
Tales of Eden

What if the world that you lived in for years suddenly changed? What would you do? How would you feel? This story is about our main character, Moon. Due to his wish, more and more problems occur leaving him with a thirst for more. With the trouble of his past following everywhere he goes. Madness is all in his wake. Astro his god by his side tries to help but can she really? Heaven, Hell, and Earth all will become one. Because of this more races are popping up every day. For example gods and demons but can they be trusted? With the events and his wish make him or break him? And how many will die for him and because of his wish?

DARK_KNITE · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Swallow your Mercy

In hell, Spare starts to train Lumina. Spare says "Why do you want to fight?" Lumina thinks about Angel and how she only used him. He thought he wanted revenge but most importantly he feels alone. He thinks "Only her, she is the only one who makes me feel not alone. I don't even know her name." He was thinking about Lunis.

Spare senses that Lumina is lost in thought. He says "Lumina is what she called ya? Do you want me to call you that?" Lumina's mouth spoke before he could think says "Yes. Call me Lumina." Spare says "Lumina, how are you with a sword?" Spare creates two swords out of thin air. He throws one to Lumina. Lumina doesn't catch it and it hits him in the head.

Lumina says "Ouch! What the hell!" Spare says "Let me see your skills." Lumina is a complete novice with the sword. He doesn't even know how to hold it right. Lumina picks up the sword. After seeing this Spare says "No, no, no hold it like this." Spare shows Lumina how to hold a sword. Spare says "Instinct and desire are what you're missing." Lumina says "I know. Desires are what drives us demons." Spare walks to Lumina and says "What do you dream of?" Lumina says "What are dreams?"

Spare says "Dreams are like goals but only you can do them." Lumina replies with "I don't know." He thinks for a moment and says "How about meeting someone?" Spare eyes widen. Lumina says "I want to meet her again." Spare says "Who?" Lumina doesn't respond. Spare says "Your two goals so far are to get revenge on the Doctor and meet some girl. I will help you no matter what!" Lumina says "Why are you trying to help me so much?" Spare says "It's in my name and nature!" Lumina barely knew him but enjoyed his help nonetheless. Spare felt that Lumina is a child with too few desires and that he needs to help keep them alive.

First thanks for the 50k views! And with that, I have a new goal. Also, I started a Youtube channel called Darkknite. I post-game content and more things on the way. I also stream. I love all the things I do so check me out! Plus I rename my Instagram account.

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