
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Rika's Unwavering Determination

Osaka, Japan


April 5th, 2023

"I should have been more vigilant. I should never have left her alone. This is all my fault,"

Rika's heart raced as she continued to run, her thoughts consumed by guilt and worry. She replayed the events of the previous night in her mind, berating herself for leaving her friends behind and for not being able to protect them. The weight of her mistakes weighed heavily on her, fueling her determination to find them and make things right.

"Rika... Rika..."

Her tale, sensing her distress, tried to reach out to her, but Rika's focus remained fixed on her goal. She pushed herself to keep running despite the fatigue that threatened to overwhelm her. The morning air was cold, and her breath formed visible puffs in front of her face. But she couldn't afford to stop.

As Rika slowed down momentarily to catch her breath, she glanced back and saw multiple shadowy figures emerging in the distance. Fear surged through her veins as she realized that the damned creatures had caught up to her. They were relentless in their pursuit, their twisted forms moving with eerie agility.

Rika's instincts kicked in, and she started running again, her heart pounding in her chest. The chase intensified, the damned creatures closing in on her with each passing moment. Rika's mind raced, desperately searching for a way to escape their clutches. She needed to find a safe place, somewhere she could gather her thoughts and come up with a plan.

In the midst of her panic, Rika spotted an avenue up ahead. It offered a glimmer of hope, a potential escape route from her pursuers. With renewed determination, she pushed herself to go faster, her legs carrying her with all the strength she could muster. The avenue seemed to stretch out endlessly, but Rika refused to give up.

Finally reaching the avenue, Rika darted into its embrace, hoping it would provide some respite from the relentless pursuit. She glanced around, searching for any signs of refuge or assistance. The street was quiet and empty, devoid of any immediate help. But Rika knew she couldn't afford to wait for someone to come to her aid. She needed to take matters into her own hands.

As Rika continued down the avenue, she kept a watchful eye on her surroundings. Every shadow, every flicker of movement made her heart skip a beat. The adrenaline coursing through her veins propelled her forward, her determination unwavering. She knew that she had to stay one step ahead of the damned creatures, to outsmart them and find a way to reunite with her friends.

Rika remained hidden in the narrow alley, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched the shadowy figures pass by. She released a soft breath of relief, grateful that she had managed to evade their pursuit, at least for now.

As she gathered her composure, Rika couldn't help but shiver from the cold that permeated the air. The chill seeped through her clothes, reminding her of the harsh reality they faced. Yet, she knew that enduring the discomfort was a small sacrifice in comparison to the mission at hand.

Rika's primary objective was to locate her friends, Karin and the others, amidst the chaos that had engulfed the city. The once peaceful streets now lay in ruins, ravaged by the damned creatures that roamed freely, causing havoc and despair. Their rampage had unleashed a wave of terror, leaving destruction and loss in their wake.

With determination burning in her eyes, Rika pressed on, navigating the desolate cityscape with caution. She knew the dangers that lurked around every corner, but she couldn't let fear deter her. Her friends' safety was at stake, and she was determined to find them, no matter the cost.

Recalling the events that led to their separation, Rika couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. It was during their search for the others that they had decided to take a much-needed rest in an abandoned warehouse. Exhaustion had overtaken them, and they had succumbed to sleep, unaware of the horrors that awaited them.

As the night grew darker, the presence of the damned creatures multiplied, their malevolent energy permeating the air. The once serene warehouse had become a battleground, as the creatures tore through its walls and unleashed their merciless onslaught.

In her selfless act to protect innocent children from the grasp of a damned creature, Rika had left Karin momentarily alone in the warehouse. The sight of the children's vulnerable faces had tugged at her heart, prompting her to intervene. However, when she returned, a chilling emptiness greeted her. Karin was nowhere to be found.

Instead, the warehouse had been overtaken by a group of relentless damned creatures. Karin, displaying incredible bravery, had valiantly fought against them, but their sheer numbers had overwhelmed her. Faced with an impossible situation, Karin had made the difficult choice to retreat, to preserve her own life and continue the fight from a position of strength.

The weight of guilt settled upon Rika's shoulders as she realized the consequences of her actions. She vowed to find Karin and reunite with their friends, to make amends for her temporary absence and to protect those she cherished.

As Rika ventured forth, the city's landscape became an eerie tableau of destruction and despair. Buildings lay in ruins, their shattered windows reflecting the moon's pale light. The air was heavy with a sense of foreboding, as though the city itself held its breath in anticipation of the impending battle.

Rika's footsteps echoed through the silent streets as she traversed the city's desolation. Her determination fueled her steps, pushing her forward despite the overwhelming odds. She knew that time was of the essence, that each passing moment could mean the difference between life and death for her friends.

With renewed resolve, Rika continued her search, her mind focused on finding her companions and facing the challenges that awaited her. The echoes of chaos and despair lingered, but amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope shone through. She refused to let fear consume her, knowing that her friends relied on her strength and resilience.

Rika stealthily made her way back to their school, retracing the familiar path they had taken before. As she approached the campus, a sense of unease washed over her. The sight that greeted her was both shocking and horrifying.

The school grounds were teeming with a vast number of damned creatures, their presence casting an ominous shadow over the once-familiar surroundings. Rika's heart sank as she realized the extent of the danger that had befallen their beloved academy.

Her attention was immediately drawn to the center of the school grounds, where a disturbing scene unfolded before her eyes. A group of damned creatures had captured several young women and bound them to a pole. Their expressions of fear and desperation mirrored Rika's own turmoil.

In the midst of the damned creatures, a woman stood tall and imposing. Clad in a magnificent ebony light armor, she possessed an otherworldly beauty, with demonic horns adorning her head and wings extending from her back. It was clear that she held a commanding presence among the damned creatures, who bowed in deference to her.

"Cut off one of their fingers and pour their blood unto the magic circle. It's time to know where have our lost princess been,"

Rika's heart pounded in her chest as she listened to the woman's chilling words. The mention of a lost princess and the demand for blood sent a shiver down her spine. It was evident that this woman held the key to their missing companion and the answers they sought.

From her hiding place behind a bush, Rika observed the scene with a mixture of fear and determination. She knew that rescuing the captive girls and uncovering the truth about the missing princess was of utmost importance. But she also understood the need for caution and strategic planning.

As she contemplated her next move, Rika's thoughts raced. She needed a plan to outwit the formidable woman and free the captives without endangering herself or the others. Time was of the essence, and the lives of her friends hung in the balance.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Rika made a silent vow to confront this powerful adversary and reclaim their lost princess. With her tales' powers and the unwavering support of her friends, she was determined to face whatever challenges awaited her and bring an end to the reign of darkness that had befallen their school.

But Rika knew that she couldn't take on the entire group of damned creatures alone. The odds were stacked against her, and rushing into action without a plan would only put her life and the lives of the captive girls in greater danger.


As she observed the captives, her gaze fixed on Karin, a familiar face among the imprisoned girls. Rika's heart sank at the sight of her dear friend in such a perilous situation. Karin's presence further fueled Rika's desire to save them all, but her exhaustion caught up with her.

Overwhelmed by physical and mental fatigue, Rika's body gave way, and she collapsed to the ground. Her unwavering determination faltered as the weight of the situation and the enormity of the task ahead took its toll.

She lay there, her mind and body drained, her thoughts consumed by frustration and despair. The prospect of failure loomed over her, threatening to extinguish the flicker of hope she held onto. She had come so far, fought so hard, and yet it seemed as if their efforts were in vain.

Rika's consciousness faded as she succumbed to the cold, unforgiving earth.