
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

It's Not That Bad

Osaka, Japan

Kaminari Academy

April 2nd, 2023

The shadow figure dashed towards Mike. A desperate attempt to defend himself, Mike raised his sword to block the creature's strike. However, to his horror, the shadowy figure swiftly maneuvered, leaping through Mike as if he were nothing more than a specter.

"Oh no," Mike thought, realizing his failed attempt to stop the creature's attack.

Time seemed to slow down as Mike's heart pounded in his chest. His eyes widened in terror as he watched the shadowy figure rapidly closing in on Rika. She let out a piercing scream, fully aware of the imminent danger. The creature stretched its long, menacing arms toward her, ready to strike.

"Nooooo!" Mike's scream echoed through the air as he witnessed the creature lunging at Rika, its menacing tendrils closing in on her.

In a critical moment, just inches away from Rika's face, several long thorny vines emerged from the ground, swiftly binding the creature's arms and preventing it from impaling her.

"Oh no, the barrier is on the verge of being disrupted," Rika exclaimed, struggling to maintain her powers amidst the intense situation.

Realizing the urgency, Mike swiftly took action. He attempted to slash at the creature's head, aiming to end the threat once and for all. However, the creature evaded his attack with uncanny agility, severing its own bound hands in the process.

"Rika, focus on maintaining the barrier,"

Rika nodded in acknowledgment and skillfully retrieved the vines from the ground, ensuring the barrier remained intact.

Unwilling to give the shadowy figure a moment of respite, Mike launched himself forward with determination, pointing his sword straight at the creature. With a swift and forceful slash, he delivered a powerful strike. Although the creature managed to block the attack, Mike's strike resulted in severing another couple of its limbs.

Observing the situation, Mike noticed that the time it took for the creature to regenerate its severed limbs was gradually decreasing. A surge of hope filled his heart as he realized that by maintaining his relentless assault, he could eventually overcome the creature.

Determined to press on, Mike prepared for another strike. However, this time his attack was met with yet another block from the creature, thwarting his attempt to sever more of its limbs.

As Mike saw Rika summoning more vines to bind the creature's body, he glanced at her with a mixture of concern and relief. Rika reassured him with her words, expressing her ability to manage the situation somehow.

Trusting in Rika's capabilities, Mike nodded in acknowledgment and gratitude. He knew he had to seize the opportunity that Rika's intervention provided. With a surge of determination, he lunged towards the creature, aiming for a direct strike. He plunged his sword into the creature's head, piercing it through with all his strength.

In response to the decisive blow, Rika's vines retracted, and the lifeless body of the creature dropped heavily to the ground. A moment of silence engulfed the scene, broken only by the sounds of heavy breathing and the realization of their hard-fought victory.

"Wow, Mike. You managed to hold that off. I was barely hanging on. Speed-type tales are always a challenge for me," Rika said, panting heavily as she continued to maintain the barrier.

"Why are you still maintaining the barrier? You can stop now, Rika,"

"What do you mean? Aren't you going to absorb its abilities?"

Mike gazed at the lifeless body of the shadowy figure, his mind filled with the notion of absorbing its abilities. Drawing upon the knowledge imparted to him by Baldur, he extended his arms and envisioned a swirling vortex that would disintegrate the body and draw its essence into himself. However, as he closed his eyes and attempted the absorption, a holographic screen materialized in his mind.

The screen displayed the message:

[Unable to detect compatible abilities]

[Extraction unable to proceed]

Disappointed, Mike opened his eyes and let out a sigh.

"It appears that I cannot absorb its abilities. It says it's not compatible,"

"You are a human. You cannot stretch out your limbs and make them sharp; it'll break your bones," Baldur chuckled as he floated around Mike's head with a sense of joy.

"What are you so happy about?" Mike asked, slightly puzzled.

"Well, you did manage to defeat a strong opponent on your first try. I'm kind of proud to be your teacher, that's all," Baldur responded, his voice filled with a mix of pride and amusement.

Rolling his eyes, Mike turned away from the creature and walked over to Rika. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder, concern etched on his face.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked, his gaze sweeping over Rika's body.

