
Tales of Eden

What if the world that you lived in for years suddenly changed? What would you do? How would you feel? This story is about our main character, Moon. Due to his wish, more and more problems occur leaving him with a thirst for more. With the trouble of his past following everywhere he goes. Madness is all in his wake. Astro his god by his side tries to help but can she really? Heaven, Hell, and Earth all will become one. Because of this more races are popping up every day. For example gods and demons but can they be trusted? With the events and his wish make him or break him? And how many will die for him and because of his wish?

DARK_KNITE · Fantasy
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95 Chs


Moon looks at Aku no and senses a strong presence coming from him. Moon is pinned to the ground. Aku no throws Kata right next to Moon. Aku walks up to Moon then steps on one of his hands. Moon cries out in pain. Astro flies down to the ground and says "You can't kill him or I will have to get involved!" Aku no adds more pressure to Moon's hand and says "Or what I am bored as it is. I wanted a challenge so I tried to make him mad by hurting one of his friends but I might just kill them both. I already killed that woman that was at that place you were living at! After all, I am still bored." Moon's emotions are bubbling up in rage.

Aku no pulls back his hand to use a killing strike on Moon. Eclipse appears out of nowhere and takes the blow to for Moon. Aku no rips out Eclipse's heart and says "What a pity. That is more blood on my hands yet I still don't feel a thing. I guess I will kill your friend that is next to you." Moon desperately crawls to Kata and he lays on her body. He screams out "JUST GO!" A black shadow covers over Moon and takes him.

Moon is put in a black world. Hikari says "Hello big bro! Let me heal you."

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