
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Fight Against Four Tails

One year had gone by after the first battle against Iwa. Konoha and Suna had won every battle and the war on that part was coming to a closure. Bunpuku always fought against Han and they ended in a tie most of the times, but there were times when Bunpuku almost died. Rasa and Jiraiya would come to his rescue at times like these. Hiroki, Chiyo and Pakura would deal with the other troops. Since the war started, the allied forces never lost a battle. This was mostly due to How Hiroki would use Hiraishin along with his shadow clones, spreading kunais with his formula on them. This earned him the moniker of "Konoha's Death Flash" because death was what his enemies saw when he flashed in front of them. In the battle camp, he has gained the admiration from every shinobi due to his abilities. There were times that Pakura and Chiyo would tag along with him. They did quick work of their enemies.

Iwagakure was desperate to win this war and this time they came with their full power. They had already lost a great number of shinobi in each battle and they weren't willing to lose more lives. The Tsuchikage was now present in their battle camp. He would take part in the next battle.

"We have lost many battles, but not the war. We will conquer Suna and then we will move against Konoha." The Tsuchikage said, rilling up his shinobi and elevating their morale.

Hiroki was aware that the war against Iwa was about to end and with it, the enemies would become desperate to win. He had sent Hakutowashi to spy on the enemy and got news that not only Onoki would participate in battle as would Iwa's second jinchuuriki, Roushi.

"Rasa, Jiraiya, Iwa is coming with their full force. Onoki will take part in this battle along Han and Roushi, the two jinchuurikis. This will probably be the last battle in this war. It will be too big to have normal shinobi. This is a Kage leveled battle." Hiroki said.

Both Jiraiya and Rasa contemplated what Hiroki said and decided to have the weaker shinobi stay in camp because it would be a large scaled battle.

"Hiroki, how do you feel in regards to this battle? Are you up for it?" Jiraiya asked.

"I'm a shinobi from Konoha and I do not back down from a fight." Hiroki said as he punched his palm.

"Good then. Let's move out now." Rasa said as Jiraiya, Bunpuku and Hiroki followed him towards the battlefield.

They had arrived at the same time as Onoki, Han and Roushi.

"Why don't you back down from this fight? We will not kill your villagers. But if you stand in our way, we won't just kill all of you. We will also kill each and every villager you have." Onoki said as he floated mid-air.

"Bold words coming from you Onoki. I thought you had already retired, but here you are. How is your back by the way?" Jiraiya asked.

"Jiraiya. You and your village keep meddling in our business. But don't worry. After we are done with Suna, Konoha will be next. Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique." Onoki said as he fired a 3D triangle towards Hiroki and his group.

Rasa saw the jutsu coming his way and used his gold sand to block the technique as Jiraiya and the others backed away. Han and Roushi then started to transform themselves into their tailed beast forms.

"Bunpuku, you fight Han. I'll take care of Roushi." Hiroki said as he left a clone with Bunpuku and shunshined in front of Roushi and hit him with a rasengan, sending him away before the full transformation was complete.

Roushi used the distance Hiroki sent him in his favor and finished the transformation. He became a red furred monkey with four tails. He then started spitting lava all around Hiroki as this made him run all around the tailed beast. Roushi kept trying to hit Hiroki with his lava as he knew that if it hit, it was game over. This continued on for some minutes until a sea of lava was formed in the desert around Roushi.

"You don't have any way to fight me now kid. Try and step onto the lava. Gegegege." Roushi said in his tailed beast form.

Hiroki then smirked at him.

"You did exactly what I wanted. Water style: Giant Vortex." Hiroki said as he made 18 hand seals and gathered all the moisture in the air around him and spit a giant vortex were the lava was. As the water came in contact with the lava, it turned into solid earth and trapped Roushi inside it.

"Damn you kid. You'll pay for this." Roushi screamed in anger. He then charged up the negative chakra around him and made it into a blackish ball.

'Damn it. Bijuu bomb.' Hiroki thought.

Jiraiya, Rasa, Han, Bunpuku and Onoki all looked towards Roushi. They all felt great despair seeing the ball of chakra forming from Roushi's mouth. Roushi then released the bijuu bomb in Hiroki's direction.

"Summoning: Rashomon Gates." Hiroki said as he slammed his hands on the ground as three gates appeared in between him and the bijuu bomb.

The bijuu bomb hit the gates as it tried to destroy them for blocking it's way. The bijuu bomb destroyed two of the gates, but stopped on the third one and exploded.

Hiroki felt great reduction in his chakra. He knew that he didn't have much left to stop a second bijuu bomb. He summoned Kurowashi to get his help. This way, Roushi would try to hit him in the air and the chance to evade was greater due to Kurowashi's flying speed.

"Kuro-san, I'm running out of chakra. I need you to buy me some time for me to gather nature chakra." Hiroki said as he close his eyes and started feeling the natural chakra flow around him and absorb it.

"Sure kid. Don't worry about that bijuu. It won't even come close to touching me." Kurowashi said.

Hiroki had received back the memories from the clone he left in Hidden Mist Mountain one month after he arrived in Suna. It had learned to absorb nature chakra, but could not use it as it's own. Hiroki would practice this everyday as in a way to absorb more chakra every time. He had hit a wall to assimilate the nature chakra and his own and enter sage mode for a few months, but had finally made progress as the year passed.

'Right now I can't use sage mode for a long time, but it should be enough to help me take care of Roushi. Good thing I trapped him before.' Hiroki said in thought. He then opened his eyes as black marks appeared around his eyes. His normal black eyes became yellow with a black pupil in the middle, resembling an eagle. He could now see five times better than what he was used to. On his arms, black marks resembling wings appeared.

"Kuro-san, fly above the beast and then drop me." Hiroki said as he left a clone on top of Kurowashi.

Kurowashi flew above Roushi and Hiroki then dropped. Hiroki then made hundreds of clones as he fell. As the clones fell from the sky, a blue spiraling ball appeared on then hands. The blue ball then increased and increased in size, becoming bigger and bigger.

"Senpou Cho Odama Rasen Tarengan." Hiroki and his clone said as they bombarded Roushi from all sides. The beast was engulfed in the attack and a cloud of dust rose up.

As the dust cloud cleared, Hiroki was standing while gasping for air in front of an unconscious Roushi in his human form.

"Hn. Nicely done kid." Kurowashi said as he landed near Hiroki. The clone on Kurowashi's back then dispelled as the chakra he gathered transferred to Hiroki.

"Thank you for the help Kuro-san. I'll seal his chakra and then we will go back to the battle." Hiroki said as he started sealing Roushi's chakra.