"N-no, I'm fine. I managed to run away in time," Rika replied, her voice tinged with anxiety as she glanced upward.

"What's wrong? Your face seems red. Are you not feeling well? Are you exhausted?" Mike inquired, his worry evident in his voice.

"I'm fine. Thank you for the help," Rika replied, her voice hurried as she ran off towards the school building. As she disappeared, her barrier vanished along with the shadowy figure's lifeless body.

"What's wrong with her?" Mike pondered aloud, seeking an answer from Baldur. In response, Baldur let out a mischievous giggle, offering no explanation.

Shaking his head in confusion, Mike continued walking towards the school building. He ascended the stairs and returned to his classroom. As he entered, the bell rang, signaling the end of the class.

Shino, who was already on his feet, eagerly approached Mike, bombarding him with a barrage of questions. "Dude, where have you been? You missed the entire math class! What happened to the nerdy Mike I know? Are you going through a rebellious phase? Man, I'm so proud. My man Mike is actually acting cool now," Shino rambled on excitedly.

Mike paid no attention to Shino's remarks as he made his way towards his seat and grabbed his bag. Without waiting for a response, he said, "Let's go eat lunch," and walked past Shino, heading out of the classroom. Shino followed closely, grinning from ear to ear.

They arrived at the school cafeteria and picked up their respective lunches from the counter. As they scanned the room for an available seat, they noticed June waving at them, signaling for them to join him at his table.

Accepting June's offer, they made their way to his table. However, just as they were about to sit down, Rika appeared behind Shino and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Can I... Can I sit with you?" Rika asked nervously, holding his own plate of food.

"Uhm, sure, but I'm not really sure we've met before. But you can sit with us if you want," Shino replied.

Rika smiled and swiftly took a seat beside Mike, while Shino moved to the other side of the table and sat across from Rika, next to June.

"I'm June Kojima, by the way," June introduced himself, offering his hand to Rika for a handshake.

Rika shook his hand in response and replied, "Rika Nakada, Class 3A. Mike actually knows me, and I believe Shino does too."

"Oh, you know me?" Shino asked, surprised.

"We met at the library. You were borrowing the book 'Prince of Heavens' for Mike," Rika recalled.

"Ah, now I remember. Rika Nakada, the librarian!" Shino exclaimed, taking a bite of his meal.

June and Shino continued their lively conversation with Rika, while Alice approached their table, holding a plate of food and sipping on a box of milk.

"Have room for one more?" Alice asked, glancing at the available seats.

"Oh, Alice! Sure, join us!" Shino exclaimed enthusiastically.

Alice took a seat and greeted Mike, "What's up, Mike?"

"Dude, you know two gorgeous ladies, and you've been silent this whole time. I feel betrayed. Are you keeping secrets from me now?" Shino playfully remarked, taking a bite of his chicken.

As lunch continued, the atmosphere at the table remained lively and filled with laughter. Shino and June exchanged jokes, entertaining Rika who laughed wholeheartedly even at the corniest of remarks.

Alice, on the other hand, took the opportunity to tease Rika and occasionally stole bites from the boys' plates when they weren't looking. It was a new and refreshing experience for Mike, who was used to isolating himself in his apartment.

"Even though it's obnoxiously loud, it's not that bad," Mike thought, reflecting on the enjoyable atmosphere.

Shino's question brought everyone's attention back to the conversation. He eagerly asked Alice if she would be joining them at the arcade later in the afternoon.

"So, June and I will go back to the arcade later this afternoon. You're going there too right Alice?" Shino asked pounding his hands on the table with a smile on his face.

Mike remembered they had made plans for later that afternoon and looked at her. Rika and Alice glanced back at him and simply smiled.

"Yeah, sure!" Alice replied.

"I'm going too!" Rika added, raising her hand in excitement. "Mike's going too, right?"

"Of course he is!" Before Mike could even respond, Alice grabbed his wrist and raised his hand into the air.

"Alright! Let's have a group shooting game at the arcade!" Shino shouted, met with loud shouts of affirmation from the others—well, except for Mike.