
Tales of Eden

What if the world that you lived in for years suddenly changed? What would you do? How would you feel? This story is about our main character, Moon. Due to his wish, more and more problems occur leaving him with a thirst for more. With the trouble of his past following everywhere he goes. Madness is all in his wake. Astro his god by his side tries to help but can she really? Heaven, Hell, and Earth all will become one. Because of this more races are popping up every day. For example gods and demons but can they be trusted? With the events and his wish make him or break him? And how many will die for him and because of his wish?

DARK_KNITE · Fantasy
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95 Chs


Ms.Ruby asked, "Did you make it yours?" Moon says "Yes I did teach!" She says "That was dangerous never do that again." Moon says "I probably will do it again." Ms.Ruby says "I can't believe you!" The lunch bell leaves and Moon dashes out of there. Moon is laying down on the school roof. Astro and Eclipse bust open the door. Eclipse says "Don't forget about us!" Moon says "Astro just who I wanted to see." Astro says "Why do you want to see me?" Eclipse says "Hello what about me?" Moon says "Not really but since your here, can you pass me my lunch?" Eclipse says "No, say it nicely." Moon says "fine, can you please pass me my lunch?" Eclipse says "Five points but here." Astro and Eclipse walk up to Moon. Eclipse hands Moon his lunch then both the girls sit down. Moon says "Astro can you give me all the information you can about the god slayer Hitori and the seven eyes of Yonder?" Astro eyes widen then she says "How do you know that NAME?" Moon says "Chill, the ring told me a little about it." Astro says "I'm not allowed to tell you anything about that man but I can tell about the about the seven eyes of Yonder since I am the one who gave you it when we met." Moon says "What do mean by that?" Astro says "That was the gift I gave you to help you out. But I little knowledge on it." Moon says "I see then can you also tell me where the god of love's sister at?" Astro says "The seven eyes of Yonder, The red-eye or Eye of Empowerment can improve your body times a number the limit changes on how much you change your body get stronger, The purple eye or Eye of Summoning can teleport anyone to your location or the other way around, also can summon a pet." Moon says "But remember one time I stopped time with the red-eye." Astro says "You was moving faster than time, the toll for that is huge so I blocked you from doing that for the time being." Moon says "Alright that's a lot to take in." Astro says "And about where the god of love's sister at she is at the garden of Eden. I will take you there when your ready if you take me on a date this Sunday!" Moon says "Fine if that's all you want." Eclipse says "No not happening, I will not allow it." Moon says "Why not?" Eclipse says "Because I won't have anyone take your first kiss but me." Astro says "Well too bad Moon." Moon says "I will do anything you want so please." Eclipse says "Then have you to share a bath with me tonight." Moon says "So be it!" Astro says "Are you for real?" Moon says "If I have to but I would rather have one with you." Astro says nothing. Moon thinks to himself "Yeah to her other form because would like to bathe with a flat-chested little girl." Astro slaps Moon and says "PERVERT!" Astro storms away. Moon says "O wait she can read my mind!"