
Tales of Eden

What if the world that you lived in for years suddenly changed? What would you do? How would you feel? This story is about our main character, Moon. Due to his wish, more and more problems occur leaving him with a thirst for more. With the trouble of his past following everywhere he goes. Madness is all in his wake. Astro his god by his side tries to help but can she really? Heaven, Hell, and Earth all will become one. Because of this more races are popping up every day. For example gods and demons but can they be trusted? With the events and his wish make him or break him? And how many will die for him and because of his wish?

DARK_KNITE · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Deepest Desire

Eclipse takes Moon to field in the back. Eclipse asks Moon "Why do you fight? Who are you? And what does power mean to you? Most of all, what do you Desire?" Moon says "I fight for my will and dreams and I will destroy anyone who will try to take that away from me! I am who I am! Power means to rule my fate or protect what I want. I desire power over anything."

Eclipse says "Now hold my hand and shape me." Moon grabs her hand. Moon asks "How do I do that." Eclipse says "Feed me your deepest desire or one of your emotions." Moon says "I don't have one." Eclipse says while walking off "come to me when you have one." Astro walks up to Moon looking at the sky. Astro asks boldly "I came to let you know that you will be bathing and sleeping with me." Moon says "Why do I have too." Astro says while being angry "Because you are my prey and to keep you safe!" Moon says "But aren't humans not aloud to see god's body." Astro says while sounding kinda mad "Then your thoughts" Moon says "How about you keep watch for me then."

Astro says "Fine whatever." Moon and Astro leave to the bath. Moon says to Astro while he is in the bath "As a god do you have any desires?" Astro says "My life before only desire was to do my job. Which was to watch over you. Why do you ask?" Moon says "I don't have a deep desire for anything. So I wanted to ask you your opinion on this since we are stuck with each other." Astro says "Your still somewhat human, enjoy your life."

Moon says "Thank you, I think I got it now." Later, Moon meets Eclipse outside and asks "Why did you hide the fact that you are a girl and a demon?" Eclipse says "It was the deal I made to keep your family safe, but that came back to me leaving you with problems, I'm sorry." Moon grabs her hand and says "It's good, I give you my sadness and despair." Eclipse transforms into a katana in his hand. Eclipse says "Give me a name my new master." Moon looks up to the moon and says "Your new form's name will be called Despair Eater."