said, his grip on the knife tightening.

"Oh, should I?" Alice replied with a chuckle.

"Of course not," the voice in her head quickly interjected.

"You wouldn't even know her even if I told you," Alice added.

"Just tell me," Mike persisted, holding the knife tightly.

"You know the story of the princess trapped in the tower, right?" Alice began, glancing at Mike's room.

"You mean Rapunzel is your tale?" Mike asked.

"Let me finish. You know there were a couple of knights who went and tried to rescue her or whatever, and most of them failed. Anyways, visit the little cafe downtown this evening. You should meet the others," Alice said, transforming back into her bird form before flying away.

"Wait, you haven't told me who your tale is," Mike said, running towards the window in an attempt to catch up to the bird.

"Oh right. She's the witch in that tower! Make sure to come by later this evening!" Alice exclaimed and flew away.

"You mean you're..."