
Tales of Existence (Raison d' Etre)

"THE TALE OF EXISTENCE!" Tens of Thousands years ago, there was a galaxy named Fall. The Fall was ruled by an Existences and led them to its grandest life. The Existences created creatures. Among creations that stand out were these Elemental creatures the latter was humans. The Fall serves as their home, their hope, and their existence. But then! It was all for naught when an abyss opened, PROJECT: Raison de' Etre. The reason for existence! "What do you want? Power, Love, Fame, Riches? Which is which?" Raison D' Etre! The reason for everything! Discover you own as you explore the possibility of reaching Existence! Be the next Existence!

SATOU · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 33: Training (3)

Chapter 33: Training (3)


In the foggy area of Forest Swamps...

Three youths can be seen by far. Walking and talking.

"Sigh...we got no reply! We haven't found two persons yet. This means that..."

He wants to say it among his team members but he can't do so.

"It's okay we're still a newbie. A dream can't be that easy to reach. You're a man. But this is the way we lived. That is because we are normal humans, Inferior Humans."

"Yes... We don't have to say anything cuz were not a human, were just inferiors." The third member lamented.

"ᜋᜒ ᜀᜆ, ᜋᜒ ᜀᜆ, ᜋᜒ ᜀᜆ!"


"Did you hear that?"

"Yeah... "

"It must be a rabbit." The third member joked.

"This might be a good call!"

"Then let's go check it. It might be worth!".

The run slowly where the screeching sound came from.

But when they found it, they can't just remain standing!

They wanted to run..

"Uwaeea!" The 2nd member vomited.

"What kind of monster did this!"


Screech... Screech...

The eerie voice started to reappear again.

But then...



"Noooo.. eh...."

They wailed like a pig! Until it lasted in just mere seconds.

Like a serene place to stay, a perfect place for camping! But the place is a mess. Full of blood loitering around in every corner.

This is too much for a camping place!


"Trial 1 finished: Find a team within 20 minutes. Trial 2 is commencing. Please tap your watches to know the details."

The female mechanical voice echoed all throughout the desert, forest swamps, and sea bay.

"It's great that we found a team."

But some isn't that lucky. They got eliminated.

As long as you have 5 members within the team you are eligible to access the 2nd trial. If not eliminators will get you out.

And this is where the "Party" introduced.


"Since we're a Party now let's call our Party as "P1."

"Through this, we can be connected."

Dou taps her watch.



"4 Members joined the Party."

"Remember to message or call. We can't be this safe if we don't have communications."

"Got it..."

And the rest nodded including Slaughterer.

"Trial 1 finished: Find a team within 20 minutes."

The female like mechanical voice echoed.

"Let's stay connected."

"Now move out!"


Before they move out they got a message. Slaughterer checked it.

'Oh! This game again.' He thought.


Every assassin checked their watches including Purple, Jade, Threat, Dou, and Void.

It says...

"Hunt and Kill."

The only details they can see so far. It did not mean simple but in general.

"To hunt the prey?"

"This must be up to something," Dou muttered.

The 5 of them separated.

The three youths excluding Dou and Slaughterer teamed up.

3 is to 1. And 2 is to 1.

"Yes, it must be."

"Why?" Dou asked again.

"Hunt means killing someone. This doesn't mean a prey in this Forest Swamps is the only one we can kill and hunt. There are humans also."


Then he continued...

"Kill them all! It's just simple."

She can feel his bloodlust just from hearing that out.

'His eyes are telling me to keep away from him.' She thought.

"Maybe it is not. It's just my opinion."

She wanted to contradict but Slaughterer ends that conversation.

Soon wailing sounds can be heard afar...

"Someone is shouting for help." She said.

They moved out.

What they saw was these 3 white-gowned assassins in the foggy area.

"I'm going to help!" She said.

"No, let's just remain watching. We can't do something without even knowing their weaknesses."

"Okay..." She can only nod.


'She seems to be a good leader and unselfish. What's good with her is her heart. A heart that can feel the pain of others. It was her power. She's the great symbol of light.' He recalled his past.

Of course, Slaughterer knew what weakness this monster had.

"We're going to fight later. I will act as aait. You're going to be the damage dealer. Be it quick or else were going to die."

"Okay..." She accepted.

When there are her teammates including the 3 members, he won't do something. He's just listening to them quietly.

"His attitude changes when in fa right. He's calm, good in leading and efficient in planning. He's not the timid person in a crowded place. A person who is fated to become an assassin." She wants to say this out. But Dou just looks at him with amazement...


They got the same thoughts with the Commanders.

"This kid is amazing. He's quick-witted. He can think this fast as if he was able to know in just one look!"

"Mmm. Mmm..."

The rest nodded in approval.


It is the same in the other area.

In the Desert...

Threat and Purple standing on the peak sands.

This Threat looks like an evil-looking kid. He had scars on his left nose. It was like a Tattoo in black.

The black-haired lad in white. It was the same with Purple.

When threat heard the announcement he moves at Purple.

"Do you kill?" He asked her.


"Kill them!" He ordered to kill his teammates!



3 lifeless kids died in the middle of the desert.

Purple was this lifeless. She did not even think about how can she killed without even knowing. As if she is someone, not her? Is she the bashful and timid Purple?


In the desert, there are many predators like scorpions, liches, and man-eating animals. They liked living animals to eat, especially, humans.

In this place, without your affinity, you can't live here or survive. They are useless.

Soon there was 2 or more person died in every minute. The killing was random.

In just 10 minutes almost 7-9 person died.

They can't do so. Escape? This is a trial meant to mould you as an assassin. As if this is the jungle!


It was the same with Void and Jade. They are struggling to live. They can do anything!

They expected to hunt and kill someone! Not them hunting monster and so on! But getting hunted and killed by snakes and liches and cute looking animals in the Sea Bay!


In the control room where every scene can be seen.

"It's just trial 2, you just need to survive or did you forgot something?" The commander among them said.


Yet someone knew what he's talking about.

"We're going to find the item or else were going to die here!" Slaughterer said.

"It's not just us. But to the rest! I will contact the other members." Dou said.

"P1 this is Dou. P1 this is Dou." She repeated that out but now one replied.

'It seems that they were killed.' She thought.

"What item?" She recalled his words.

"It's the weapon!"

To be continued…..

Satou, D.