
Tales of Emboria : Wolf System

Fenrir is the son of Edwin the hunter. One day Edwin while hunting find the wolf pub and decide to take him to respect their family long lost custom. Edwin give responsibility of the pub to his son. Fenrir and wolf able to form mysteriously strong bond which has something to do with his long lost family custom. Fenrir is also have strong interest in sword which he learn from his uncle who is knight of the kingdom. The story will follow Fenrir as he go through the journey to become strong knight and help weak and powerless along the way. This is the my first novel so please tell if you find any inconsistency in the story. THANKS

RUNE08 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Leaving the Village

Fenrir's eyes fluttered open after a day of unconsciousness, his mind still reeling from the surreal encounter with Storm in his dream. To confirm the reality of the Wolf System he had acquired, he uttered the word, "Status."



Name – Fenrir Ranthrift

Level – 0

<Locked >

<Locked >


"It was real," Fenrir thought, his heart racing with a mix of amazement and anticipation.


Leaving his room, Fenrir was met with the relieved smiles of his parents, who had been worried sick during his unconscious state. His father, Edward, offered his apologies for Storm's loss and heartfelt gratitude for Fenrir's bravery.


As days turned into weeks, Fenrir gradually returned to his usual self, but with a newfound determination. He trained with the sword more diligently than ever, striving to honor Storm's memory. His uncle, Alvin, who had already been impressed by Fenrir's hard work, now saw a warrior in the making.


A year passed swiftly, and Fenrir celebrated his 14th birthday, an important age in the world of Emboria. At the age of 14, every young boy and girl must face two tests: the Test of Magic Affinity and the Test of Martial Intent. Those who pass the Test of Magical Affinity become mages, while those who pass the Test of Martial Intent become warriors.


The tests involved touching the Affinity and Intent Stones, and if the stones glowed, it indicated that the candidate possessed the relative talent.


After one of their training sessions, Alvin approached Fenrir with a serious look in his eyes.


"Fenrir, tomorrow is the day  leave for the city of Deepfalls for your tests. Be prepared," Alvin said.


"Yes, Uncle," Fenrir replied with excitement, a mixture of anticipation and nervousness coursing through his veins.


"Remember, Fenrir, while you have a high possibility of passing, it's not guaranteed. Even if you fail, you can still become a soldier," Alvin advised.


"I understand, Uncle," Fenrir responded with determination.


"In the past four years, you've shown remarkable growth, and your basics are solid. That's all I can teach you. If you pass the Intent Test, you can learn advanced swordplay at the Knight Academy," Alvin added.


"Thank you, Uncle, for your guidance," Fenrir said with gratitude.


Alvin smiled and dismissed him. "You can go now. Tomorrow is a big day for you."


The next morning arrived with the promise of a new beginning. Fenrir rose early, the excitement and nervous energy coursing through him leaving little room for sleep. With a sense of purpose, he began packing his belongings, carefully choosing what to take with him on this pivotal journey to Deepfalls city.

His mother and father soon approached him, their expressions a mix of pride and anxiety. Fenrir embraced them tightly, drawing strength from their unwavering support.

"Fenrir," his father began, "I believe in you. I believe you will be able to pass the Intent Test. And as a gift from us, take this."

Edward handed Fenrir a finely crafted sword. Fenrir's eyes widened in awe as he accepted the gift, his heart filled with gratitude and determination.

"It's not much, but I hope it will be of use to you. Our village blacksmith put his heart into making it," Edward explained.

"Thank you, Father," Fenrir replied, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. He could feel the weight of his family's hopes and dreams in the sword's hilt, and he vowed to carry it with honor.

With a final round of heartfelt farewells, Fenrir left his family's home, carrying their love and support with him as he made his way to the village entrance. There, he met his uncle, Alvin, who was waiting with a reassuring smile.

Beside Alvin stood another figure, wearing the same armor as him.


"Fenrir, this is Knight Doran. He's on his way to Deepfalls and will escort you there," Alvin introduced them.


Fenrir nodded and extended his hand. "Nice to meet you, Sir Doran."


"Call me Uncle Doran," the knight responded warmly. "Your uncle Alvin and I are close friends, and he's told me all about you. I hope you pass the test and become a knight like us."


With a few more words of encouragement and some casual conversation, Fenrir and Uncle Doran left Frostwich village behind.


As Fenrir glanced back one more time at his beloved village, his heart swelled with a mixture of nostalgia and anticipation. He knew he was embarking on a journey that would shape his destiny, and he was ready for the challenges that lay ahead.


With hope in his eyes, Fenrir set off on the road to Deepfalls city, determined to prove himself and become the warrior he aspired to be.