
Tales of Eden

What if the world that you lived in for years suddenly changed? What would you do? How would you feel? This story is about our main character, Moon. Due to his wish, more and more problems occur leaving him with a thirst for more. With the trouble of his past following everywhere he goes. Madness is all in his wake. Astro his god by his side tries to help but can she really? Heaven, Hell, and Earth all will become one. Because of this more races are popping up every day. For example gods and demons but can they be trusted? With the events and his wish make him or break him? And how many will die for him and because of his wish?

DARK_KNITE · Fantasy
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95 Chs


Today is the day of the placement test! Moon laying on his bed sleeping. Moon wakes up to Kata on him. Moon says "Aye puppy dog I have to get up now." Kata half-asleep says "Five more minutes Master." Moon grabs his phone and he sees that it's nine." Moon says "I have to get up now! Sorry puppy doggie I don't want to be late." Moon moves Kata to the side and gets ready for the day. Moon checks all around and sees he is home alone with just Kata. Moon, ready says "Teleport!" Moon is teleported somewhere in a locker room. Moon thinks to himself "Where can I be? I just teleported to Astro's location." Moon looks around and sees girls all in their underwear. To his right, he sees Astro in her underwear. Moon says "Thanks for the treat! Gotta go now!" Moon bolts it out over there. Astro shout "You pervert how dare you!" Moon makes to wear the test is and sits down in the audience area. Some time passes, A teacher walks out. The teacher shouts "First up is Moon vs Cherry!" Moon jumps down from his seat onto the stage. Cherry is standing there saying "You better not waste my time!" Moon says "Chill you big tit cow." Cherry says "Be quiet you dirty animal!" I mean if your skill is as big boobs then I can have a little bit of a challenge." Moon says with a grin on his face. The teacher says " Here are the rules. Anything is allowed just no killing. First battle start!" Cherry dashes in with a slash at Moon but he dodges and says "Not so fast would you." Cherry gets enraged by this and backs up and shoots a green energy beam at him. This causes smoke to appear in his area made from the blast. Cherry starts laughing. She says "I guess this was my win!" Then Moon appears from behind her holding a kunai to her neck. Moon says "Checkmate!" Cherry says "I refuse to lose now." She swipes his leg with hers. Then throws two energy balls at him while dashing back. Moon gets up with not a scratch on him. She says "Let me guess you keep teleporting to dodged me right?" Moon starts laughing. Cherry shouts "What's so funny!" Moon says "I haven teleported at all. That power has a side effect which is I can only use it once per hour. Also, look closely my eye is red. I haven't used any power at all just my kunai." Cherry says "Impossible! I know you did I saw you use it first hand in the girl's locker room." He says "Yeah I used it not to be late cause I was in a bind." You know what I am getting bored. Time to end this! Naka, summon kunais, please." Twelve kunai spawns. He shouts "Go!" The kunai fly her direction. Cherry blasts away three but it's too many for her. Moon says "Stop!" And they stop in the air! He says "My win teach." The teacher shouts "Moon wins this match." Moon walks away and his kunai disappear.

Because I was late double upload this week!

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