
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


Osaka, Japan

Kaminari Academy

April 1st, 2023

"Wait, what? A host?" he exclaimed, seeking clarification. "Let me make sure I understand this correctly. You're a prince from heaven, but you were exiled and ended up here on Earth. You fell from the heavens and just happened to land in this bathroom, where you saw me and decided to possess me? And now you're asking for my help to seek revenge? None of this makes any sense!" Mike protested, struggling to reconcile the fantastical narrative with his own reality.

"I understand that you may not believe or want to help me," the voice acknowledged, its tone tinged with desperation. "But please, you are the only one who can assist me in this matter."

However, Mike remained firm in his decision. "You could possess anyone you want," he retorted, his voice resolute. "I have no interest in getting involved, and I don't care about your revenge or whatever it is you seek." With that, he left the bathroom and returned to his classroom, determined to focus on his studies and put the strange encounter behind him. He resumed listening to the ongoing lecture, determined to maintain a sense of normalcy amidst the bewildering situation.

As the history teacher, Mr. K. Kobayashi, began recounting the story of a king with six wives, the voice within Mike's head expressed its disdain. "Why is he talking about The King of Six Wives? I hate that guy. He's just a puppet to the god tales. I'll say, his wealth is the only reason he had six wives," the voice grumbled in disagreement.

"Shut up," Mike responded under his breath, intending to silence the voice. However, to his surprise, the words slipped out of his mouth audibly, causing the teacher to take notice.

"I'm sorry, is there a problem, Mr... Uhm, Michael?" Mr. K. Kobayashi inquired, his attention now directed towards Mike.

"Uhm, no sir. I apologize. It was not you who I was referring to. Please continue," Mike responded, his face flushed with embarrassment. He hoped to divert any suspicion away from himself and allow the class to proceed uninterrupted.

Meanwhile, the voice within his head found amusement in the situation, erupting into a fit of hysterical laughter. "Well, that was quite amusing. Since we're discussing that individual, I have an interesting tidbit to share. It is said that this particular king had very little... you know, he struggled to father a child until his third wife arrived, and even then, it was the last of his heirs," the voice remarked, hinting at the king's fertility struggles.

"How do you know so much miscellaneous and seemingly useless information about King Henry?" Mike persisted, seeking an explanation from the enigmatic voice.

The voice chuckled softly before responding, "Well, that was his name, King Henry? You see, in the realms I come from, there was a rule in place that prohibited us from knowing each other's names for privacy and various reasons. However, personally, I find that rule to be quite... well, pardon my language, but I think it's just bullshit."

Mike raised an eyebrow, not entirely satisfied with the response. "Answer my question," he insisted, wanting a more direct and specific explanation for the voice's knowledge on the subject matter.

"Fine, fine," the voice acquiesced. "Let me tell you something intriguing. What happens when a person dies? When a person dies, their soul is believed to go to either heaven or hell, while their physical bodies remain on Earth. This much is commonly known and repeated throughout various narratives. However, have you ever pondered what happens to their memories, their consciousness, their experiences, and the essence of their being? Well, in that aspect, they persist here on Earth in a different form. They become a sentient fragment of the collective consciousness, existing not as individuals, but as tales. That's who we are."

"Where I originated from is known as the Golden Sky Palace, a magnificent structure crafted from gold and enveloped in ethereal clouds. In your terminology, you would refer to it as heaven," the voice elucidated further.

"Within our realm, there is a rule that strictly prohibits the knowing of each other's names among tales. Knowing another tale's name grants the power to weaken them, while, conversely, if a host possesses knowledge of their own tale's name, it can be used to strengthen their own tale. Interestingly enough, when a person passes away and transforms into a tale, they retain their memories, but their names are inexplicably erased from their consciousness."

"What does the host gets from being, you know, a host? And how can knowing their tales name affects the host?" Mike asks intrigued.

"The host of a tale can gain various abilities from their connection with the tale. These abilities can manifest as either active or passive powers," the voice explained. "When a host discovers and learns their tale's name, it has a profound effect on these abilities. Knowing the tale's name amplifies and strengthens these abilities to a significant degree."

