
Chapter One

Chapter 1

"What are you standing there for?, Apprehend him immediately" Minak ordered some wolves to get Andrew from his home, They dashed off howling and running towards Andrew's home.

Andrew is a man of great strength, The strongest wolf in the pack, He is also the beta of the pack, A tall and muscled man but when he transforms his wolf is the biggest of all.

"I know they're coming for me" Andrew holding his pregnant wife Rose passionately whispered, At this point she couldn't help herself from whimpering. "How will I do without you, I can't be by myself, He's your brother can't you-"

Andrew hushed her up "It's not possible, I've done all I can"

"I'm carrying your child Andrew, what about Maryjane?" Rose pointed towards Maryjane who had no idea of what was going to happen. Andrew tried to remain strong but he crumbled at the thought of not being able to see his family again, But he had to remain strong for them, He knew if he didn't give up his life willingly they'd always be a target on the backs of his family.

"Remember I'll always love you my little one" He leaned over to kiss the forehead of Maryjane, She hugged him without realizing that it would be the last time she would be holding her dad. "Dad are you going somewhere" Maryjane said naively.

"My sweet child, I will always be with you" He hugged her while a tear dropped, Andrew couldn't think of any other possibility than to fight his brother till death, He couldn't whirl that idea.

Some wolves barged into Andrew's house, "You should come with us now" one of them commanded.

"Should we use force?" Another wolf said hesitantly

Minak had sent mutiple wolves in case Andrew resisted to follow but Andrew had no intentions of dithering.

There was melancholy in the air, As Andrew surrendered without a fight.

Andrew didn't hesitate to submit to them, He didn't want any harm coming to his family.

"If my death will bring peace and solace to my people I will willingly surrender to the hands of death" Andrew nuanced

"But let no harm come to my family". His determination to protect his family gave him all the strength to follow through with his ill fate

Andrew said to the wolves. He spoke to Rose without meeting her eyes "Do not follow me" And he was led away, Rose held Maryjane tightly and kept crying. She didn't want to give up just yet, She held Maryjane and they dashed to where her husband would be executed.

Andrew accompanied by the wolves sent to present him for his execution finally got to Minak house. They were met by snarls and hisses, Spiteful words were being used by the pack of wolves. "Why are we here? I thought I was being punished in the town hall" It is well known that any execution will take place in the town hall because such horrendous crimes are given a death sentence so people will learn from the consequences.

"I'm guessing you're curious as to why you're here and not in the town hall" Minak emerged from his high throne.

"Well as my brother you'll be getting killed with honor" Minak smirked

Andrew knew he was being framed but he had no time to prove his innocence.

Rose got to the town hall but realized he wasn't there. "Where is Andrew ?" She quickly figured he might be at the pack house, But she couldn't understand why he would take him to the pack house, Maybe he had been freed from this injustice, It was all so nebulous and she kept pondering.

Rose hurried and when she arrived she quickly hid behind a wall. "Give him the wolfsbane" Minak fueled with hatred

Rose rushed to where her husband was "No, Don't do this, He's your brother " But Minak wasn't willing to listen "Get this woman and the child out of here" Minak had a dubious thought and he ordered again "No let them watch"

"Please don't do this, Let them leave from here and I'll do all that you want" Andrew begged. "Shut up, A traitor like you doesn't have choices, You're already a dead wolf" Minak yelled.

"Now give him the wolfbane" Minak ordered the executioner, Andrew drank it and in no time the effect of the venomous poison began to engulf his body, His eyes popped out, and His veins became visible, He screamed in pain, holding his chest and falling to the ground, Shortness of breath crept in as it began to drain the life out of him.

The once hatred-filled crowd stood in silence watching this unfold.

Rose broke free and ran to her husband,

"Andrew, Please fight it" Tears filled her eyes, The light of her life was getting executed.

She rushed over to Minak and a pack of wolves stopped her, Andrew in severe pain saw this and stood up in the hopes of trying to help his wife but he was held down swiftly by the executioner.

The executioner drew a sword and drove it into the heart of Andrew, Rose shouted "No" She tried her best to break free and rescue her husband. Immediately she got free she rushed to her husband and cried deeply with a heavy heart seeing her husband's life leaving his body

Maryjane still being little and oblivious to the scene around her, Rose told her no matter what she shouldn't leave the wall, "Stay behind the wall and don't move and cover your eyes." She heard all the commotion but she did as she was told, When she heard her father's grunts and her mother's mother echoing 'No', she peeped from behind the wall and saw her father lying down lifeless on the floor with blood gushing out of this body. Tears rushed down from her eyes calling her mother "Mama I'm scared". Her mother left her father's side and went to meet her.

Filled with contentment, Minak was settled now that his clandestine plan had worked, He transformed into a werewolf, Gracefully walked down from his throne, and cheered the pack. "Justice has been served, I hope my people can see I'm an impartial leader" They praised him.

He walked over and bent to his brother's lifeless body and whispered "I prevailed" He proceeded to rip Andrew's head from this body.