
Tales of Forbidden: Forbidden Warmth

Arran met an accident on his way back home. He woke up and could see things normal humans shouldn't see. This has caused him so many troubles but will he be able to break through? Especially with the spirit that blessed him. "I'm Rhea, Rhea Cardenes." Making a deal of 100 days, will they be together at the end? Or will there be even more obstacles? Will they be separated? Let it be a mystery..

NikoKunz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


It feels so uncomfortable, laying on my stomach and have my cheeks on the stone-hard bed, yeah, I didn't have a good sleep, not that I ever had anyway during my whole stay here. How sad it is that from one night sleeping at Rio's mansion where it was so soft to the hardest bed to ever exist the next night. When is Kyra coming with the crew? I don't think there's even gonna be a lot of them, I really doubt it.

I wonder how Rhea is doing? She was captured too, wasn't she? I hope they treat her well and aren't torturing her but if blessing a human that bad then she might be suffering from her punishment right now. I wish I could save her but I am stuck here and I don't even know where she's held hostage or whatever. It's gonna take a while too before I'm able to get out because I need to heal myself and also train to be stronger.

Just then, my door flung open, I guess that's another thing I need to get used to. I was expecting Kyra's laughter but instead, all I heard was a really scary growl followed by cries and then a fit of laughter. I lifted my head up in fear and saw a guy and a girl and behind them was Kyra. The two stared and me cautiously. Kyra slammed the door and laughed. The girl in the middle started crying loudly and the guy growled louder. Kyra growled back at him and he backed away. When it was better Kyra stopped laughing and turned to me.

"Arran these two are my crewmates, the guy is Max, he just growls at everyone and Bree, she just cries with a loud pitch. Sometimes, it feels like a ghost sneaked up behind me and wants to take revenge and kill me somehow," Kyra introduced, "and guys, this is Arran, I don't even know what he plans to do to act insane."

"Kyra, how is he going to help us?" Max asked. Kyra shrugged her shoulders, "he seems like someone who is able to provide a little more strength and support and we can leave together, y'know?"

Bree only nodded in response, "I agree, the more people we have, the more chances we are to get out," her voice sounded way deeper than her cries. Can't say I'm not surprised about it. I watch Bree as she looked at my situation, "It's gonna take some time and some work to get him on our level, don't you think, Max?" she asked and looked at Max. His eyes roam my body as what Bree did and nodded, "a lot of work that is."

"I wanna ask what will you guys do when you get out?" I asked, changing the topic, I kinda wanna bring Rhea in and asked they could help me. "I wanted look for my sister, she was separated from me when her toxic boyfriend send me here, but she's already dead killed by him last year, though, it was considered as an accident and the court didn't find him guilty," Kyra said sadly, "So I don't know anymore, maybe start a new life?"

Maybe she can come with me and help me out? I pushed it out of my head, now is not the time. "I'm sorry, I didn't know," I said sincerely. Bree pats her on the back. "My family was the one who sent me here. I was able to be a medium at a young age and I enjoyed it but after some time passed my family thought I was going crazy so here I am," Bree shrugged, "It's fine though, I was never close to them."

I don't know how to feel right now, I didn't know that they had such horrible times before this place and it's worse here too. "Honestly, I don't know. People feel threatened by me because I loved talking to animals even though I know they can't talk to me. I guess I'll go back to my family members if they would accept me," Max shrugged. "Let's drop the topic, we need to help Arran get back to get fit now," Kyra said, "and someone is coming."

Kyra laughed and Max got on top of me from the back and started to ride me like a horse. I roared loudly as I squirm causing Bree to use it as a reason to cry and Kyra to laugh. The door swings open and hits Kyra in the face. Bree screamed in terror and cried and Max growled. I didn't know what to do and laughed like a small kid, "again, again!" I said. The guard that barged in rolled his eyes and shook his head before leaving the room and shutting the door.

Bree helped Kyra up from the ground. "Max, get up, we still need to get him cleaned up before getting him to train," she said. Max got up and picked me up very easily and I screamed in pain and he growled in return. "So many scars...." Max said after lifting up my shirt from the back. "Yeah, this idiot took days before acting crazy as I told him," Kyra said in frustration.

"Dumbass," Bree said, spitting on the floor beside her. I rolled my eyes at her. "It looks so weird, the wounds I mean," Max commented and called Bree over. I guess Bree was shocked cause she screamed and cried even more. "Shut up, it's peculiar I know," Kyra snickered, "let's get it cleaned up. As long as it's cleaned and wrapped, it should be on its way of healing."

She took out the tiny towel from yesterday I'm guessing. My stomach growled loudly at that moment and I totally forgot that they didn't feed me since the time before the session. Bree took out a piece of bread and fed me the bread a little by little. I gave her a thanks after I was done. It's not a lot but it's something I guess.

Kyra and Max helped me clean up and washed my clothes slightly to keep my wounds cleaned because they don't have bandages with them right now. Bree kept watch by the and gave us warning that there's someone coming and have us act. We stayed in the room and helped me with everything at that moment before they left.