Mike contemplated his options as the voice eagerly awaited his response. A devious idea crossed his mind - he could deceive the voice, claiming to be its host while still keeping his independence and freedom. He recognized the potential benefits of acquiring the abilities mentioned earlier, but he remained skeptical of entrusting himself to an unknown entity residing in his head.

"I am intrigued by your abilities," Mike replied cautiously, his tone measured.

"If you agree to be my host, I can grant you those abilities. With dedication and effort, you could even become the strongest individual on this planet. Just promise me that you will assist me in carrying out my revenge," the voice proposed.

"Alright, sure," Mike hastily agreed, oblivious to the potential dangers and consequences of his impulsive decision. As he did so, a vivid holographic contract materialized in his mind, outlining the terms and conditions of their agreement. Towards the end, a specific clause caught his attention: "The host shall exert their utmost effort to assist the tale in achieving its revenge."

Taken aback by this unexpected turn of events, Mike realized with a sinking feeling that it was too late to retract his agreement. His name appeared at the bottom of the holographic contract, signed and sealed, symbolizing his unwitting commitment to the tale's cause.

And now you can finally see me!" the voice exclaimed triumphantly. To Mike's astonishment, a striking figure materialized in his mind. The person before him was a young man with meticulously sculpted features, adorned with flowing blond hair. Dressed in a pristine white shirt and a regal red robe, he exuded an air of authority and mystery. "Hello, I am the Prince Exiled By The Heavens," he introduced himself, his voice resonating with a mix of pride and bitterness.

"Ah, and now, as promised, here are the gifts I bestow upon you as a token of our alliance," the Prince Exiled By The Heavens declared. With a swift gesture, he conjured a holographic screen displaying an array of abilities unique to himself. The holographic display showcased an assortment of powers, each accompanied by a brief description of their capabilities.

{Name: Michael

Age : 19

Race: Human


The Prince Exiled By The Heavens (Exiled)

Common - Growth Type



Mystic Sword Summon (E)

Observation (E)


Enhanced Strength (E)

Enhanced Stamina (E) }

"What? I've been demoted to a common grade?" the prince exclaimed in disbelief, his voice tinged with a mix of surprise and frustration. "I was once revered as a god tale, possessing immense power and influence. Is this the consequence of my exile?"

Mike looked at the prince, taken aback by the revelation. The prince's exiled status seemed to have stripped him of his former glory, reducing him to a lower grade among the tales.

Mike touched the holographic screen, and by his touch, appears a smaller screen that indicates the information about the skills.

Spirit Sword Summon (E)

Let's the host summon a sword made out of mystic energy. CAN BE UPGRADED.

Observation (E)

Let's the host know the basic description of items and people just by looking. CAN BE UPGRADED.

Enhanced Strength (E)

Enhances the host base strength.

Enhanced Stamina (E)

Enhances the host base stamina.

Mike's mind raced as he absorbed the information and contemplated the potential applications of the granted abilities. Among the details displayed on the holographic screen, one particular phrase caught his attention: "can be upgraded."

Curiosity piqued, he directed his inquiry towards the Prince. "What does it mean when it says 'can be upgraded'? Are there ways to enhance or strengthen these abilities further?"

The Prince's expression softened, his gaze shifting towards Mike with a glimmer of hope. "Indeed," he replied, a hint of excitement in his voice. "While you possess the initial versions of these abilities, with time, training, and certain conditions, they can be honed and elevated to even greater levels of power."

"Certain conditions? Tell me more," Mike said, his curiosity piqued by the potential of his newfound abilities.

The Prince nodded, understanding Mike's desire for further information. "Let's consider a scenario where you encounter a tale who possesses abilities similar to mine, or abilities that operate on the same principles. In such a case, there are two possibilities: they can willingly share their abilities with you, or you can forcibly take their abilities for yourself. It will depend on the circumstances and the nature of the encounter. If the opportunity presents itself, I will guide you through the process of acquiring new abilities from other tales."

As Mike was engrossed in his conversation with the Prince and their discussion of abilities, he failed to notice that the class had already concluded. Unbeknownst to him, the bell had already rung, signaling the end of the session.