
Tales of Eden

What if the world that you lived in for years suddenly changed? What would you do? How would you feel? This story is about our main character, Moon. Due to his wish, more and more problems occur leaving him with a thirst for more. With the trouble of his past following everywhere he goes. Madness is all in his wake. Astro his god by his side tries to help but can she really? Heaven, Hell, and Earth all will become one. Because of this more races are popping up every day. For example gods and demons but can they be trusted? With the events and his wish make him or break him? And how many will die for him and because of his wish?

DARK_KNITE · Fantasy
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95 Chs

The race against time

Moon looks around and finds out that time has stopped, Unable to move he hears a familiar voice calling out to him. Its Astro, she says "Five percent of your power has been unlocked. The rest you have to unlock on your own." Moon says "wait why did my right eye changed colors!" Astro says "It's proof you have become one of the seven kings that rule the world. Goodbye again for now my king."

Time starts back up again and The GYM coach says "Moon it's your time to run now." Moon gets ready to run, he starts running, and time stops but he is the only one who can move. Moon stops at the end and time starts up again. Moon thinks to himself is this the true power of a king to stop time. Coach looks at the stopwatch and sees it says only one second has passed.

The main building starts to explode. Moon hears screams and they sound like Hikari is screaming. Moon runs full speed to the main building to his sister's class. After making it to the staircase of her class and passing many people he sees that the staircase is blown away in flames. In the heat of the moment, Moon runs to find a fire extinguisher, after going into his third-classroom he finds one and runs back to the stairs. Moon thinks to himself that "I need to hurry to her side." Moon makes the stairs and puts out the fire.

Moon bolting to her classroom seeing her and all her classmates. Moon while running in says "sister your safe." Everyone runs out around him Moon's eyes widen he sees Hikari with a knife aimed at her throat. Hikari crying saying "RUN MOON, Leave me behind." Moon says "No I can't and I won't leave you behind alright. Unless you coming with me." The person who is holding the knife says "Moon was it I was waiting to for you, one of the seven kings." Moon says "How do you know that?" The person holding the knife says "I won't say but my name is Aku no and my goal is to test you and make you grow stronger." Hikari asked, "What is one of the seven kings suppose to mean?" Moon says "I don't know myself." Moon also says "why are you doing this?" Aku no says "It's for fun I find life boring don't you?" Moon says "I find life a big puddle of despair."

Aku no says "Then join me?" Moon says "Maybe yesterday I would have taken your words but that said don't forget I AM A KING right'" Aku no says "Then die leech!" Aku no dashed in to cut Moon's legs to stop him from moving, Moon jumps into the air to avoid the attack. While in the air Aku no kicks Moon down to the ground from the back. Moon falls to the ground coughing up blood from his mouth. Hikari screams out "Moon." Aku no cuts both of his arms and legs three times so he can't do anything. Moon thinks to himself "is this how I die trying to save my sister but failing at her feet. Moon screams out "No I won't lose to you!" Aku no says "It's useless you false king. What an understatement." Aku no cuts Moons left eye.

Hello, future Dark here! I get better so keep reading to find out!

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