
Tales of Existence (Raison d' Etre)

"THE TALE OF EXISTENCE!" Tens of Thousands years ago, there was a galaxy named Fall. The Fall was ruled by an Existences and led them to its grandest life. The Existences created creatures. Among creations that stand out were these Elemental creatures the latter was humans. The Fall serves as their home, their hope, and their existence. But then! It was all for naught when an abyss opened, PROJECT: Raison de' Etre. The reason for existence! "What do you want? Power, Love, Fame, Riches? Which is which?" Raison D' Etre! The reason for everything! Discover you own as you explore the possibility of reaching Existence! Be the next Existence!

SATOU · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 39: Team Fight (4)

Chapter 39: Team Fight (4)

Dou's Team played out like neatly.

Strategic and Organized.

While on the other side, the Obsidian Team was playing randomly.

Pure and natural.

As if power dictates to this team.

Of course, the losing team is Willow Tree.

"Huff...huff..." Dou was gasping frantically.

'My charm didn't work to these impure bastards. This weakness is troubling me. I can't rely on my affinity anymore.'

"Now what bitch?!!"


She was beaten.

Her eyes are telling to give up but no to avail.

She looked at her team...


Her eyes were red!


5 minutes ago when the fight started.


"The reason to call Power, Come thee! Ice Spike!"

"The reason to call Power, Come thee! Magma Spike!"

It was a 3 on 4 difference.

3 members in Obsidian Team and the latter was Dou's Team.

Both sides joined the fray. They're fighting in a very mannered fight.

It was a contest between conforming affinities!!

Dou looked at her 2 rivals.

"I will kill you!"

"So? Do...you want to kill me right? Then come!"

Obsidian called her.

"If that's what you want then I accept it!"

"The reason to call Power, Charm Gaze!"

She controlled the energies around her. Then it formed into a single entity! Followed by whirling movements of Plat Energy encircling her. It flowed to her foot up to her eyes...

As if the energies are going into one spot!

Her eyes!...

It was glowing Pink!

She moved forward.

Her power was still active.

'I can kill him for sure.' She stated this.

Then she moves forward again until 2 meters apart from them.

Of course Obsidian wouldn't mind this. He wants to fool her!

Then she jumped!



Charm affinity can Bewitched people. It is said that Charm can Bewitch any creature. But it depends on her enemy and to her control. This affinity is somehow related to the Nature affinity but it is only a sub one.

Nature Affinity is divided into 2 Parts.

Plant and Animals.

You can charm Plants. You can charm animals. But it depends on your Cultivation Level.

The higher the better.

Thou, this affinity is also related to Mind Control. Charm can control someone for a short time but Mind control is on a different level.

They're called as the Puppetry!

So let's talk again about the Affinity Evolution.

Does Charm affinity evolve also?

Yes.. they can. But it can't be changed to another higher sub of affinity.

For example...

Charm - Mind control?

It is not possible.

Charm can only change its colour and variation.

From Pink- Dark Pink- Bright Pink- and Pure Pink.

In Affinity Names like Main, Rare, Legend and Omniscient.

But Dou affinity isn't Main like Pink... It is a variation of a Tamer as what Slaughterer said.

It is a main Pink but a variation one. So you can't call it as Main Pink which is considered as Rare.

Of course, it is the same with other affinities... Its application and so on, so take note about these.


While on the other side her team is fighting back!

"Stand and Fightback.."

They want to win this no matter what!

And then...

Until someone lost balance and control!


"Ahhh!" Someone wailed.

"They're losing!" The Assassins shouted.

But the one who falls wasn't Obsidian! It was Dou!


The girls shouted at Dou.


Seeing there leader struggling so hard...

They have to fight back. They activated their power at the limit!

"The reason....to call Power!"

"Ice... Splitter!"

The girls shouted. It was a combo skill that they learned.

But the 3 people who defended smiled.

"Magma Prison!"

They got their combo skill also!

Now it is a battle...

It is a battle with affinity opposition.

The one who willed is the one who will stand at the end!

Dark Blue lights Vs Dark Red lights.

It was flashing between two teams!

Magma vs Ice. A conforming affinity.


Each of them gathered their affinity and started controlling their power while chanting again.

The will to win!


By the way...

Chants are the words they use to activate their own techniques... The reason to call Power + the techniques.


If you expect who would win based on their numbers then it must be the Ladies whose likely to end this battle.

But the weakness of ice is this Ferro affinity... Yet it was a combination of Terra and Ferro! It was stronger than the main affinity!

But these girls are pushing them!

But you got it wrong.

It is because of their Leader is losing! Having a Charm is useless to Obsidian!


Dou used her Charm again on the two while running stealthily.

When she got 2 meters again she jumped at them while holding a knife.


The knife is different from a dagger.

The knife is smaller and good for throwing.

