
Tales of Existence (Raison d' Etre)

"THE TALE OF EXISTENCE!" Tens of Thousands years ago, there was a galaxy named Fall. The Fall was ruled by an Existences and led them to its grandest life. The Existences created creatures. Among creations that stand out were these Elemental creatures the latter was humans. The Fall serves as their home, their hope, and their existence. But then! It was all for naught when an abyss opened, PROJECT: Raison de' Etre. The reason for existence! "What do you want? Power, Love, Fame, Riches? Which is which?" Raison D' Etre! The reason for everything! Discover you own as you explore the possibility of reaching Existence! Be the next Existence!

SATOU · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 6: Facing Elementalist (End)

Chapter 6: Facing Elementalist (End)


Then a man in his black gown with bright silver eyes entered the battlefield….

He is dashing towards the 3 people and attempted to attack with his sword… yet it was deflected by the lady.

Assassination failed!

Those eyes, hair, and that scent, she knew him.

"So you've come? My dear cousin…" The lady in purple gown said coquettishly while putting her index finger between her lower lips.

"So you remembered me. Cousin? HAHAHA! I have no cousin like you??! BITCH!!"

He laughed hysterically while dashing in the midair at them.

Of Course, that was Slaughterer!

That lady in purple gowned was exactly his cousin.

As for why he only knows.

"Bastard! Yet you don't know how to be thankful when we took care of you, my master gave you everything but why? Why dare you attack us like that?"

The lady fumed in anger while saying those harsh words.

Of course, Slaughterer wasn't affected by those Fake Sermons! He summoned his power while he bounced in the midair.

"Thankful? I've been alone every time and no one took

care of me."

His expression changed which seems to either laugh or cry.

"Don't say more bullshit words Bitch! Come attack me with all you've got!" Slaughterer pleased them.

"Humph! Attack him!" The lady ordered her 2 guardians.

3 people can be seen in a fight. 1 is defending and the other 2 is attacking. They all used swords and show off their techniques.

Slaughterer backs off as he can't contend them for a long time.

'You delivered yourself trash.' She thought, of course, she saw something was amiss.

"Ugh..that?" The lady shivered when a lot of plat energies is surging.

"The reason to call Power, Elemental Swords! Hear my Decree I Summon you!"

Slaughterer chanted as 4 glittering swords lit up circling around him.

"Elemental Swords!" The 2 guardians exclaimed.

Elemental Swords are swords in the legend! It contains the power of Laws! Ferro, Hydra, Terra and Aero Affinities.

The 3 of them took their stances in defending position while activating barriers around them because they knew how powerful it is.

If those magmas are powerful then it is twice or more powerful!

Absurd power!

For those cultivators below Core Stage, they must be thanking now because in this lifetime they will see the power of these words!

The other bystanders felt awe and reverence even the old man in his 70's amazed!

"Kyahhhh!" He shouted while dashing with his magical swords towards them.

4 colourful swords straight to them attacked. It can be seen as controlling swords. It attacked the barriers!

Of course, those barriers broke! How can they contend to real powers?

'I must be hallucinating!' The two guardians thought.

They only saw this from their higher-ups and nobles. Of course one cannot practice these sword techniques if you can't master each element. And was only taught to nobles!

Only Elementalist can do this! Each one must master the way of the swords and its essence. Maybe they were an Elementalist but not to this degree.

The big difference from using different affinities in the way of swords between using different affinities while not forming into weapon matters!

If you can control Affinities into the formed object it is way more powerful, not only to its common use but being creative sure paves you a big difference in fighting even they are 1 or 2 high levelled!

The path of affinities!

Slaughterer bounces off then coughed up blood because it used his essence, it is way too powerful than his actual cultivation level. Plat energies are swirling around him while recovering.

Of course, the 3 wasn't in a good state. After they ought to defend with their lives on stake a backlash could be expected.

1 of them is way stronger than those 2 guardians and that was his cousin, Mirae Arc!

He knew her. It is because she is the favourite soon to be the daughter-in-law of Noble Arc Family and which treated him as Trash.

She came from the Outer Arc family which seems to be gifted with talents!

This Arc family is divided into 7 families.





From the word "outer", it means family from different clans who joined.

"Inner" means a family with half bloodlines. Those who mated from other families.

"Core" means a family with good bloodlines.

And "Noble" means a family with pure bloodlines!

He and Mirae only know which family he came from!

While standing up using her sheer force she opened a scroll which looked like a patch of yellow papers. A Talisman Paper!

Of course, it is divided into levels from lower to higher.






A middle-rank talisman! In legends, Talisman was created by an Existence and brought them to the world which later used by humans in fighting and conquering other Empires!

As long as you studied the essence of talisman you can create as long as you had the formula!

One can create a powerful avatar like dragons, qilin, and soon.

"The reason to call Power, Activate!"

She activated it without hesitation.

Soon a blue Dragon with Hydra Affinities emerges from the yellow talisman!

"Will see how you can block this Trash!" She let out a powerful roar as she used her essence to the limit.

The avatar of the blue dragon rages a powerful roar.


"Humph!" A man in his 70's interfered the battle.

He stopped the blue dragon with 1 hand! He looked like a Master of Martial Arts donned in a white gown.

A powerful Master!

"Who are you!"

"Old man this fight is not yours!" Mirae fumed with anger as the old man interfered them.

"Maybe I'm this old but this child is interesting. Haha!" He also laughed like an old man after spouting out those words.

'From the look of this old man, he must be a Master of Martial Arts and expert in controlling Plat Energies in the form of a fist.' Mirae deducted while looking at his state.

One cannot be underestimated because in this world true dragons are hiding. One of them must be this Old man!

"Your child... what do you want?"

He said as he pinpoints his index finger to Slaughterer.

"Power, I want power. To protect my loved ones! To protect everything!" Slaughterer replied in a straight-faced expression with dignity.

"Then follow me! Be my stud…."

"I won't!" He replied without even waiting at his suggestions.

Of course, he won't follow this guy just because he is stronger.

'He thinks that he can control me? Control my very own existence!' Slaughterer thought.

"Good! Good! You made a great decision. A man must not kneel or even beg. A true man must make his own, your own fate! Your choice and everything. Child, I like the way you pursue your dream. Remember in this world only you, yourself can be trusted and no one…." The old man spoke as he vanished!

"See even that old man complimented you for being a man with no eyes, no eyes to considerate what is power, FOOLISH! You even rejected his offer! What a fool! Like father like son. A Trash!"

Mirae said those harsh words. But those words aren't a lie.

Listening from her words, of course, his blood boils!

The anger can be seen on his face with great hatred and enmity as he remembered how his family died!

'No…..! No…! This can't be happening.' He thought as he was losing consciousness.

'Kill them!' 'Kill them!'

'Kill them!' 'Kill them!'

'Kill them!' 'Kill them!'

'Kill them!' 'Kill them!'

'Kill them!' 'Kill them!'

'Yes! Kill them all!'

An evil voice whispering in his mind! His mind was in turmoil. He only thinks about revenge and nothing else!

"Arghhhhhh!" He lost his conscience while shouting like his gut and cord would break!

He slowly transformed. His upper shirt and mask were ripped away. His bright silver eyes turned to deep green! Eyes which seem lifeless yet powerful.

His short hair suddenly grows up to his buttocks and changed to bright green! He looked like a devil and can devour someone in one look.

"Genre!" A lady with a concerned voice shouted!

To be continued…..

Satou, D.