While Dagger is a short sword. It's mainly used in fighting and physical contact.


Of course, the attack of Dou missed again!

'Keke..' Obsidian smiled.

His glowing pink hair is not complimenting with his creepy smile.

"How?" She asked.

"How? It was the second time right? Haha... Charms only worked to pure ones. So... " He paused... " So did you think that I am pure? Did you know that I was hiding this very colour of mine...I am not a pure one, I have this guilty heart! Now, where is your proud clan?"

"Come on! Call them! Call your friend here!"

"Look at your face now? You're too shock that you knew this right! Haha... You knew it Dou... You suspected something is wrong with your friend right? Then I want you to tell something interesting..."

He moved forward and used his charm on her again. He was glowing in dark pink.

And he whispered.

"Do you know that Threat is here? Keke... I sold him to this organisation! Haha! The threat is a bane to our clan, so I did the right thing."

"So how did I know you're here? hmmm..." He paused.

"I know you're concerned with that trash! So you followed him! Right? You bitch!!! You followed Threat because you liked him right! You bitch!"

He slapped Dou!


The impact is too strong... Her face is bleeding... Her eyes were red!

"Leader!" The girls shouted.

They run at her but they were stopped by.

"Magma Prison!"


The girls shouted in pain!

"Burned them to death!"

Obsidian ordered his team.

On the bench...

A kid with black and purple hair is gritting his lips.

It was bleeding!

"Ahhh!"He shouted. But he can't do anything!

"Bastard! I will surely kill you. You made me this... You used me! If that thing didn't happen maybe I wasn't here! You used me to kill innocent people!" He wanted to yell this out but he can't do so. The Commanders restricted them from entering the Arena.





Wails can be heard loudly.

Of course, the Assassins could feel their cries but they can't do anything. This is a life and death situation.

They also experienced this one before they got here.

Dou is lying on the ground. Her eyes are bloody. Her pink hair is now shaded with blood.

"No... Sob...sob... DON'T KILL THEM PLEASE..." She begs.

"With that state of yours? What can you do? The Clan didn't know your here... If I kill you no one will know! Hahaha!"

He laughed evilly.

"But I will not kill you... Of course, Father would be angry, right?"

"No one knew we are here. But someone knew that you are here."

"What are you talking about!"

"Haha... Miss.. don't you know I already reported this to the Clan? I already promised them to saved you! Hahaha! Sins are animals you know that right?"


"No buts then! But today I won't mind this now. If you marry me... Then maybe..... I can spare them?"


"And I won't bother Threat anymore! He's my hand and my tool. You don't want him to die right? If I ever knew you spout nonsense again I'll kill him! Got it?"


'Threat... I'm sorry! I'm so useless! Did you promise to protect me right? But why did you take this path!'


She cried...


"Now proclaim us the winner!"

"Team A Vs Team B- Team A won! Congratulation Obsidian Pink Team."

The winner, of course, was Obsidian and his team. The girls died and Dou remained.


"This kid is merciless! I love this kid."


"I like to teach him..."

"I am not interested." Fork replied.


"She lost!" Jade said. She was angry with the guys. But to see her crying is more than that...

She can see her in that state.

"Those bastards!"

"How come they would lose..."

"Of course she would lose," Purple said like air.


"Stop you two. Your correct Purple."

"Why did you side with her again!"

"I don't side with any of you. I'm just stating the fact. Why? Because this team is a planned one."

"What if these teams are formed since the contest begun?"

"Look at them. They're not a person who would smile after killing. They're Killing like it was nothing! You know that right?"

The girls nodded at him.

"Those three youths who got Magma's is using the same chant. I observed them this far."

"Right." Purple nod and replied.

"Of course they would use the same Chant! Who in the world who had no similarities!"

Jade contradicted.

"You're wrong, Jade. Those youths aren't just a coincidence. Did you see them wearing something?"


'This kid is too observant! I would mind sticking with him... But it is better to be careful.' Purple thought.

Jade looked carefully.

"You're right!" She believed him now.

"You see it right? Those are Glow stones."

"What is Glow stones?" She asked.

"Glow stones are stones used in communication. Of course, you wouldn't know that thing.."


"One thing that I also noticed... Is that they seemed to know each other?"

"Your right." Purple also concluded this out and replied. Then she said,

"This pink-haired Gal is something. They are confronting with something, maybe they were fighting for some reason, right?"

"Your guess is correct, Purple." He complimented her.

'This two is getting along! Ugh!' Jade thought.

'When did they become this close!'


"Since the fight ended. Please Team C Vs Team D prepare."

"This kids will bring us a great fortune!"


The commanders laughed evilly!

To be continued…..

Satou, D.

Author Thoughts: Spoiler Alert! Next Chapter- Chapter 40: Team Fight (5)

No spoiler I Guess but stay tuned guys. From now on I will update from 6-12 pm.

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